Agendas, reports and minutes

Highland Council

Date: Thursday, 6 September 2018

Minutes: Read the Minutes (Items 19-24)

19. Review of Standing Orders Relating to the Conduct of Meetings 
Ath-sgrùdadh air Òrdughan Seasmhach a’ Buntainn ri Stiùireadh Choinneamhan      

There had been circulated Report No. HC/35/18 dated 28 August 2018 by the Head of Corporate Governance.

Prior to debate the Convener highlighted an error to Members and clarified that, in terms of proposed amendments to Standing Orders (SO) detailed in the Appendix to the report, referring in particular to SO 11 and 12, there would be no limit to the number of questions allowed for each Council meeting but the intention was for Motions to be restricted to 5.

During discussion, Members raised the following issues:-

  • referring also to the videoconferencing protocol, it was acknowledged that Members could be called away on Council business.  However, it was important that if they were tabling a Motion or expecting to ask a Supplementary Question, they should either be present at the meeting or make use of the Council’s videoconferencing facilities, a view with which Members concurred; 
  • it was suggested that consideration should be given to limiting the length of introductions to reports, bearing in mind that Members will have read their papers; and
  • although the recording of Members’ attendance at meetings both in the morning and afternoon was welcomed, there were some concerns highlighted in relation to a number of other changes and for which alternatives were suggested.

In terms of Standing Order 32.3 the Council AGREED that the following votes on proposed changes, being taken individually, be by a show of hands.

a. SO 11

As a MOTION, Ms M Smith, seconded by Dr I Cockburn, moved that the restriction limiting a Member only being able to submit only one written, relevant and competent question to the Leader of the Council, Depute Leader of the Council or Chair of a Committee, for consideration at an ordinary meeting of the Council – be removed.

As an AMENDMENT, the Convener, seconded by Mrs M Davidson, moved the proposed change to the Standing Order as detailed in the report.

On a vote being taken, the MOTION received 23 votes and the AMENDMENT received 21 votes, and the MOTION was therefore CARRIED.

b. SO 12

As a MOTION, Ms M Smith, seconded by Dr I Cockburn, moved that the restriction limiting the number of Motions to 5 - be removed.
As an AMENDMENT, the Convener, seconded by Mrs M Davidson, moved the number of Motions be restricted to 5, as per the Convener’s introductory remarks concerning the proposed change to the Standing Orders.

On a vote being taken, the MOTION received 17 votes and the AMENDMENT received 31votes, and the AMENDMENT was therefore CARRIED.

c. SO 12 contd

As a MOTION, Ms M Smith, seconded by Dr I Cockburn, moved that the requirement for Members to speak at the meeting in accordance with the order of the signatures on the Notice of Motion be removed.  

As an AMENDMENT, the Convener, seconded by Mrs M Davidson, moved the Standing Order as it related to the order of speeches as detailed in the report.

On a vote being taken, the MOTION received 23 votes and the AMENDMENT received 25 votes, and the AMENDMENT was therefore CARRIED.

d. SO12 contd

As a MOTION, Ms M Smith, seconded by Dr I Cockburn, moved that the Head of Corporate Governance alone should rule on issues of competency of Motions.  

As an AMENDMENT, the Convener, seconded by Mrs M Davidson, moved the Standing Order insofar as the Convener, in conjunction with the Head of Corporate Governance would rule on issues of competency.

On a vote being taken, the MOTION received 25 votes and the AMENDMENT received 22 votes, and the MOTION was therefore CARRIED.

e. SO19

As a MOTION, Ms M Smith, seconded by Dr I Cockburn, moved that a Member moving a Motion or Amendment will not speak for more than 10 minutes (as opposed to the suggested 5).

As an AMENDMENT, the Convener, seconded by Mrs M Davidson, moved the proposed changes to the Standing Order as detailed in the report.

On a vote being taken, the MOTION received 23 votes and the AMENDMENT received 28 votes, and the AMENDMENT was therefore CARRIED.


The Council AGREED the proposed amendments to Standing Orders as detailed in the report subject to the following changes:-

  • the status quo should be retained in relation to Questions i.e. there should be no limit on the number of questions which a Member could submit to a meeting;
  • the number of Notices of Motion should be restricted to 5 for any meeting in future; 
  • issues of competency in relation to Notices of Motion should be determined by the Head of Corporate Governance; and
  • in future, Supplementary Questions or the tabling of  a Motion for Council would only be dealt with from Members either in the Chamber or on video-conference.

20. Review of the Scheme of Delegation and Administration to Committees and Sub Committees and to Officers  
Ath-sgrùdadh air an Sgeama Thiomnaidh agus Rianachd do Chomataidhean agus Fo-Chomataidhean agus do dh’Oifigearan

There had been circulated Report No. HC/36/18 dated 21 August 2018 by the Head of Corporate Governance.


The Council AGREED the proposed amendments to the Scheme of Delegation as detailed in the report.

21. Review of Webcasting and Videoconferencing Protocol
Ath-sgrùdadh air Pròtacalan Craoladh-lìn agus Cho-labhairtean Bhidio 

There had been circulated Report No. HC/37/18 dated 21 August 2018 by the Head of Corporate Governance.


Following the discussion which had taken place earlier in the meeting, the Council AGREED:- 

i.    incorporating the decision reached under Item 19, the proposed amendments to the Videoconferencing Protocol as detailed in the report; and
ii.   that there was no requirement for any further change to the Webcasting Protocol at this time.

22. Timetable of Meetings for 2019   
Clàr-ama Choinneamhan airson 2019

There had been circulated Proposed Timetable of Meetings for 2019 for approval.


The Council AGREED the proposed Timetable for Meetings in 2019.                                    

23. National Scale Planning Application – Auchteraw Substation
Iarrtas Dealbhaidh Sgèile Nàiseanta – Fo-stèisean Uachdarath

It was NOTED that the following and forthcoming National Scale Planning Application would required to be determined by the full Council – 

Application Ref/Applicant: 18/00760/FUL/Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks;

Description: Extend Substation, creation of two platforms in phases, for gas insulated substation buildings, plant, access tracks, associated landscaping and other ancillary equipment;

Location: Land 325M SW of Whitebridge Cottage, Auchteraw, Fort Augustus;

Ward 12 – Aird and Loch Ness.


The Council AGREED that a Site Visit would not be necessary in advance of determination of the above application by the full Council on the basis that drone footage would be used as an alternative. 

24. Deeds Executed
Sgrìobhainnean Lagha a Bhuilicheadh

It was NOTED that a list of deeds and other documents executed on behalf of the Council since the meeting held on 28 June 2018 was available in the Members’ Library and on the Council’s Website.

The meeting ended at 5.35pm.