Agendas, reports and minutes
Corporate Resources Committee
Date: Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Minutes: Read the Minutes
Minutes of Meeting of the Corporate Resources Committee held in the Council Chamber, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness on Wednesday 28 August 2019 at 10.30am.
Mr G Adam
Mr R Bremner (via VC)
Mr J Bruce
Mrs C Caddick
Mrs H Carmichael
Dr I Cockburn
Mrs M Davidson
Mr L Fraser
Mr R Gale
Mr J Gray (substitute)
Mr A Jarvie
Mr R Laird
Mr B Lobban
Mr D Louden
Mr A MacInnes
Mr G MacKenzie
Mr A Mackinnon
Mrs M Paterson
Mr M Reiss
Mr P Saggers
Mr B Thompson (via VC)
Non Members also Present:
Mrs J Barclay
Mr A Baxter
Mr T Heggie
Mr J McGillivray (via VC)
Mr A Sinclair
Officials in attendance:
Mrs D Manson, Chief Executive
Ms L Denovan, Executive Chief Officer – Finance & Resources
Mr E Foster, Head of Corporate Finance and Commercialism, Corporate Resources Service
Mrs A Clark, Acting Head of Policy, Chief Executive’s Office
Mr R Campbell, Estate Strategy Manager, Care & Learning Service
Mrs S McKandie, Benefits and Welfare Manager, Corporate Resources Service
Mr J Shepherd, ICT Operations Manager, Corporate Resources Service
Ms E Barrie, HR Manager, Corporate Resources Service
Ms G Falconer, Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Manager, Corporate Resources Service
Mr S Manning, Principal Traffic Officer, Community Services
Mrs L Dunn, Principal Administrator, Chief Executive’s Office
Mr A MacInnes, Administrative Assistant, Chief Executive’s Office
An asterisk in the margin denotes a recommendation to the Council. All decisions with no marking in the margin are delegated to the Committee.
Mr A Mackinnon in the Chair
1. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Mrs G Campbell-Sinclair, Mr R MacDonald, Mrs D Mackay, Mr S MacKie and Mr D Rixson.
2. Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt
There were no declarations of interest.
3. Recess Powers
Cumhachdan Fosaidh
The Committee NOTED that the recess powers granted by the Council at its meeting on 27 June 2019 had not been exercised in relation to the business of the Committee.
4. Good News
Naidheachdan Matha
• Lynn Foster, Enforcement Officer (Trading Standards) had been presented with the Dave Hankinson Memorial Award for Individual Excellence 2019 in recognition of her anti-counterfeiting enforcement work during 2018. This was a UK award open to nominations from all enforcement agencies such as Trading Standards, the police and customs/border force. The Chair praised Ms Foster for her innovative and effective approaches to working and reported that Highland Council was the first local authority in Scotland to achieve this much coveted award; and
• Gregor Rose had completed his Automotive Modern Apprenticeship and Karen Taylor had completed her IT and Telecommunications Modern Apprenticeship and their certificates were presented at the meeting.
5. Gaelic
(a) Gaelic Language Act Implementation Fund
Maoin Buileachaidh Achd na Gàidhlig
There had been circulated Report No RES/24/19 dated 14 August 2019 by the Area Care & Learning Manager.
The Committee:-
i. NOTED how significant and important the GLAIF funding was for Gaelic within the authority; and
ii. AGREED the Gaelic Team be supported in their efforts to attract funding for specific projects.
(b) Celtic Media Festival
Fèis nam Meadhanan Ceilteach
There had been circulated Report No RES/24A/19 dated 14 August 2019 by the Area Care & Learning Manager.
• The work of the Gaelic team was commended particularly in relation to the success of the Celtic Media Festival held in Aviemore in June 2019 which was tremendous for the Highlands in the promotion of Gaelic and also the economic benefits this had brought to the area;
• In regard to Highland Council’s submission for funding to Bord na Gaidhig, a total of eight projects had received funding, two projects approved ‘in principle’ and one project was unsuccessful. This demonstrated how active the Council had been in taking forward a wide range of Gaelic projects and that the Council was the lead authority for Gaelic development;
• In terms of the cancellation of this year’s Blas Festival organised by Feisean nan Gaidheal, it was hoped that the funding issues could be resolved as it was an important festival for Gaelic. In this respect, it was confirmed that the Council was attempting to arrange a meeting with the Chief Executive of Feisean nan Gaidheal to discuss funding issues and once these discussions had been held an update report would be submitted to the Committee;
• Clarification was sought in relation to which Council budget had been used to support the Celtic Media Festival; and
• It was requested that an update on the Festivals that the Council supported with funding and other Gaelic activities be included in future reports.
