Agendas, reports and minutes

Highland Community Planning Partnership Chief Officers Group

Date: Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Minutes: Read the Minutes

Note of Meeting of the Chief Officers’ Group held in Room 28, Dingwall Academy, Dingwall on Tuesday 20 February 2018 at 2.00 pm.
Representing the Highland Council (HC):

Mr S Barron
Mr B Alexander
Ms A Clark

Representing Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE):
Mr D Oxley

Representing the Highland Third Sector Interface (HTSI):
Ms M Wylie

Representing High Life Highland (HLH):
Mr D Wilby (Substituting)

Representing NHS Highland (NHSH):
Ms E Mead
Mrs J Baird
Ms C Steer

Representing Police Scotland (PS):
Ch Supt G Macdonald

Representing Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS):
Mr R Middlemiss

Representing the Scottish Government (SG):
Dr D Mackinnon

Representing Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH):
Mr G Hogg

Representing Skills Development Scotland (SDS):
Ms S Campbell

Representing University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI):
Mr D MacBeath

Supporting the Chief Officers Group:
Ms E Johnston
Mr P Mascarenhas
In attendance:

Mr I Kyle, Children’s Planning Manager, Highland Council
Miss M Murray, Committee Administrator, Highland Council

Mr S Barron in the Chair

1.    Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Mr G Moir, Mr D Yule, Mr S Black and Mr I Murray.

2.    Chief Officers’ Group – Note of Meeting

The Note of Meeting of the Chief Officers’ Group on 7 November 2017 was APPROVED, subject to the Committee Administrator checking whether the Chief Officer, HTSI, had been in attendance.
3.    Community Planning Board – Minutes and Action Sheet

The draft Minutes and the Action Sheet of the Community Planning Board on 19 December 2017 were NOTED.

In relation to item 9 – Skills Investment/Talent Attraction and Retention – the Chair sought partners’ views on how best to progress the decision that the COG undertake a piece of work on how the CPP could add value to the work being undertaken by CoHI.  It was emphasised that the Board was particularly interested in talent attraction to public sector organisations, particularly Highland Council and NHS Highland, both of which had experienced significant difficulties in recruiting to specific fields and areas of Highland.

The Regional Skills Planning Lead, SDS, summarised the background to the work being undertaken by CoHI and explained that a number of key themes had been identified.  HIE was leading from a talent attraction perspective and SDS was leading on the skills strategy.  Reference was made to the regional Skills Investment Plan and it was explained that it was intended to carry out an exercise, in conjunction with partners, looking at the associated Action Plan and whether it was current and responded to the challenges and opportunities that existed throughout the region.  It was anticipated that an updated Action Plan would be presented to CoHI in October 2018, and it was intended to present it to the CPP in advance to ensure that there was ongoing commitment by partners to the key aims.

Following discussion, particularly in relation to the need to look at talent attraction and retention from the ground up and explore issues such as multi-culturalism, transport, housing, education, care, and upskilling/diversification for rural businesses, the Group AGREED that, working in conjunction with partners, SDS lead the preparation of a report to the COG and Board, taking into account the points raised during discussion and setting out the practical steps that could be taken collaboratively to improve talent attraction and retention for all partner organisations and throughout Highland.
4.    National Developments across Child Protection and Adult Support and Protection – Impact on Chief Officer Group Structure

Ch Supt Macdonald, Police Scotland, provided a verbal update during which it was explained that work was ongoing to identify a cohesive structure, models of good practice having been sought from across the country.  It was anticipated that the proposed structure would be presented to the Community Planning Board on 21 March 2018 for ratification, failing which a verbal update would be provided.  A recent initial case meeting had been a useful experience in terms of reviewing Serious Case Reviews and how they might be delivered going forward.

In relation to the thematic inspection of adult support and protection services, formal feedback was awaited but informal feedback had been positive.

The Group:

i.    NOTED the position; and
ii.    AGREED that information sharing protocols be taken into account as part of the review.
5.    Corporate Parenting

There had been circulated Report No COG/01/18 by the Head of Children’s Services, Highland Council.

