Agendas, reports and minutes

Communities and Place Committee

Date: Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Minutes: Read the Minute

Minutes of Meeting of the Communities and Place Committee held in the Council Chamber, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness on Wednesday, 26 February 2020 at 12.05 pm

Mr G Adam, Mr J Bruce, Mr C Fraser, Mr R Gale, Mr A Henderson, Mr B Lobban, Mrs L MacDonald, Mr A MacInnes, Mr D MacLeod, Mr D Macpherson, Mr H Morrison, Ms P Munro, Mrs M Paterson, Mr I Ramon, Mrs T Robertson

Non-Members also present:

Mrs M Davidson, Mr D Mackay, Mrs A MacLean, Mr P Saggers

In attendance:

Ms C McDiarmid, Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place
Ms C Campbell, Head of Performance and Resources, Community Services
Mr A Summers, Head of Environmental and Amenity Services, Community Services
Ms A Clark, Acting Head of Policy, Chief Executive’s Service
Mr P Mascarenhas, Community and Democratic Engagement Manager, Chief Executive’s Service
Mr K Masson, Climate Change Officer, Chief Executive’s Office
Miss J Maclennan, Principal Administrator, Chief Executive’s Office
Miss M Murray, Committee Administrator, Chief Executive’s Office

Also in attendance:

Ms E Whitham, Founding Director, MOO Food

An asterisk in the margin denotes a recommendation to the Council.  All decisions with no marking in the margin are delegated to Committee.

Mr A Henderson in the Chair


1. Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Mr J Gordon, Mr R MacWilliam and Mr A Rhind.

2. Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

There were no declarations of interest.

3. Good News
Naidheachdan Matha

There had been tabled a list of good news and outstanding achievements.  In particular Members’ attention was drawn to the positive report received by the Inspector of Crematoria in respect of Kilvean Crematorium from the annual inspection conducted recently.  Also the Council’s Car Club had recently reached the one million mile mark.  In relation to the latter, the Chair encouraged Members to register to use the Car Club given the significant savings and reduction in emissions that were being achieved.

The Committee otherwise NOTED the items of good news.

4. Role and Remit – Communities and Place Committee     
Dreuchd agus Raon-ùghdarrais – Comataidh nan Coimhearsnachdan agus nan Àiteachan

There had been circulated Report No. CP/1/20 dated 17 February 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer Performance and Governance. 

The Committee NOTED the report.

5. MOO Food Project - Presentation    
Pròiseact Bìdh MOO – Taisbeanadh

A presentation was given by Ms Emma Whitham, Founding Director of MOO Food.   MOO Food was an environmentally conscious community food company based in Muir of Ord in the Highlands of Scotland, established in March 2017. Its mission was to inspire environmentally friendly living and to build community reliance by bringing people together to grow food, knowledge and confidence.  She detailed the various groups who had been involved and the growing spaces that had been made available along with the community orchard that had been planted and the community fridge which had been established.  The MOO project had received support from various organisations, including the Highland Council, and particular mention was made of the Local Members and Ward Manager.  

During discussion, the following issues were considered:-

  • the MOO project had made a considerable difference to Tarradale Primary School, with all pupils involved, and the local community;
  • it was hoped that similar projects could be replicated elsewhere.  In response, it was explained that although resource materials had been prepared, it did need a driven volunteer to drive it forward;
  • the Eco Food Share Larders charity had been set up to promote community fridges and it was hoped, if funding was successful, to recruit project officers.  This pan-Highland approach was applauded;
  • the number of volunteers involved with MOO was remarkable;
  • growing food needed time and patience, something which one did not necessarily attribute to school children.  However, before each lesson, a session of “mindfulness” was used which enabled pupils to focus.  Using schools was recommended as the ethos of the project then also reached the wider family and it would be ideal if the education element of the programme could be rolled out to other schools.  In this regard, it was suggested that it might be valuable if the Education Committee had a presentation from Tarradale Primary on how the MOO Project had improved learning in the school;
  • the platform of food could be used to deliver other messages;
  • the cost of food waste per household was estimated to be approximately £300;
  • Councillor Bill Lobban requested a copy of the presentation and expressed the hope that something similar to MOO could be developed in the Badenoch and Strathspey area;
  • the Council’s delivery of the Highland Good Food Growing Strategy was important.  There were other ways in which the Council could help and reference was made to a Member amenities review workshop recently held in Caithness where it was identified that the Council-owned greenhouses and nursery in Thurso could be made available to the Thurso Grow Project; and
  • Emma Whitham was warmly congratulated on her work and enthusiasm and the positive developments generated as a result.