Thereafter, the Committee NOTED the:-
i. success of the 40th Celtic Media Festival in the Aviemore area;
ii. financial benefits to this Highland Council area;
iii. interaction with local schools in the area and the link to Developing the Young Workforce, through the use of media and associated employment opportunities; and
iv. that an update on the Gaelic Festivals and other activities that the Council supported would be included in future reports to Committee.
6. Corporate Revenue Monitoring Report to 30 June 2019
Aithisg Sgrùdaidh Teachd-a-steach Corporra gu 31 Dùbhlachd 2019
There had been circulated Report No RES/25/19 dated 19 August 2019 by the Executive Chief Officer- Finance and Resources.
During discussion, the following main points were raised by Members:-
• In terms of the year end overspend forecast of £2.672m there were mitigation measures in place to ensure that the Council had a balanced budget by the end of the financial year. The Cross Party Budget Working Group would continue to monitor the budget closely and were confident that through good financial governance, efficiencies and commercialism, the measures put in place would address the current forecasted overspend;
• Specific details of how the overspend was to be addressed was requested, and in this respect some of these were referred to in the report;
• The Unallocated Corporate Savings budget required to be allocated, so that Officers were accountable for these savings and Members should be advised how these savings would be delivered. It was confirmed that there was a Change Programme in place comprising 16 projects that would deliver these savings;
• The Cross Party Budget Working Group would be considering Procurement at their next meeting;
• Reference was made to pressures on the Insurance Fund with higher than anticipated claims and the reasons for this were requested;
• Reference was made to lower than anticipated income from car parking and it was queried what the main reason for this was. The view was expressed that the Council had failed to implement budget decisions in relation to the implementation of car parking. It was advised that the Chair of the Committee and the Executive Chief Officer would be meeting with Councillor A Baxter to discuss the Council’s plans for income generation;
• In terms of recruitment of agency drivers at considerable extra cost to cover LGV Driver vacancies, it was advised that four LGV driver posts in Community Services had recently been approved for recruitment by the Governance Board; and
• The Council’s aim was to maintain the Council’s level of reserves this year and gradually increase them thereafter.
Thereafter, the Committee AGREED the:-
i. financial position of the General Fund and HRA revenue budgets as at 30 June 2019 and the estimated year end forecast;
ii. status of budgeted savings in the year; and
iii. action in progress intended to deliver a balanced budget by year end.
7. Corporate Capital Monitoring Report to 30 June 2019
Aithisg Sgrùdaidh Calpa Corporra gu 31 Dùbhlachd 2019
There had been circulated Report No RES/26/19 dated 15 August 2019 by the Executive Chief Officer - Finance and Resources.
During discussion, the following main points were raised:-
• In relation to the proposal to spend £0.150m of capital expenditure on the Inverness Coach and Lorry Park, it was queried what would happen to surplus income once loan charges and running costs had been funded. As there was a Council Policy for local car parking income, it was hoped that any surplus income would be retained for Community Services in Inverness and not into the general fund. It was explained that any surplus income would go towards any overspend in the Community Services general budget. In this respect, it was stated that the Policy agreed by Council on car parking was being ignored. It had been agreed by Council that car parking would be disaggregated to Local areas and they would be entitled to a share of the income for re-investment in local areas and the Committee had now been told effectively that this Policy no longer operated. Therefore, it was queried if there would be a report to next week’s full Council meeting seeking a reversal of the policy approved by Council. In this respect, clarification would be provided to Members on what had been decided by Council in relation to the implementation of car parking to Local Areas. Also, it was explained that there was a review on car parking and the disaggregation to Local Committees and this would be discussed at the Cross Party Budget Working Group with a report on this to a future Council meeting; and
• Members were offered training on the financial management information presented to them and there was a need for financial information presented to Members to be understandable.
Thereafter, the Committee AGREED the:-
i. financial position of the General Fund and HRA Capital Programmes as at 30 June 2019;
ii. the commitment of £0.250m to the Elsie Normington Foundation be extended by a further year with a full review to be taken in August 2020 should funding draw down not have commenced by then; and
iii. £0.150m of capital expenditure on the Inverness Coach and Lorry Park with the associated loans charges and running costs to be fully funded by income generated by the facility.
8. Corporate Resources Service and Welfare Budget Revenue Monitoring to 30 June 2019 Sgrùdadh Teachd-a-steach Seirbheis nan Goireasan Corporra agus Buidseat nan Sochairean gu 31 Dùbhlachd 2019
There had been circulated Report No RES/27/19 dated 12 August 2019 by the Executive Chief Officer - Finance and Resources.
