Agendas, reports and minutes

Highland Community Planning Partnership Chief Officers Group

Date: Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Minutes: Read the Minutes

Note of Meeting of the Chief Officers’ Group held in Committee Room 2, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness on Wednesday 15 May 2019 at 2.00 pm.
Representing the Cairngorms National Park Authority (CNPA):
Mr D Cameron (Substitute)

Representing the Highland Council (HC):
Mr S Black
Ms A Clark

Representing Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE):
Mr J Gibbs

Representing High Life Highland (HLH):
Mr I Murray

Representing NHS Highland (NHSH):
Mr I Stewart
Ms H Sikora (Substitute)

Representing Police Scotland (PS):
Ch Supt G Macdonald

Representing Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS):
Mr R Middlemiss

Representing Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH):
Mr G Hogg

Representing Skills Development Scotland (SDS):
Ms S Campbell

Representing the Community Justice Partnership (CJP):
Mr D Wilson

Supporting the Chief Officers Group:
Ms E Johnston
Mr P Mascarenhas
In attendance:

Mr G Bull, Corporate Property Asset Manager, Highland Council
Mr I Kyle, Depute Chair, Community Learning, Development and Engagement HOIP Delivery Group
Supt P MacRae, Police Scotland
Mr S Sheridan, Regional Skills Planning Manager, SDS
Miss M Murray, Committee Administrator, Highland Council

Also in attendance:

Ms B Mills, Challenge Sponsor Manager, CivTech

Mr J Gibbs in the Chair


1.    Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Mr G Moir, Ms D Manson, Ms S Campbell, Mr D Oxley, Prof H van Woerden, Ms C Steer, Dr D Mackinnon and Mr D MacBeath.
2.    Note of previous Meeting

The Note of the Chief Officers Group held on 8 March 2019 was APPROVED.
3.    CivTech: Harnessing new technologies to improve public sector services

Ms B Mills, Challenge Sponsor Manager, gave a presentation on CivTech, a Scottish Government programme, the aim of which was to drive innovation in the public sector by collaboratively solving challenges that made people’s lives better.  Detailed information was provided on the approach to solving challenges and the range of Challenge Sponsors, and examples of specific challenges were provided.

Following discussion, during which information was sought, and provided, on funding, timescales and specific types of challenges, the Group:

i.    NOTED the presentation, and the potential to utilise the CivTech approach to address community planning issues; and
ii.    AGREED that the presentation and a link to the CivTech wiki page be circulated to partners for information.
4.    Update on identification of Community Learning and Development (CLD) leads

Further to discussions at the COG on 23 January 2019, the Children’s Planning Manager, Highland Council, provided a verbal update on the identification of CLD leads, during which it was explained that there were still vacancies in four of the nine Community Partnerships, namely, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey, Inverness, and Skye, Lochalsh and West Ross.  There was also a vacancy in Caithness, albeit the Sutherland CLD lead was providing cover on an interim basis.  He spoke to the difficulties in identifying CLD leads across the range of partner agencies and sought the support of the COG in finding a solution.  It was emphasised that where CLD leads were in place they were having a significant impact in terms of establishing CLD networks and supporting Community Partnerships with self-evaluation of locality plans.

Detailed discussion took place on the issues surrounding the identification of CLD leads, during which it was suggested that it was necessary to explore alternative models such as a core CLD group to deliver CLD on behalf of all Community Partnerships.

The Group AGREED that alternative models be explored with partners and that an options paper be presented to the next meeting of the COG for consideration.
5.    Community Partnerships Update – Resourcing and Partnership Arrangements

There had been circulated Report No COG/06/19 on behalf of the Community Partnerships Subgroup.

In addition, statutory partners provided verbal updates on the resources that could be made available to support Community Partnerships.

Detailed discussion ensued on the practicalities of the proposed partnership hub resourcing model and the options for partnership arrangements set out in the report.  In relation to partnership arrangements, it was suggested that there was merit in a third option, namely, maintaining the existing arrangements in respect of the partnerships that were doing well and revisiting the remaining partnerships to establish which partners were best placed to lead and stimulate them.  With regard to resourcing, it was suggested that each partnership should be supported by the lead agency, facilitated by the relevant COG representative(s).

