Agendas, reports and minutes

Communities and Place Committee

Date: Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Agenda: Read the Agenda

A meeting of the Communities and Place Committee will take place REMOTELY on Wednesday 19 August 2020 at 11.30 am.

Please note the later start time of the Committee due to the Members’ Workshop scheduled to take place at 9.30 am, details of which will be provided by the Service.

Webcast Notice: This meeting will be filmed and broadcast over the Internet on the Highland Council website and will be archived and available for viewing for 12 months thereafter.

You are invited to attend the meeting and a note of the business to be considered is attached.    

Yours faithfully

Stewart Fraser
Head of Corporate Governance

1.    Apologies for Absence

2.    Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting.  Any Member making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest.   Advice may be sought from Officers prior to the meeting taking place.

3.    Presentation: Burial Ground Maintenance
Taisbeanadh: Cumail Suas Chladhan

There will be a presentation by community representatives from Caithness to describe the work of volunteers in maintaining burial grounds, the difference it makes locally, the assistance from the Council and how else the Council can support this community action.

4.    Supporting Community Involvement
A’ Cur Taic ri Com-pàirteachas Coimhearsnachd

i.    Community Asset Transfer Requests and Annual Community Asset Transfer Reporting to the Scottish Government
Iarrtasan Gluasad So-mhaoin Coimhearsnachd agus Aithris Bhliadhnail Gluasad So-mhaoin Coimhearsnachd do Riaghaltas na h-Alba

There is circulated Report No CP/05/20 dated 21 July 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place.

The Committee is invited to agree:-

i.    the sale of Acharacle Community Centre to Acharacle Community Company for £30,000, subject to the terms of transfer set out in section 2.1 of the report;
ii.    the sale of land at the former Torvean Golf Course, Inverness to Inverness Rowing Club for £1, subject to the terms of transfer set out in section 2.2 of the report;
iii.    the sale of land and buildings at Rosebank Playing Fields and Pavilion to Wick Community Hub for £1, subject to the terms of transfer set out in section 3.3 of the report;
iv.    the variation of the terms of the economic development burden within the previously agreed asset transfer of Ardnamurchan Lighthouse to Ardnamurchan Lighthouse Trust limiting it to 5 years in length, reflecting the level of discount applied to this decision;
v.    that the Chair of the Committee write to the Scottish Government seeking clarity on the use of economic development burdens to safeguard the discounts given to communities in community asset transfers and how the duty on Local Authorities sits alongside the requirements of bodies such as the Scottish Land Fund; and
vi.    the annual report on Community Asset Transfer for the Scottish Government set out at Appendix 1 of the report.

ii.    Developing a Framework for Participation and Involvement
A’ Leasachadh Frèam airson Com-pàirteachas 

There is circulated Report No CP/06/20 dated 3 August 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place.

The Committee is invited to:-

i.    note the context and the aim to utilise the learning from the covid-19 period to develop an ongoing framework for participation and involvement with communities;
ii.    consider and agree the engagement framework outlined at Appendix 1;
iii.    note the learning gathered to date from early engagement with community bodies as set out in Appendix 2; and
iv.    note the next steps and that an update report on outcomes from the various engagement strands will be presented to the next meeting of the Communities and Place Committee.

5.    Communities and Place Service Response to Covid-19
Freagairt Seirbheis nan Coimhearsnachdan is nan Àiteachan do Covid-19

There is circulated Report No CP/07/20 dated 10 August 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place.

The Committee is invited to scrutinise and note:-

i.    the covid projects led in the service on running helplines, humanitarian assistance, working with community bodies, additional deaths planning, advice and support to business on complying with coronavirus regulations, and the Test and Protect programme;
ii.    covid pressures experienced in the service relating to resources, logistical support and uncontrolled camping;
iii.    the service disruption and adjustments made so far affecting the registrar service, service points and the service centre, grounds maintenance, bereavement services, public conveniences, waste and street cleaning services, environmental health services, stores and logistics and fleet;
iv.    the positive and challenging aspects of our covid response fed back from staff and the learning points for service design and development;
v.    the service’s contribution to the Council’s Recovery Plan with two separate reports on the Committee agenda for the community engagement workstream. Work is underway on the workforce planning and service redesign workstreams and this will include the lessons so far from our covid response.

6.    Performance against the Highland Local Policing Plan 2017-20
Coileanadh mu Choinneamh Plana Poileasachd Ionadail na Gàidhealtachd 2017-20

Under the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012, the Local Authority has responsibility for monitoring and scrutinising performance of Police Scotland against the Local Policing Plan for their area.  Each Local Plan must be approved by the Local Authority and reviewed every three years.

There is circulated Report No CP/08/20 dated 1 August 2020 by the Highland Local Policing Commander, Chief Superintendent George Macdonald.

The Committee is invited to:-

i.    scrutinise the local performance report against Highland Policing Plan Objectives April 2019 - March 2020; and
ii.    approve the Highland 2020-2023 Policing Plan. 

7.    Local Fire and Rescue Update
Cunntas às Ùr mu Smàladh agus Teasairginn Ionadail

Under the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012, the Local Authority has responsibility for monitoring and scrutinising performance of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service against the Local Fire and Rescue Plan for their area.  Each Local Plan must be approved by the Local Authority and reviewed every three years.

i.    Performance against the Local Fire and Rescue Plan for Highland 2017-2020

On behalf of the Local Senior Officer for Highland, Derek Wilson, there is circulated the Local Performance Report for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service for the period April 2019 to March 2020.

