Agendas, reports and minutes

Ross and Cromarty Committee

Date: Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Agenda: Read the Agenda

A meeting of the Ross and Cromarty Committee will take place in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, High Street, Dingwall, on Tuesday, 25 October 2016, at 10.30 am.

You are invited to attend the meeting and a note of the business to be considered is attached.

Yours faithfully

Michelle Morris
Depute Chief Executive/
Director of Corporate Development

1.  Apologies for Absence

2.  Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting.  Any Member making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest.  Advice may be sought from officers prior to the meeting taking place.

3.  Fire and Rescue Service
Seirbheis Smàlaidh is Teasairginn

There is circulated Report No RC/031/16 dated 13 October 2016 by the Local Senior Officer for Fire and Rescue which provides an update to Committee Members on the progress against the priorities outlined in the Area Committee Plan for Ross and Cromarty 2015 - 2016.  The report also contains previously agreed information and performance as requested by Committee Members.  A copy of the Area Performance Report is circulated separately as Booklet A.

The Committee is invited to comment on and scrutinise the Performance Report.

4.  Development of Local Priorities for Ross and Cromarty 
Leasachadh Phrìomhachasan Ionadail airson Rois agus Chromba

There is circulated Report No RC/032/16 dated 7 October 2016 by the Depute Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Development which provides an update on the local strategic priorities for Ross and Cromarty.

The Committee is invited to consider and agree these draft priorities for Ross and Cromarty.

5.  Business Development: Ross and Cromarty Update 
Leasachadh Gnothachais: Cunntas às Ùr Rois agus Chromba

There is circulated Report No RC/033/16 dated 10 October 2016 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure which updates Members on the performance of the Council’s business development services in Ross and Cromarty.  It summarises the delivery of the Business Gateway over the first two quarters of 2016, and informs Members on progress with Council involvement in local business development activity in Ross and Cromarty during the first two quarters of 2016/17.

The Committee is invited to note Business Development Service performance in Ross and Cromarty for the first half of 2016/17.

6.  Potential to Re-open the Evanton Railway Station 
Comas Stèisean Rèile Bhaile Eòghainn Ath-fhosgladh

There is circulated Report No RC/034/16 dated 6 October 2016 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure presenting the background to railway station re-openings and asking members to provide direction on how they wish the potential infrastructure investment be taken forward with clarity on funding that can be allocated towards an initial pre-STAG Feasibility Study.

The Committee is invited to:

  • note the background information on railway station opening/reopening;
  • consider the questions in section 3.2 of the Report and provide a clear steer for officers as to how they wish this potential infrastructure investment be taken forward; and
  • subject to the outcome of discussion by Committee, clarify any funding that can be allocated towards an initial Pre-STAG Feasibility Study.

7.  Historic Environment Scotland Consultation
Co-chomhairle Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil na h-Alba

There is circulated Report No RC/035/16 dated 13 October 2016 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure which outlines details of a Historic Environment Scotland consultation in relation to Seabank Tank Farm, Invergordon. 

The Committee is invited to agree the response to Historic Environment Scotland, as suggested in Section 3 of the Report. 

8.  Winter Maintenance 
Obair-gleidhidh Geamhraidh

There is circulated Report No RC/036/16 dated 29 September 2016 by the Director of Community Services providing Members with information on winter maintenance preparations and arrangements for the 2016/17 winter period.

The Committee is invited to approve the Winter Maintenance Plans for Ross and Cromarty, which includes the priority road lists and maps presented in Appendix B and C.

9.  Education Scotland Report
Sgrùdaidhean le Foghlam Alba

There is circulated Report No RC/037/16 dated 7 September 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning which provides details of Education Scotland’s report of Kyleakin Primary School and Nursery Class of 10 May 2016.

The Committee is invited to scrutinise and monitor the Education Scotland report on Kyleakin Primary School and Nursery Class.

10.  Common Good Funds 
Maoin Maith Choitchinn

There are circulated Reports Nos RC/038/16 – RC/042/16 dated 5, 10, 12 and 13 October 2016 by the Depute Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Development and Director of Finance and which provides information on the following Common Good Funds:-

  1. Cromarty Common Good Fund RC/038/16 
  2. Dingwall Common Good Fund RC/039/16
  3. Fortrose and Rosemarkie Common Good Fund RC/040/16 
  4. Invergordon Common Good Fund RC/041/16 
  5. Tain Common Good Fund RC/042/16 

The Committee is invited to note the updated information provided in relation to each Fund and:

Dingwall Common Good:

  1. approve the increase in funding for improvements in Pefferside Park.

Fortrose and Rosemarkie Common Good Fund:

  1. approve an increase in budget for Grants and Safeguarding of Common Good Assets;

Tain Common Good Fund:

  1. agree that the decision on the bids received for the lease of the fishery, with or without an option to lease the boat, be delegated to the Director of  Development and Infrastructure in consultation with the Area Chair and Ward Members; and
  2. agree that the decision as to whether or not the mussel boat should be repaired and an MCA inspection requested be delegated to the Director of Development and Infrastructure in consultation with the Area Chair and Ward Members.

11.  Minutes 

There are circulated for noting Minutes of the Ross and Cromarty Committee held on 3 August 2016, which were approved by the Council on 8 September 2016.