Agendas, reports and minutes

Highland Community Planning Partnership Chief Officers Group

Date: Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Agenda: Read the Agenda

2.00 pm – 5.00 pm on Wednesday 23 January 2019
Room 0.01, An Lòchran, 10 Inverness Campus, Inverness

1.    Apologies for Absence

2.    Note of previous Meeting

There is circulated for approval Note of Meeting of the Chief Officers’ Group held on 9 November 2018.

3.    Matters Arising

i.    Community Learning and Development Inspection

There is circulated Report No COG/01/19 by the Interim Director of Care and Learning, Highland Council.

The Group is asked to consider the improvement priorities identified by Education Scotland as set out in Appendix 1 of the report and agree the next steps to develop an action plan with Community Partnerships in a process led by the Community Learning, Development and Engagement Group which will be reported to the Council’s Care, Learning and Housing Committee at its meeting scheduled for 14 March and the CPP Board at its meeting scheduled for 21 March 2019.

ii.    Community Asset Reviews

The Community and Democratic Engagement Manager, Highland Council, will provide a verbal update.

4.    Draft Highland Dementia Strategy 2018 - 2022

There is circulated Report No COG/02/19 on behalf of the Dementia Strategy Multi-Agency Working Group.

The Group is asked to consider the following:

i.    Are the proposed outcomes a relevant translation of the National Dementia Strategy?
ii.    Are there specific actions or activities which your organisations are already undertaking which should form part of the next stage for action planning?
iii.    Is the Chief Officers Group willing to support the general direction of travel with the Highland Dementia Strategy?

5.    Talent Attraction and Retention: i) Update on the work being led by HIE; and ii) Presentation on the role of creativity and culture in regeneration and talent attraction/retention in Highland

The Director of Business and Sector Development, HIE, will provide a verbal update on the work being led by HIE.

There will then be a presentation, introduced by the Chief Executive, High Life Highland, by the lead officers for the Creative Academy, Eden Court Theatre and Inverness Castle.

6.    Impacts on Highland of the vote to leave the European Union

There is circulated Report No COG/03/19 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure, Highland Council.

The Group is asked to note the work currently underway in Highland in relation to the UK’s exit from the European Union and agree any actions required by the Community Planning Partnership.

7.    Highland Outcome Improvement Plan (HOIP) Delivery Group Updates

Verbal updates will be provided by the HOIP Delivery Group leads.

8.    Local Governance Review

There is circulated Report No COG/04/19 by the Acting Head of Policy, Highland Council, on behalf of the Local Governance Review Working Group.

The Group is asked to:

i.    discuss and agree the draft response to the Local Governance Review as set out in Appendix 1 of the report; and 
ii.    note the response will be circulated to Board Members for final comments, with the final response being agreed in conjunction with the CPP Board Chair.

9.    Supporting Syrian Refugees into Employment

There is circulated Report No COG/04/19 on behalf of the Syrian Refugee Resettlement Strategic Partnership.

The Group is asked to make a firm commitment to ensuring that all Syrian adults currently actively seeking employment in Highland are provided with an employment opportunity or appropriate work-related activity during 2019.

10.    CPP Best Value Self-Assessment

The Corporate Audit and Performance Manager, Highland Council, will provide verbal feedback on the results of the recent survey.

11.    Minutes of Community Planning Board

The draft Minutes of the Community Planning Board held on 19 December 2018 are circulated for comment.

12.    Future Agenda Items

Community Planning Board – items proposed for 21 March 2019

  • Developing Community Partnerships – i) Updates from Chairs; and ii) Update from Chief Officers’ Group
  • Update on the work being led by HIE in relation to talent attraction/retention (Charlotte Wright)
  • Community Asset Reviews (Pablo Mascarenhas)

    The Group is asked to confirm which of the items on this agenda will be proceeding to the Board.

Chief Officers Group – items proposed for May 2019

  • CivTech: harnessing new technologies to improve public sector services (George Hogg)
  • Foundation Apprenticeships (Seonag Campbell)
  • Property and Assets:
    i) Community Asset Reviews Update (Pablo Mascarenhas)
    ii) Highland Public Sector Property Group Update (Graham Bull)