The Committee is asked to scrutinise the Local Performance Report for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service for the period April 2019 to March 2020.

ii.    Review of the Local Fire and Rescue Plan
Ath-sgrùdadh air Plana Smàlaidh agus Teasairginn Ionadail

On behalf of the Local Senior Officer for Highland, Derek Wilson, there is circulated the Local Fire and Rescue Plan Review 2020.

The Committee is invited to consider and comment on the review of the Local Fire and Rescue Plan.

8.    Waste Disposal Strategy Update
Cunntas às Ùr mu Ro-innleachd Cuidhteachadh Sgudail

i.    Waste Projects Update
Cunntas às Ùr mu Phròiseactan Sgudail

There is circulated Report No CP/09/20 dated 11 August 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place.

The Committee is invited to note:-

i.    the potential changes over the next five years arising from legislation and regulations as set out in Appendix 1;
ii.    that work is tendered for the development of a new waste transfer station in Inverness and a further tender is expected to be issued this month for a new transfer station in Aviemore. A preferred site is being identified for the new transfer station in Fort William;
iii.    that the review of the capital programme priorities will consider waste infrastructure requirements alongside other capital projects;
iv.    that contract renewals or extensions are underway with three confirmed to date and within budget tolerance and provision;
v.    the feedback from consultants on the feasibility of an Energy from Waste (EfW) plant in Inverness as summarised in Appendix 2 and as presented in Appendix 3;
vi.    that there are considerable preparatory works underway and required before the Council could take a decision on whether to proceed with an EfW facility, with current tasks to identify any wider socio-economic benefits and to understand grid connections and possibilities for the supply of energy generated; and
vii.    that updates will continue to be provided to future meetings of the Waste Strategy Working Group and to each meeting of this Committee.

ii.    Minutes of Waste Strategy Working Group
Geàrr-chunntas Buidheann-obrach Ro-innleachd Sgudail

There are circulated, for approval, the Minutes of the Waste Strategy Working Group held on 7 August 2020.

9.    Bereavement services update and the approach to Burial Ground Extensions
Cunntas às Ùr mu sheirbheisean call neach-gaoil agus dòigh-obrach a thaobh Leudachadh Chladhan

There is circulated Report No CP/10/20 dated 10 August 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place.

The Committee is invited to:-

i.    note the new infrastructure project established to reduce the risks around burial ground capacity, with 33 out of 268 burial grounds with an estimated capacity of less than 6 years;
ii.    note the challenges with identifying and developing suitable land for burial ground development and the project mitigation in place;
iii.    agree that an annual report be presented for each Area Committee beginning in 2021 to allow monitoring of burial ground capacities and extensions proposed for each area;
iv.    note the 5-year rolling programme of inspection planned for all memorials;
v.    note the Lean review of burials administration will be reported to the Redesign Board on 1 September and the progress against all audit actions will be reported to the Audit and Scrutiny Committee on 24 September 2020;
vi.    note the scope of the CMA investigation, that a provisional decision report is expected this month before the investigation concludes in March 2021 and that the implications of the provisional decision on the Council will be assessed and reported to Members; and
vii.    note the additional deaths planning undertaken for Council’s covid response.

10.    Communities and Place Revenue Monitoring Report to 30 June 2020    
Sgrùdadh Teachd-a-steach

There is circulated Report No CP/11/20 dated 10 August 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place.

The Committee is invited to note:-

i.    the more detailed reporting of gross income and gross expenditure to improve scrutiny of net budgets as set out in the appendices to the report; 
ii.    net spend at the end of quarter 1 totalled £9.389m;
iii.    based on the best available information to date, a service budget gap of £4.84m is forecast to end 2020/21;
iv.    almost every area of service relies on income to pay for services and this is significantly disrupted this year because of covid impacts.  A loss of income is the key driver of the service’s budget gap;
v.    the budget gap may change positively or negatively depending on the application of expenditure and recruitment controls, adjusting services to meet budget savings agreed; in-year income recovery, identifying new income and procurement opportunities, drawing down any further Government grant support and any new recovery costs emerging; and
vi.    further adjustments will be made in future quarterly reporting to reflect the updated apportionment of costs and savings across the new Executive Chief Officer structure, improved monthly profiling of income and expenditure and any other resourcing issues emerging including Brexit impacts.

11.    Approach to developing and improving customer and citizen contact and relationships
Dòigh-obrach do bhith a’ leasachadh conaltradh is dàimhean le luchd-ceannaich is saoranaich

There is circulated Report No CP/12/20 dated 11 August 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place.

The Committee is invited to:-

i.    note current volumes of customer contacts, enquiries, complaints and FOI requests.  The service centre handles over 240,000 calls annually and 2019/20 records show services responded to 51,388 enquiries, 1725 complaints, 1840 FOI enquiries and subject access requests and 836 MSP/MP enquiries;
ii.    note current under-performance in responding within timescales set, as shown in Table 2, and the need for improvement;
iii.    agree the approach to change and improvement as set out in section 6 of the report.  This includes: reviewing the resourcing, cultural, process and systems changes needed with a view to:
a.    making it easy for people to resolve enquires themselves using various internet and telephony methods;
b.    where staff support is needed we resolve issues at the first point of contact wherever possible;
c.    taking more care of people who need more support to access services;
d.    dealing with written complaints and enquiries on time and courteously;
e.    making it easier for Members to report constituent queries and track their progress;
f.    valuing all contact as vital business intelligence.  This will help us to understand how our operations need to respond and how we improve our communications and messaging.  This means analysing the volume and nature of contacts and whether there are any patterns by place.  This will help plan interventions; and
g.    supporting staff to comply with timescales, help remove blockages and provide appropriate training, processes and systems; and
iv.    note the work underway to identify a suitable replacement for the current Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, with a business case in preparation and to be subject to normal governance arrangements.