Following further discussion, during which previous discussions and decisions were reiterated and the need to support Community Partnerships on an equitable basis and define the resources available to them was emphasised, the Group:

i.    NOTED the summary from the meeting of strategic partners on resourcing, and the verbal updates from individual partners on the resources that could be made available to support Community Partnerships; and
ii.    AGREED that a further meeting of statutory partners take place no later than mid June to discuss the arrangements for leading and resourcing Community Partnerships and agree a recommendation to the Board on 20 June 2019.
6.    Preparations for/impact of leaving the European Union

Ch Supt Macdonald provided a brief verbal update from a Police Scotland perspective, explaining that resilience planning was on hold until the next steps became clearer.

Similarly, other partners confirmed that their preparations for exiting the European Union were on hold.  However, there was some work being undertaken on what agricultural land management support might look like in the future and the recruitment challenges being faced by both the private and public sector.

There had been circulated the Executive Summary of a report to the Highlands and Islands Agriculture Support Group in May 2018, “Post-Brexit Implications for Agriculture and Associated Land Use in the Highlands and Islands”.  The full report had been circulated separately for information/reference.

The Director of Development and Infrastructure, Highland Council, explained that the report was important in terms of the potential impact of leaving the European Union on rural communities and he drew particular attention to paragraph S6 of the Executive Summary which related to community viability.  However, the report also touched on some ways forward and officers continued to work with the government on how policy might change.  The Council, HIE and SNH were key partners but the report had wider implications for all public sector bodies.

Following discussion, the Group NOTED the verbal updates and the Executive Summary that had been circulated.
7.    Property and Assets

i.    Community Asset Reviews Update

The Community and Democratic Engagement Manager, Highland Council, provided a verbal update during which he reminded partners that it had been agreed that the initial focus of the Community Asset Review approach would be in Caithness and Skye.  Discussions had commenced and it was intended to plug into events in those areas in advance of the summer holidays.

He went on to explain that significant savings measures over the next three years would have an impact on all types of property held by the Council.  From a community planning perspective, as well as looking at property in terms of type, it was necessary to have an understanding of place, and that each place in Highland had different needs and would require different solutions.  In addition, there were challenges in relation to communities that needed specific types of assets but perhaps did not have the capacity to engage and take them on.

Finally, in terms of partner provision, he emphasised the need to explore opportunities for colocation of services and reduce the number of venues.

Following discussion on colocation, the Group NOTED the update and the potential to utilise the CivTech approach to address the barriers that existed in terms of technology.

ii.    Highland Public Sector Property Group – Annual Report 2018/19

The Highland Public Sector Property Group (HPSPG) Annual Report 2018/19 had been circulated for discussion.  The HPSPG contact list had also been circulated.

The Council’s Corporate Property Asset Manager, outgoing Chair of the HPSPG, highlighted that attendance by some core members of the group had been low and suggested that partners review the contact list to ensure that the named representatives were best placed to represent their organisations.  In addition, it was explained that the group did not currently have a Chair, the background to which was summarised, and guidance was sought from partners as to an appropriate way forward.

Following detailed discussion on the issues raised, during which the value of the HPSPG was recognised and the need for leadership in terms of ensuring that representatives attended and supported the group was emphasised, the Group:

i.    NOTED the HPSPG Annual Report 2018/19; and
ii.    AGREED that statutory partners discuss the issues raised at the meeting to be convened in relation to item 5 and agree a sustainable way forward.
8.    The Historic Environment Skills Investment Plan

The Regional Skills Planning Manager, SDS, gave a presentation on the Historic Environment Skills Investment Plan (SIP) which had been launched in March 2019 by the Cabinet Secretary for Tourism and Culture.  Detailed information was provided on the reasons behind the new SIP; key drivers of change identified within the sector; key messages from existing strategies; supply and demand; and priority themes and key actions.

Following discussion, during which the need to promote the opportunities that existed within the historic environment sector as widely as possible was recognised, the Group NOTED the presentation.
9.    Update on Breakthrough Achievement on Suicide Prevention

There had been circulated Report No COG/07/19 by the Head of Health Improvement and the Health Improvement Specialist, Public Health, NHS Highland, on behalf of Ch Supt Macdonald, Police Scotland.