The Committee AGREED the financial position of the Corporate Resources Service and Welfare budget as at 30 June 2019 as detailed.
9. Corporate Resources Service Capital Monitoring Report to 30 June 2019 Aithisg Sgrùdaidh Calpa Seirbheis nan Goireasan Corporra gu 31 Dùbhlachd 2019
There had been circulated Report No RES/28/19 dated 12 August 2019 by the Executive Chief Officer - Finance and Resources.
The Committee AGREED the financial position of the Corporate Resources Service capital budget as at 30 June 2019 as detailed.
10. Chief Executive’s Office and Members’ Revenue Monitoring Report to 30 June 2019 Aithisg Sgrùdaidh Teachd-a-steach Oifis an Àrd-Oifigeir agus nam Ball gu 31 Dùbhlachd 2019
There had been circulated Report No RES/29/19 dated 13 August 2019 by the Chief Executive.
The Committee AGREED the financial position of the Chief Executive’s Office and Members’ budget as at 30 June 2019 as detailed.
(a) Summary of Transactions
Geàrr-chunntas Ghnothaichean
There had been circulated Report No RES/30/19 dated 5 August 2019 by the Head of Corporate Finance and Commercialism.
During discussion, and following information being sought in relation to internal borrowing, short-term deposits and borrowing limits, it was confirmed that this could be provided in more detail for Members as necessary following the meeting.
The Committee otherwise NOTED the Treasury Management Summary of Transactions report as circulated.
(b) Annual Treasury Management Report 2018/19
Aithisg Stiùiridh Bhliadhnail an Ionmhais 2018/19
There had been circulated Report No RES/31/19 dated 5 August 2019 by the Head of Corporate Finance and Commercialism.
The Committee APPROVED the Annual Treasury Management report for 2018/19 as circulated.
12. Annual Health, Safety and Wellbeing Report 2018/19
Aithisg Bhliadhnail Slàinte, Sàbhailteachd agus Sunnd 2018/19
There had been circulated Report No RES/32/19 dated 20 August 2019 by the Executive Chief Officer, Resources and Finance.
During discussion, and in thanking Officers for the work undertaken on the report, the importance of maintaining levels of training was emphasised, not least in terms of the legal requirements in this regard and the need to fully develop staff within the Council in future.
It was also noted that reporting of incidents had increased on the previous year and that the number of days lost had decreased and both of these statistics were positive.
In confirming that there had to be an ongoing focus on mental health issues across the Council, it was suggested that more detail in relation to historical data concerning referrals by Services would be helpful in order that the position could be compared/monitored over time.
Thereafter, the Committee:-
i. NOTED the achievements and performance for 2018/19; and
ii. APPROVED the Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Annual Report.
13. ICT Transformation and Network Refresh
Cruth-atharrachadh ICT agus Ùrachadh Lìonraidh
There had been circulated Report No RES/33/19 dated 26 July 2019 by the Executive Chief Officer – Resources and Finance.
In this regard, and with specific reference to the rollout of Chromebooks to schools, it was noted that work was underway to assess the future requirements for ongoing support and refresh of the Chromebook estate and that options were currently being considered in conjunction with the Care & Learning Service.
The Committee otherwise NOTED the update on the ICT Transformation and Network Programmes.
14. Corporate Workforce Plan 2019/20
Ro-innleachd Dealbhadh Sgioba-obrach
There had been circulated Report No. RES/34/19 dated 15 August 2019 by the Executive Chief Officer – Resources and Finance.
During discussion, the following main points were raised:-
• the proposals for addressing the shortfall in HR and Training Support staff was welcomed and it was confirmed that Managers should be given any help required in managing staff as and when necessary;
• the Modern Apprenticeship scheme was going from strength to strength and this was extremely positive for the organisation, not least in building the required skills for the future and offering career development to staff over time;
• there was a need for further information to be provided on Pupil Support Assistants, specifically how many staff had been impacted by changes, redeployed or not able to continue;
• it was noted that there was to be liaison with Community Planning Partners and also implementation of in-house training in order to address problems with recruitment in specific geographical areas of the Highlands and in this respect it was suggested that it would be helpful if future reports could contain more detail on the areas where recruitment was currently a problem;
• in highlighting the work being undertaken to address the potential challenges from the Brexit situation, it was noted that, as well as supporting staff through the process, contingency planning to anticipate and address potential workforce sustainability risks and skill gaps would be required and this would be incorporated into the 2019/20 Workforce Planning cycle; and
• it had been highlighted that, out of a total of 152 respondents to an audit of EU nationals and their length of stay in the UK, only one person had indicated that they intended to leave and this was encouraging.