The Committee NOTED the presentation and that the new Communities and Place Service would identify how to support the Highland Food Growing Strategy and enable community involvement in it.

6. Membership – Waste Strategy Working Group
Ballrachd – Buidheann-obrach Ro-innleachd Sgudail

The Committee APPROVED the membership of its Waste Strategy Working Group as follows -

Mr J Bruce, Mr C Fraser, Mr R Gale, Mr A Henderson, Mr A MacInnes, Mr D Macpherson, Mr H Morrison, Mrs P Munro and Mrs T Robertson.

The Committee also NOTED that the next meeting of the Working Group would take place on 26 March 2020.

7. Community Asset Transfer Requests    
Iarrtasan Gluasad So-mhaoin Choimhearsnachd

There had been circulated Report No CP/2/20 dated 15 January 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place.

In response to a question it was confirmed that other occupiers at South Bonar Industrial Estate were content with the proposal from the Kyle of Sutherland Hub to expand their car park.  With regard to the transfer of Kinlochewe public toilets, picnic area and parking request from Community Out West Trust (COWT), Members commended the proposal and cited the success COWT had had since it had taken over the operation of the toilets in April 2019.  It was a model others could follow and was an excellent example of how similar partnership working could be used going ahead.

The Committee AGREED the recommendations as detailed in the report concerning community asset transfer requests.

8. Scottish Government Consultation “Developing Scotland’s Circular Economy: Proposals for Legislation”
Co-chomhairle Riaghaltas na h-Alba mu Bhile na h-Eaconamaidh Chuairteach a Thathar a’ Moladh     

There had been circulated Report No CP/3/20 dated 17 February 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer Communities and Places.

During discussion, the following issues were considered:-

  • the considerable waste generated from takeaways was highlighted and, although it could be investigated how some of it could be recycled, it was important to bear in mind that it would necessary to evaluate its viability given that some of the waste would be contaminated;
  • rubbish accumulated around fast food “drive throughs” and it was important to educate drivers.  Ways of identifying offenders were explored which would act as a deterrent;
  • recycling facilities at filling stations would be useful for drivers disposing of rubbish;
  • refuse was often found around roadworks and a call was made for national organisations to put a stop to this.  Similarly, drivers often took the opportunity to dispose of rubbish while waiting at traffic lights; and
  • ideally there should be a universal recycling scheme across Scotland.

The Committee:-

i.    NOTED the consultation carried out by the Scottish Government on Developing Scotland’s circular economy: Proposals for Legislation;  
ii.    AGREED to homologate the Council’s submitted consultation response as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report;
iii.    NOTED the subsequent letter from the Council Leader to the Minister, attached at Appendix 2 of the report, regarding the challenges faced in rural and island areas and the request for engagement on solutions and resourcing any new services arising from legislation.

9. Minutes    

The Committee APPROVED the Minutes of the Meeting of the Waste Strategy Group held on 29 November 2019.

10. Exclusion of the Public
Às-dùnadh a’ Phobaill 

The Committee APPROVED that, under Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act, the relevant paragraphs being shown.

11. Kilvean Crematorium Inspection Report    
Aithisg Sgrùdaidh Luaithreachan Chille Bheathain

Paragraph 3

There had been circulated to Members only Report No CP/4/20 dated 10 February 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer Customer and Communities.

The Committee:-

i.    APPROVED the recommendations contained within the report; and
ii.    AGREED Members’ congratulations on the positive inspection be relayed to the staff involved.

The meeting ended at 1.10 pm.