Following discussion, particularly on the wider mental health training and activity taking place in partner organisations and how to reach out to older children/young adults, the Group:

i.    NOTED progress with the breakthrough achievement on suicide prevention;
ii.    NOTED that wider issues in relation to mental health and wellbeing were a matter for the associated Highland Outcome Improvement Plan Delivery Group;
iii.    AGREED to support ongoing Suicide Intervention and Prevention Programme (SIPP) training delivered by partnership staff to public and third sector organisations in Highland, and extending the CPP offer of SIPP training to businesses and communities;
iv.    AGREED, in relation to extending SIPP training to business and communities, that consideration be given to a targeted approach;
v.    AGREED that the forthcoming SIPP training dates be recirculated and that partners encourage staff within their organisations to attend;
vi.    AGREED to re-publicise the suicide prevention app on partners’ social media channels and that consideration be given to providing awareness-raising sessions at team meetings; and
vii.    AGREED that, in terms of reporting, it would be helpful to capture the wider mental health training and activity taking place across partner organisations.
10.    Minutes of Community Planning Board

The draft Minutes of the Community Planning Board held on 21 March 2019 were NOTED.

In relation to item 3 – Talent Attraction and Retention – the Regional Skills Planning Lead (North), SDS, emphasised the importance of SDS being included in any proposal to establish a taskforce.  It was added that she had raised the issue of SDS representation on the Community Planning Board within the organisation, the previous representative’s term on the SDS Board having come to an end.

The Group AGREED that the Chair would liaise with the Head of Universities, Education and Skills, HIE, to ensure that SDS was included in any proposal to establish a taskforce. 

In relation to items 6 and 7 - Highland Outcome Improvement Plan: Interim Performance Report and Best Value Assurance Report (BVAR) of Highland Council – the Corporate Audit and Performance Manager, Highland Council, highlighted that both reports were with the external auditors for the Council’s BVAR and positive feedback had already been received in respect of the Interim Performance Report.

She reminded partners that external assessment of the CPP was being carried out as part of the Council’s BVAR and auditors would be in attendance at the June Board.  In addition, several senior officers would be interviewed.  It was emphasised that whilst it was the Council’s BVAR, all statutory partners were in the frame for scrutiny in terms of delivering on their statutory duty in respect of community planning.

The Group NOTED the position.
11.    Future Agenda Items

The Group AGREED the following:

Community Planning Board – items proposed for 20 June 2019

  • Developing Community Partnerships (standing item): i) Updates from Chairs; and ii) Update from Chief Officers Group, including Community Partnership Resourcing and Partnership Arrangements
  • Update on preparations for/impact of leaving the European Union (standing item)
  • Community Asset Reviews (standing item)
  • Employability of those with an offending history, including consideration of potential breakthrough achievement
  • The Historic Environment Skills Investment Plan
  • Update on Breakthrough Achievement on Suicide Prevention

Chief Officers Group – items proposed for 11 September 2019

  • Update on preparations for/impact of leaving the European Union (standing item)
  • Community Asset Reviews (standing item)
  • Community Justice Partnership Annual Report
  • Review of Community Justice Partnership
  • Lets Get On With It Together (LGOWIT) Partnership – presentation, overview report and consideration of potential breakthrough achievement

In relation to the refresh of the Highlands and Islands Skills Investment Plan and the Rural Skills Action Plan, the Regional Skills Planning Lead (North), SDS, highlighted that it was unlikely she would be in a position to present it to the September COG as it was being launched at CoHI in October 2019.

The Group NOTED the position.
12.    Any Other Business

The Regional Skills Planning Lead (North), SDS, highlighted that SDS produced Regional Skills Assessments on an annual basis, as well as disaggregated reports for North Highland, West Highland, and Inverness and Central Highland.  The data had been forwarded to the Committee Administrator for distribution to partners.

Ch Supt Macdonald, Police Scotland, highlighted that this would be Supt Philip MacRae’s last meeting as he was retiring.  Supt Ross MacKillop would be taking over as partnership lead.

On behalf of the COG, the Chair thanked Supt MacRae for his contribution to community planning in Highland and the island authorities and wished him well in his retirement.   

The meeting ended at 4.50 pm.