Agendas, reports and minutes
Communities and Place Committee
Date: Tuesday, 31 August 2021
Agenda: Read the Agenda
A meeting of the Communities and Place Committee will take place REMOTELY on Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 11:30 am.
Please note the later start time of the Committee due to the Members’ Workshop scheduled to take place at 9.30 am, details of which will be provided by the Service.
Webcast Notice: This meeting will be filmed and broadcast over the Internet on the Highland Council website and will be archived and available for viewing for 12 months thereafter.
You are invited to attend the meeting and a note of the business to be considered is attached.
Yours faithfully
Stewart Fraser
Head of Corporate Governance
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt
Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting. Any Member making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest. Advice may be sought from Officers prior to the meeting taking place.
3. Good News/Staff Achievements
Naidheachdan Matha/Coileanaidhean Luchd-obrach
4. Recess Powers
Cumhachdan Fosaidh
The Committee is asked to note that the recess powers granted by the Council at its meeting on 24 June 2021 have not been exercised in relation to the business of the Committee.
5. Presentation from the Highland Armed Forces Community Partnership
Taisbeanadh bho Chom-pàirteachas Coimhearsnachd Feachdan Armaichte na Gàidhealtachd
A presentation will be undertaken by Lou Kinnear, Coordinator Promoting Positive Relationships and the Senior Ward Manager lead, Highland Council.
6. Community Asset Transfers
Gluasad So-mhaoin Coimhearsnachd
a. Annual Community Asset Transfer Report 2020/21
Aithisg Bhliadhnail Gluasadan So-mhaoin Coimhearsnachd 2020/21 agus iarrtasan làithreach
There is circulated Report No CP/24/21 dated 13 August 2021 by the
Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place.
The Committee is invited to:-
(i) agree the annual report on Community Asset Transfer as detailed in the report and at Appendix 1, for submission to the Scottish Government; and
(ii) note the key learning points and opportunities related to asset transfer outlined in section 5 of the report.
b. Community Asset Transfers – Local Area Committees
Gluasad So-mhaoin Coimhearsnachd
In accordance with the Scheme of Delegation, from March 2021 all Community Asset Transfers below the value of £100,000 are considered at the local Area Committee. In addition, any transfers below the value of £10,000 are subject to delegated officer approval. The Committee is therefore asked to note:-
(i) the following asset transfers have been, or are due to be considered, at local committees since the last meeting of this committee on 12 May 2021:
a.Sutherland County Committee: a request for ownership of South Bonar Public Toilets, Picnic Area and Car Park to Kyle of Sutherland Development Trust. Approved 17 May 2021;
b.Badenoch and Strathspey Committee: a request for ownership of the Kingussie Market Stance Pitch from Kingussie Camanachd Club. Approved 9 August 2021;
c.Isle of Skye and Raasay Committee: a request for ownership of Raasay Ferry Terminal Building from Raasay Development Trust. Recommended for approval on a 99 year lease. To be considered 30 August 2021; and
(ii) the following asset transfer was approved under officer delegated authority:
a. Transfer of Elgol Public Toilets to Broadford and Strath Community Interest Company 31 May 2021.
Item 7 below will be considered at 2.00pm.
7. Police Scotland Performance Report
Aithisg Choileanaidh Poileas Alba
Under the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012, the Local Authority has responsibility for monitoring and scrutinising performance of Police Scotland against the Local Policing Plan for their area. The Local Plan was approved by the Committee in 2020.
There is circulated Report No CP/25/21 dated 17 August 2021 by the Highland Local Policing Commander, Chief Superintendent Conrad Trickett.
The Committee is invited to note the progress made against the objectives set within the Highland Local Policing Plan 2020-2023 Year 1, attached as Annex A to the report, for the period covering 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021.
8. Visitor Management Plan: update on service implementation
Plana Stiùiridh Luchd-tadhail: fios às ùr mu bhuileachadh seirbheis
There is circulated Report No CP/26/21 dated 31 August 2021 by the Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place.
The Committee is invited to note:-
(i) the one-off investment for public conveniences will be fully committed this year and is augmented by an award of £11,000 from the NatureScot Better Places funding;
(ii) the enhanced public convenience service with Council public conveniences now numbering 75, with infrastructure improvements for 7, operational support for the new Storr toilets, 14 new providers for the comfort scheme now numbering 50 for this season and support for a community group running portaloos;
(iii) the one-off investment for enhanced waste services is fully committed and the additional seasonal waste staff and fleet are responding to increased litter and waste arising; and
(iv) that all further opportunities for additional external funding will continue to be sought.
