Agendas, reports and minutes

Caithness Committee

Date: Thursday, 30 May 2019

Minutes: Read the Minutes

Minutes of Special Meeting of the Caithness Committee held in Wick Town Hall, Bridge Street, Wick, on Thursday, 30 May 2019 at 2.00pm.

Mr R Bremner
Mr D Mackay
Mr W Mackay 
Mr M Reiss
Mr A Sinclair
Ms N Sinclair
Officials in attendance:
Mr W Gilfillan, Director of Community Services (by VC)
Mr A Macmanus, Ward Manager, Chief Executive’s Office
Ms J Sutherland, Senior Engineer, Community Services
Mr J Gunn, Technician, Community Services
Ms A Macrae, Committee Administrator, Chief Executive’s Office

Mr M Reiss in the Chair

1. Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Mr S Mackie and Mr K Rosie.
2. Declarations of Interest 
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

There were no declarations of interest.

3. Road Structural Maintenance Programme 2019/20                                            
Càradh Structarail Rathaidean 2019/20

There had been re-circulated Report No CC/11/19 dated 2 May 2019 by the Director of Community Services.

In discussion, a point was raised in regard to the fact the upgrading of Princes Street, Thurso was not included in the Programme, given that it was in a poor state of repair and should be considered a priority.  In response to a question, the Senior Engineer provided an assurance that she would undertake a site visit and provide the indicative costs of upgrading the road.

The Chair advised that a similar exercise had been undertaken in respect of Ormlie Road, Thurso and the cost of repairs and overlaying were significant.  In this regard, it was suggested that developer contributions from a prospective hotel development may potentially fund improvements to a section of Ormlie Road, Thurso.

Thereafter, an explanation was sought and provided in regard to the reason the jetpatcher had not been deployed in Caithness during the previous year. It was explained this had been due to unforeseen staffing issues, details of which were provided, and that as an alternative option manual patching had been undertaken. 

In regard to the above, concern was expressed that Members had not been informed of the situation, and it was hoped the plan to hold periodic meetings between Roads officers and Members to discuss progress with roads issues would improve communication going forward.  Training for staff on the operation of the jetpatcher should be arranged at the earliest opportunity.

Members then heard from the Director of Community Services and Senior Engineer in regard to the potential to upgrade Norseman/Riverside Car Park from the Roads Budget Allocation 2019/20 for Caithness.  The proposal was for the sum of £11,282 from the revenue budget and £10,000 from the capital budget to be ring-fenced for works to the Car Park. This would allow local Members to have discussions with the community on the potential to secure match funding to enable the Norseman Car Park to be upgraded to an appropriate standard. This was with the caveat that the works be undertaken in-house by the Council’s DLO section. This option would maintain the viability of the proposed surface dressing element of the Programme and allow the schemes set out in the report to be completed during the June/July window for undertaking surface dressing works.

In regard to the above proposal, clarification was sought on the impact of the proposal on the revenue budget. The Senior Engineer reported that the jetpatcher would not be deployed in the area in the current year and alternative methods of patching would be used.  In addition, other essential works which did not require materials would be progressed such as ditching, which Members observed was important to the long term maintenance and safety of the roads.

In discussion, Members raised the following main issues:-

  • a holistic approach was being taken in conjunction with local stakeholders to the regeneration of Wick town centre and the upgrading of the Norseman Car Park was a key element and focal point of the draft regeneration plans;
  • local Members would be seeking to match fund the proposed Council allocation of £21,282 from the Scottish Government’s Town Centre Fund 2019/20 allocation for Wick, to create an overall funding package for the Norseman Car Park;
  • the Town Centre Fund had to be spent within a period of one year and therefore confirmation was sought and provided that the DLO had the capacity to deliver the works within this timescale;
  • there was a need to scope out as soon as possible the works required to achieve a good fix of the Norseman Car Park;  
  • confirmation had been provided that the approximate cost of white lining the car park was £4,000 which it was suggested was achievable within the available resources;
  • white lining should be laid out to accommodate cars and other vehicles such as campervans and include disabled and child/parent spaces. The design should also discourage younger drivers from using the car park later in the evenings;
  • a meeting of wider stakeholders, community groups and the general public on the draft regeneration plans for Wick Town Centre would be held on 10 June 2019, at which the bid to Wick’s allocation of the Town Centre Fund for the Norseman Car Park would be discussed;
  • following the above meeting on 10 June 2019, there would be an opportunity to have a further discussion on the scope and progress with the scheme at the regular meetings to be held with Roads officials; and
  • it was important also to be mindful of the allocation of the budget for schemes in Thurso and North West Caithness within the Programme. 

Thereafter, Members thanked the Senior Engineer for bringing forward the proposals for the Norseman Car Park in such a short timescale.

The Committee:-

i. APPROVED the Roads Structural Maintenance Programme 2019/20; and
ii. AGREED that the sum of £21,282 be set aside from the Roads Budget Allocation for Caithness 2019/20 to allow match funding to be sought to create an overall funding package towards the upgrading of the Norseman Car Park, the works to be carried out in-house by the Council and completed by 30 November 2019.  

The meeting ended at 2.55pm.