Agendas, reports and minutes

Highland Council

Date: Thursday, 29 June 2017

Agenda: Read the Supplementary Agenda 1

In relation to the agenda and papers circulated for the above Meeting of the Highland Council, please find below the following report which it was indicated would follow:-


Schools Governance Review Outcome

There is circulated Report No. HC/19/17 by the Director of Care and Learning.

Members are asked to:

  • recommit to working collaboratively with Headteachers to provide them with better opportunities to drive school improvement and reduce unnecessary bureaucracy;
  • agree that the proposals set out by the Scottish Government do nothing to declutter the current arrangements but could introduce new layers of scrutiny and management and confuse responsibility and accountability for the management of schools; and
  • agree to seek to work with Government, including through CoSLA, the Northern Alliance and other forums, to endeavour to influence these proposals in a more positive and constructive direction.

Yours faithfully

Michelle Morris
Depute Chief Executive/Director of Corporate Development