Thereafter, the Committee otherwise NOTED the Corporate Workforce Planning priorities for 2019/20 and that the Transformation and Transition report to Council on 5 September 2019 would provide details of the resources required to deliver the priorities for 2019/20.
15. Bunsgoil Shleite 1140 hours Nursery Provision
Solar 1140 uairean Sgoil-àraich Bun-Sgoil Shlèite
There had been circulated Joint Report No RES/35/19 by the Chief Executive and the Director of Development and Infrastructure.
During discussion, thanks were conveyed to the Officers concerned for the work which had been undertaken in what had been very difficult circumstances and, and whilst supporting the recommendations in the report, the importance of the Gaelic language to this specific area was highlighted.
It was also stressed that there was a need for all parties to be equally respected and to work together in taking these proposals forward, not least for the benefit of the children. In this regard, it was noted that work would be undertaken with the local community to address any further concerns which might arise in the future.
Thereafter, the Committee:-
i. AGREED that Option 1 for a new build nursery unit to accommodate both the English and Gaelic Medium nurseries as outlined in Sections 5.2 and 6.1 of the report be taken forward as the preferred option;
ii. AGREED that £250,000 be allocated from the School Estate Investment Programme capital budget for the formation of a new car park and associated works along with minor improvements to the former school house now used as a classroom/teaching space; and
iii. NOTED that work would be undertaken with the Bun-Sgoil Shlèite community in order to improve community relations and seek greater collaboration.
16. Corporate Resources Service - Quarterly Performance Report
Aithisg Choileanaidh Ràitheil Seirbheis nan Goireasan Corporra
There had been circulated Report No RES/36/19 by the Interim Chief Officer Resources (Care & Learning).
The Committee NOTED the statutory and key performance indicators as outlined in the report.
17. Commercial Board: Minutes of Meetings
Bòrd Malairteach: Geàrr-chunntasan Choinneamhan
There had been circulated Minutes of Meetings of the Commercial Board held on 6 August 2019 - the terms of which were APPROVED.
18. Minutes of Meetings
Geàrr-chunntasan Choinneamhan
The Committee:-
i. APPROVED the Minutes of the Staff Partnership Forum held on 9 August 2019;
ii. APPROVED the Minutes of the Central Safety Committee held on 9 August 2019;
iii. NOTED the Minutes of the Appeals Committee held on 30 May, 10 June and 5 August 2019; and
iv. NOTED the Minutes of the Employment Release Sub Committee held on 30 May 2019.
The meeting ended at 12.40pm.
- Item 5a: Gaelic Language Act Implementation Plan Report, 319.54 KB
- Item 5b: Celtic Media Festival Report, 213.04 KB
- Item 6: Corporate Revenue Monitoring Report to 30 June 2019 Report, 137.64 KB
- Item 7: Corporate Capital Monitoring Report to 30 June 2019 Report, 346.85 KB
- Item 8: Corporate Resources Revenue and Welfare Bugdet monitoring to 30 June 2019 Report, 155.04 KB
- Item 9: Corporate Resources Capital Monitoring to 30 June 2019 Report, 92.71 KB
- Item 10: Chief Executive's Office and Members' Revenue Monitoring report to 30 June 2019 Report, 100.05 KB
- Item 11a: Treasury Management - Summary of Transactions Report, 164.35 KB
- Item 11b: Annual Treasury Management Report 2018/19 Report, 526.15 KB
- Item 12: Annual Health, Safety and Wellbeing Report 2018/19 Report, 505.7 KB
- Item 13: ICT Transformation and Network Refresh Report, 110.38 KB
- Item 14: Corporate Workforce Plan 2019/20 Report, 355.25 KB
- Item 15 - Bun-Sgoil Shleite - 1,140 Hours Nursery Provision Report, 1.27 MB
- Item 16: Commercial Board: Minutes of Meetings Report, 161.21 KB
- Item 17.i: Staff Partnership Forum Minutes - Report, 165.31 KB
- Item 17.ii: Central Safety Committee Minutes Report, 283.44 KB
- Item 17.iii: Appeals Committee Minutes Report, 214.37 KB
- Item 17.iv: Employment Release Sub Committee Minutes Report, 75.29 KB
- Additional Report: Corporate Resources Service - Quarterly Peformance Report Report, 531.61 KB