Following discussion on the size of the proposed Board, the need to balance the number of professionals with the number of Care Experienced Young People, the role of Elected Members and third sector representatives, the relationship with the CHAMPS Board and other forums, and frequency of meetings, the Group AGREED to support the proposal to the Community Planning Board to establish a Corporate Parenting Board, subject to further work being undertaken to more clearly define the size and composition of the proposed Board, taking into account the suggestion that there be slightly fewer meetings.
6.    English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

The Head of Performance, High Life Highland, provided a verbal update on funding arrangements for ESOL, a programme of language learning for inward migrants that was delivered in Highland by two colleges, High Life Highland and some third sector organisations.  It was explained that the Scottish Government had previously provided funding to CPPs through a specific grant scheme, Highland having received approximately £90k per year.  Changes to the arrangements meant that, in future, funding would go direct to colleges through their credit funding system.  There was still an expectation that community planning partners work together to deliver the programme but there was uncertainty about how that would work on a practical basis.  Work was ongoing to clarify the arrangements and it was hoped to present a formal report to the next meeting.

Following discussion, during which it was confirmed that the changes would take effect from the start of the new academic year, the Group:

i.    NOTED the position; and
ii.    AGREED that a report be presented to the next meeting of the COG.
7.    Overview of Community Justice Plan – Highland

There had been circulated Report No COG/02/18 by the Chair of the Community Justice Partnership.

Discussion took place, particularly in relation to how public sector organisations might help increase employment opportunities for ex-offenders, the need for an all-age all-gender approach to rehabilitation, education provision for offenders and opportunities for youth diversionary activities as part of the SFRS transformation proposals.

Having thanked the Chief Officer, HTSI, and the Community Justice Partnership Manager for their contribution, the Group:

i.    NOTED the proposed overview of the Highland Community Justice Plan for the period 2018-2021, as set out in Appendix 1 of the report; and
ii.    AGREED that it be ascertained whether engagement had taken place with colleges and universities regarding education provision for offenders.
8.    Developing Community Partnerships

The Head of Health Improvement, NHS Highland, and the Acting Head of Policy, Highland Council, provided a verbal update on behalf of the Community Partnerships Subgroup, during which it was explained that, further to the discussions at the previous Board, draft self-evaluation tools had been developed for both Community Partnerships themselves and to peer-review Locality Plans.  The draft tools would be distributed to Community Partnership Chairs for discussion and agreement at the Chairs’ meeting on 21 March 2018.  The meeting was an opportunity to pick up on a number of different areas including peer review, plan development, and the work being undertaken by Mid Ross Community Partnership in conjunction with Inclusion Scotland.

In addition, it was highlighted that the CPP had received a copy of a letter from the Highland Senior Citizens Network (HSCN) to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities raising a number of concerns about the way Community Partnerships were operating in Highland.  Community Partnership Chairs had expressed disappointment that they had not been approached directly and had requested that the CPP respond formally.

Following discussion on the most appropriate means of responding to the HSCN, the Group:

i.    NOTED the update on developing Community Partnerships;
ii.    AGREED that the Acting Head of Policy, Highland Council, the Director of Adult Care, NHS Highland, and the Chief Officer, HTSI, meet with representatives of the Highland Senior Citizens Network to discuss the concerns raised; and
iii.    AGREED that, subsequent to ii. above, a formal letter of response be drafted on behalf of the Chair of the Community Planning Board.
9.    Implementation of the HOIP Action Plan

The Chief Officer, HTSI, provided a verbal update on the Communications and Engagement Group which, it was explained, had met once to date.  However, differing views had been expressed about the direction of the Group and confirmation was sought, and provided, that the purpose remained as originally agreed, namely to develop and execute a strategic Communications and Engagement Plan over the course of the coming year.

The Acting Head of Policy, Highland Council, referred to the thematic day scheduled to take place on 9 March 2018, the purpose of which was to examine existing CPP structures, how they interlinked and whether or not they assisted in delivering the HOIP.  The findings would then feed in to the discussion regarding the COG/Board structure and where the connections between the various partnership structures, including Community Partnerships, lay. It was also necessary to examine the memberships of the various groups.

