Agendas, reports and minutes

Ross and Cromarty Committee

Date: Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Agenda: Read the Agenda

A meeting of the Ross and Cromarty Committee will take place in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, High Street, Dingwall, on Wednesday, 30 January 2019, at 10.30 am.

You are invited to attend the meeting and a note of the business to be considered is attached.

Yours faithfully

Stewart Fraser
Head of Corporate Governance

1.  Apologies for Absence

2.  Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting.  Any Member making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest.  Advice may be sought from officers prior to the meeting taking place.

3.  Minutes

There are circulated for noting Minutes of the Ross and Cromarty Committee held on 1 November 2018, which were approved by the Council on 13 December 2018.

4.  Police – Area Performance Summary 
Geàrr-chunntas Dèanadais Sgìreil

There is circulated Report No RC/001/19 dated 16 January 2019 by the North Area Commander.

The Committee is invited to note:

  1. progress made against the objectives set within the Highland and Islands Local Policing Plan 2017-2020 Year 2, attached as Annex A to this report, for the period covering 1 April 2018 - 31 December 2018.

5.  Wider Tourism including NC500
Turasachd san Fharsaingeachd a’ gabhail a-steach NC500

There will be a presentation by Colin Simpson, Principal Tourism and Film Officer. 

The Committee is invited to note the presentation.

6.  Area Priorities 
Prìomhachasan Sgìreil

There is circulated Report No RC/002/19 dated 21 January 2019 by the Acting Head of Policy. 

The Committee is invited to: 

  1. Scrutinise and note the actions and outcomes that have been achieved in relation to the Area Priorities as set out in Appendix 1.

7.  Update on the Inverness and Highland City-Region Deal 
Cunntas às Ùr mu Chùmhnant Baile-Roinne Inbhir Nis agus na Gàidhealtachd

There is circulated Report No RC/003/19 dated 15 January 2019 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure. 

The Committee is invited to note the report. 

8.  Roads Maintenance Programme 2019/20 
Prògram Càradh Rathaidean 2019/20

There is circulated Report No RC/004/19 dated 14 January 2019 by the Director of Community Services.

The Committee is invited to approve the proposed 2019/20 Roads Maintenance Programme for Ross and Cromarty.

9.  Development Infrastructure Dingwall 
Bun-structar Leasachaidh Inbhir Pheofharain

There is circulated Report No RC/005/19 dated 11 January 2019 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure.

The Committee is invited to:-

  1. Note that full delivery of the housing allocations contained in the IMFLDP of c470 additional residential homes is still predicated on the delivery of KLR,
  2. approve the updated threshold for the delivery of housing development in advance of the KLR to allow construction of 150 additional houses, subject to the actions set out in sub paragraph iii;
  3. agree the actions for mitigating the transport impacts of developments in Dingwall, as detailed in section 5 of this report, including:-
    1. short term improvements to key junctions including early delivery of schemes (see section 5A);
    2. Traffic management measures (see section 5B); and
    3. Active travel infrastructure requirements (see section 5C);
  4. approve the early delivery of the junction improvements identified in paragraph 5.1 at Bridgend Avenue Junction (see figure 1) and Dochcarty Road Junction (see figure 2), and the traffic signal works at Mart Road Junction identified in paragraph 5.2;
  5. agree for the contents of this report to become a material consideration for relevant planning applications and pre-application advice noting that this represents an update to development requirements set out in pages 75-79 of the IMFLDP;
  6. Note that detailed consideration of development and associated mitigation measures will be undertaken as planning applications are submitted – informed by this report and the associated transport study, (which shall be made public) and taking account of any implemented traffic mitigation measures; and
  7. Agree that by investing in the above infrastructure improvements the Council is enabling future housing development and will therefore seek reasonable and proportionate developer contributions from these developments towards their funding including developments approved after the construction of infrastructure improvements.

10.    West Highland and Islands Amended Core Paths Plan, Wester Ross and  Lochalsh Areas
Plana Phrìomh Cheuman Atharraichte na Gàidhealtachd an Iar agus nan Eilean, Sgìrean Rois an Iar agus Loch Aillse

There is circulated Report No RC/006/19 dated 16 January 2019 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure.

The Committee is invited to approve the Wester Ross and Lochalsh areas of the West Highland and Islands Amended Core Path Plan to be published for formal consultation.

11.  Education Scotland Reports 
Sgrùdaidhean le Foghlam Alba

There is circulated Report No RC/007/19 dated 19 January 2019 by the Interim Director of Care and Learning.

The Committee is invited to note the content of the report.

12.  Educational Trusts 
Urrasan Foghlaim

There is circulated Report No RC/008/19 dated 30 January 2019 by the Interim Director of Care and Learning. 

Members are asked to:

  • approve an increase of carry forward funding from £1000 to £5000 in order to allow the granting of funds at the end of the academic session for school prizes and bursaries.

13.    Common Good Funds
Maoin Maith Choitchinn

There are circulated Reports Nos RC/009/19 – RC/013/19 dated 18 January 2019 by the Depute Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Resources and Acting Head of Policy which provide information on the following Common Good Funds:-

  1. Cromarty Common Good Fund RC/009/19 
  2. Dingwall Common Good Fund RC/010/19 
  3. Fortrose and Rosemarkie Common Good Fund RC/011/19 
  4. Invergordon Common Good Fund RC/012/19 
  5. Tain Common Good Fund RC/013/19 

The Committee is asked to:

  1. scrutinise and note the Quarter 3 monitoring statement for the Common Good Funds and to consider and approve the proposed 2019/20 budget for the funds as shown in Appendix 2 of each report;
  2. agree for the Tain Common Good Fund that the Market Street stall lease with Ross-shire CAB be continued for a further 5 year period on current terms which include a rental of less than market value;
  3. delegate a decision for the Tain Common Good Fund re the potential use of grazing land for solar panels to the Acting Head of Policy in consultation with the Area Chair and Local Members.