Agendas, reports and minutes

Highland Community Planning Partnership Chief Officers Group

Date: Thursday, 26 April 2018

Agenda: Read the Agenda

2.00 pm on Thursday 26 April 2018
Function Room, Highland Rugby Club Clubhouse, Canal Park, Inverness

1.    Apologies for Absence

2.    Chief Officers’ Group – Note of Meeting

There is circulated for approval Note of Meeting of the Chief Officers’ Group held on 20 February 2018.

3.    Community Planning Board – Minutes and Action Sheet

The draft Minutes and the Action Sheet of the Community Planning Board held on 21 March 2018 are circulated for comment.
4.    Update on National Strengthening Communities Conference – 21/22 September 2017

There is circulated Report No COG/03/18 which will be accompanied by a presentation by the Head of Community Growth, HIE.

The Group is asked to note the report and presentation, and that the National Strengthening Communities Conference was well received by those in attendance.
5.    Skills Investment/Talent Attraction and Retention

The Regional Skills Planning Lead, Skills Development Scotland, will provide a verbal update.  The latest papers on the work strands being undertaken on behalf of the Convention of the Highlands and Islands are circulated for information.

6.     Annual Participation Measure (16-19 years) – SIMD Analysis

There is circulated Report No COG/04/18 by the Head of Operations, North Region, Skills Development Scotland.

The Group is asked to:

i.    note the report and the narrowing of the participation gap in Highland; and
ii.    agree that the analysis be used in discussion within relevant Community Partnerships for LOIP actions.
7.    Proposed Highland Public Protection Chief Officer Structure

There is circulated Report No COG/05/18 by Detective Chief Inspector McLaughlin, Police Scotland.

The Group is asked to consider:

i.    the proposal to review and realign the current Chief Officer Group structures within the Community Planning Partnership model to a Highland/Safer Highland Public Protection Chief Officer group model as described; and
ii.    development of the wider Community Planning Partnership structure as it relates to this proposal (see proposed structure diagram at Appendix 2 of the report).
8.    Review of CPP Structure

There is circulated Report No COG/06/18 on behalf of the HOIP Subgroup.

The Group is asked to:

i.    note the work to date to review CPP structures;
ii.    discuss the proposals for the future arrangements for the existing CPP thematic groups;
iii.    discuss and agree the proposed delivery structure for the HOIP; and 
iv.    agree proposals for delivery of the HOIP to take to the June meeting of the CPP Board including:

  • the agreed delivery group structure;
  • a proposed group remit; and
  • the leadership arrangements for the delivery groups.

9.    Third Sector Representation Pathway

There is circulated Report No COG/07/18 by the Chief Officer, Highland Third Sector Interface.

The Group is asked to consider the proposal outlined in the report and give specific consideration to the following points:

i.    Does the proposal create a productive structure for formalising the process of Third Sector Representation in Highland?
ii.    Are COG members supportive of the approach and would support a ‘stand down’ of representatives currently involved in, or would be involved in, the HOIP thematic structures in October 2018?
iii.    Would COG members help HTSI to identify the current ‘representatives’ within the relevant structures and support their understanding of the process?
iv.    Would COG members be willing to recommend the model for adoption to the Community Planning Board at its next meeting?
10.    Future Resourcing of Community Partnerships

There is circulated Report No COG/08/18 on behalf of the Community Partnerships Subgroup.

The Group is asked to:

i.    consider and discuss the issues raised at the Board and then following at the Community Partnership Chairs’ meeting regarding resourcing of Community Partnerships; and
ii.    note the work agreed to be undertaken by Community Partnerships  to identify resourcing requirements.
11.    Update on proposed Breakthrough Achievement on Mental Health/Consideration of new Breakthrough Achievement

Ch Supt Macdonald, Police Scotland, will provide an update on the proposed breakthrough achievement on mental health/suicide prevention.

The Group is also asked to suggest other potential areas for a breakthrough achievement.
12.    Green Health Partnership

The Head of Health Improvement, NHS Highland, will provide a verbal update.
13.    CPP response to the Scottish Government consultation on “A Connected Scotland” - a draft strategy to tackle social isolation and loneliness

There is circulated Report No COG/09/18 by the Head of Health Improvement, NHS Highland.

The Group is asked to approve the CPP response to the Scottish Government consultation on “A Connected Scotland” - a draft strategy to tackle social isolation and loneliness.
14.    Update by Scottish Government Location Director

There is circulated, for discussion, an update by the Scottish Government Location Director.
15.    Plastics and the Environment

The Unit Manager – South Highland, SNH, will give a presentation.
16.    Future Agenda Items

Community Planning Board – items proposed for 21 June 2018

  • Developing Community Partnerships – Updates from Chairs and Chief Officers’ Group

The Group is asked to confirm which of the items discussed will be proceeding to the Board.
Chief Officers’ Group – items proposed for 4 September 2018

  • CivTech: harnessing new technologies to improve public sector services (George Hogg)
  • Supporting more community action and community-run services (Community Action Subgroup)
  • WheelNess – large-scale Inverness-based project, funded by Cycling UK
  • Visit Scotland – presentation by Regional Partnerships Director
  • Regional Skills Assessment (Seonag Campbell)