Following discussion, during which it was suggested that it was also necessary to consider the role of the bodies named in the Community Empowerment legislation that were not currently members of the CPP, the Group:

i.    NOTED the update; and
ii.    AGREED that Ch Supt Macdonald liaise with the Chair of NHS Highland Board regarding the Communications and Engagement Group to ensure consistency of expectation when Police Scotland assumed responsibility for the Community Planning Board from 1 April 2018.
10.    Breakthrough Achievement on Mental Health

Further to discussions at the previous COG and Board, Ch Supt Macdonald, Police Scotland, tabled a paper recommending that, linked to the Year of Young People 2018, partners work collectively and within their respective organisations to tackle the stigma surrounding mental health and support a changing culture to improve outcomes for young people in Highland.  The paper set out a number of potential key outcomes for consideration.

Following discussion on the complexities and challenges associated with addressing suicide prevention and awareness, during which it was suggested that the focus should be on the high-risk group of young adult males and that consideration be given to training public sector staff embedded in communities in mental health first aid, the Group:    

i.    NOTED that NHS Highland was leading on a piece of work relating to a needs assessment for suicide prevention, the outcome of which might aid the discussion;
ii.    NOTED that mental health was the theme of the Highland Third Sector Interface Annual Conference on 25 May 2018, which it was intended would be the opener for a year of conversions with public sector agencies and within the third sector;
iii.    AGREED that the Scottish Government Location Director liaise with the Scottish Government mental health lead to seek an overview of what other areas were doing to address suicide prevention and whether there was any learning that could be applied in Highland;
iv.    AGREED that further work was required to articulate a breakthrough achievement in relation to suicide prevention and that Ch Supt Macdonald work with relevant partners in that regard, taking into account the points raised during discussion, and present an update to the next meeting of the COG; and
v.    AGREED that all partners should endeavour to discuss the issue of suicide prevention/awareness at whatever meetings they might convene in an attempt to tackle the associated stigma.
11.    Future Agenda Items

Community Planning Board – 21 March 2018

The Group AGREED to recommend the following:

  • Developing Community Partnerships
  • National Developments across Child Protection and Adult Support and Protection – Impact on Chief Officer Group Structure
  • Corporate Parenting
  • Community Justice Plan
  • Implementation of HOIP Action Plan
  • SFRS Transformation Proposals    

Chief Officers’ Group – 26 April 2018

The Group AGREED the following:

  • The Participation Measure – report highlighting the issues on which the CPP might focus
  • Supporting more community action and community-run services
  • Accessibility/Transport – feedback from Community Partnerships
  • CivTech: harnessing new technologies to improve public sector services (subject to availability of CivTech chief officer)
  • Review of CPP Structure
  • Skills Investment/Talent Attraction and Retention
  • Update on National Strengthening Communities Conference
  • Green Health Partnership
  • Third Sector Representation
  • Update on proposed Breakthrough Achievement on Mental Health/Consideration of new Breakthrough Achievement    

It was further AGREED that partners be invited to the launch of the Community Justice Plan on the morning of 26 April 2018.
12.    Future Meeting Dates

The Group NOTED that the following meeting dates had been notified for 2018:

Thursday 26 April
Tuesday 4 September
Friday 9 November
13.    Any Other Business

The Scottish Government Location Director had circulated an update on current policy developments/areas of interest including First Minister events; 2018/19 Local Government Finance Settlement; Carers (Scotland) Act 2016; Local Governance Review; Energy Strategy; Consultation on Electoral Reform; and Social Isolation and Loneliness.  If it was found useful, updates would be provided on a regular basis and partners were encouraged to contact the Location Director directly if they had any questions or particular areas of interest.

Having welcomed the update and recognised the challenges in terms of identifying what was relevant at any given time, the Group AGREED:

i.    that it would be helpful to receive regular updates from the Scottish Government Location Team;
ii.    that contact details for the Location Director be included in future update reports; and
iii.    that future updates should have a dedicated slot on the agenda.

Following the conclusion of formal business, thanks were expressed to the Chief Executive, Highland Council, for his chairmanship of the COG over the past 18 months, and to the Director of Adult Care, NHS Highland, who would shortly be retiring, for her contribution to the CPP.

The meeting ended at 3.50 pm.