Agendas, reports and minutes
Corporate Resources Committee
Date: Wednesday, 3 June 2020
Agenda: Read the Agenda
A meeting of the Corporate Resources Committee will take place REMOTELY on Wednesday 3 June 2020 at 10.30 am.
You are invited to attend the meeting and a note of the business to be considered is attached.
Yours faithfully
Stewart Fraser
Head of Corporate Governance
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt
Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting. Any Member making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest. Advice may be sought from officers prior to the meeting taking place.
3. Corporate Revenue Near Final Monitoring Report for 2019/20
Aithisg Sgrùdaidh Iar-Dheireannach Teachd-a-steach Corporra airson 2019/20
There is circulated Report No RES/09/20 dated 20 May 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer Finance and Resources.
The Committee is invited to:-
i. consider the near final financial position of the General Fund and HRA revenue budgets for 2019/20; and
ii. note the ensuing impact on reserves.
4. Near Final Corporate Capital Monitoring Report 2019/20
Aithisg Sgrùdaidh Calpa Corporra 2019/20
There is circulated Report No RES/10/20 dated 17 May 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer Finance and Resources.
The Committee is invited to consider the near final 2019/20 financial position of the General Fund and HRA Capital Programmes.
5. COVID-19 Financial Resilience
Buaidh Ionmhasail COVID-19
There is circulated Report No RES/11/20 dated 20 May 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer Finance and Resources.
The Committee is invited to :-
i. discuss the report and note the significant adverse impact COVID-19 is expected to have on the Council’s budget in every likely scenario;
ii. acknowledge a further report will be brought to the full Highland Council meeting on the 25 June 2020 outlining the Council’s potential response to dealing with this financial impact; and
iii. make representations to Government that the Council may require significant further financial support or other intervention from Government in order to manage its budget in financial year 2020/21.
6. ELC Key worker Childcare Provision – costs and risks
Solar Cùram-chloinne Prìomh Obraiche Tràth-ionnsachaidh agus Cùraim-chloinne – cosgaisean agus cunnartan
There is circulated Report No RES/12/20 dated 27 May 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer Performance and Governance.
The Committee is invited to:-
i. note the significant estimated costs, in the region of £38,000 per week, associated with the use of private, voluntary and independent (PVI) partners in the provision of key worker childcare for children aged 0-5yrs;
ii. note the risks associated with not providing providers with payment;
iii. note that, following agreement at the Gold Member COVID-19 meeting on 21 April 2020, payments have been made to providers for the places provided to date, at a value of c£185,000;
iv. agree that, in the absence of any funding coming forward from the Government, to fund providers for places commissioned and potentially up to break-even rate until the end of the summer holidays; the total minimum predicted cost being £799,235;
v. note the Scottish Government requirement to continue to provide childcare for key workers over the school holiday period and beyond; and
vi. agree the Council should continue to lobby for funding and/or adjustments to the current arrangements to reduce the financial liability to the Council.
7. COVID Staff Health, Wellbeing and Safety Impact
There will follow Report No RES/13/20 by the Executive Chief Officer Finance and Resources.
8. Budget Recovery Group
Buidheann Ath-shlànachadh Buidseit
Members are asked to agree the establishment of a Budget Recovery Group which will consider the budget related impact of COVID-19 and associated recovery requirements. The composition of the Group will comprise 11 members and will be established on the basis of political balance.
- Item 3: Corporate Revenue Near Final Monitoring Report for 2019/20 Report, 135.34 KB
- Item 4: Near Final Corporate Capital Monitoring Report 2019/20 Report, 60.46 KB
- Item 5: COVID-19 Financial Resilience Report, 821.43 KB
- Item 6: ELC Key worker Childcare Provision – costs and risks Report, 47.67 KB