9. Annual Complaints Performance Report – 2020/21
Aithisg Choileanaidh Ghearanan Bhliadhnail– 2020/21
There is circulated Report No CP/27/21 dated 13 August 2021 by the Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place.
The Committee is invited to note:-
(i) of all customer enquiries, requests for service and complaints managed through our customer relationship management (CRM) system, 0.7% are complaints (1048 complaints in 2020/21);
(ii) compared to the previous year, in 2020/21 there was an 11% decrease in customer contact recorded and a 39% decrease in complaints probably affected by Covid impacts;
(iii) the work undertaken to continue to improve performance in complaints handling;
(iv) the Council successfully implemented on time, the new revised SPSO Model Complaints Handling Procedure (MCHP) in April 2021;
(v) that the Service is unable to report on indicator 7 this year, customer satisfaction with the complaint’s services provided. This information was previously analysed using the Council’s citizens panel survey which was not run in 2020 during the pandemic;
(vi) that the SPSO will publish their revised list of performance indicators in 2021/22 and the format of the performance report may be different in future years. Further information on these indicators will be advised to the Committee as part of the development of the Communities and Place (C&P) Service performance framework; and
(vii) now the initial phase of the new CRM project has concluded successfully, work is underway to look at the additional functionality it can provide, including a Councillor portal.
The Committee is invited to scrutinise the general improvement in performance reported and to note this is a journey of continuous improvement, with performance summarised below:
(i) the positive trends on customers preference to make complaints electronically, 83% using a digital channel;
(ii) that most complaints (72%) were received and resolved at frontline and did not require an investigation. This figure is similar to 2019/20 but shows a decrease over a five-year period. The consequential increase in complaints being closed after investigation (up from 5.9% in 2017/18 to 24.6% in 2020/21) may indicate an increasing complexity in the nature of complaints received;
(iii) in the preceding 4 years the majority of complaints were not upheld at either frontline or after investigation; however, in 2020/21 that trend is disrupted. In 2020/21 around a third are not upheld with over 60% either upheld or partially upheld. This change is being investigated as part of the wider analysis of how we respond to our customers, and the outcome used to drive our continuous improvement;
(iv) the trend in taking less time to respond to a frontline complaint continues with it falling to an average 8.4 days in 2020/21. This is a considerable improvement from the average 13.3 days in 2019/20 and 25.9 days in 2016/17;
(v) in 2020/21 improvement is also seen in the average time taken to investigate complaints, down from 31.3 days in 2019/20 to 20.9 days in 2020/21;
(vi) a relatively small number of complaints have extensions to timescales for responses authorised;
(vii) an improving trend is seen over the past 5 years with the majority of complaints now resolved within both target timescales (5 days and 20 days). Last year, 54.1% of frontline complaints were closed within the 5-day target; an improvement from 30.4% in 2016/17. 68.7% of investigation complaints were closed within the 20 days’ target; an improvement from 46.3% in 2016/17. However, further improvement is required as last year 45.9% of frontline complaints were not concluded in 5 days and 31.3% were not resolved for investigation complaints within the 20-day target;
(viii) the number of complaints investigated by the SPSO fell from 53 in 2019/20 to 41 in 2020/21 with 2 taken forward for investigation; 1 was partially upheld and the other was fully upheld. Fewer cases are escalated to the SPSO prematurely, supported by improved awareness of our complaints process; and
(ix) targeting improvement in complaints will be supported by the new CRM system currently being implemented.
The Committee is invited to agree that the report appended is published on the Council’s website and submitted to the SPSO.
10. Waste projects update
Aithisg às ùr mu ro-innleachd is pròiseactan sgudail
There is circulated Report No CP/28/21 dated 9 August 2021 by the Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place.
The Committee is invited to note:-
(i) the Aviemore waste transfer station is progressing towards completion;
(ii) the programme of works for Inverness waste transfer station is underway;
(iii) the more positive outlook for developing similar waste transfer infrastructure in Fort William;
(iv) the improving prospect of securing a new lease for the existing Household Waste Recycling Centre in Fort William; and
(v) the process for preparing recommendations for a long-term residual waste solution is on target using the approach set out in the report to the last meeting of the Committee. A verbal update of the options appraisal process will be provided at the meeting and further Member engagement and reporting will be programmed from early September 2021.
11. Revenue Monitoring Report: 2020/21 out-turns and 2021/22 Quarter 1
Aithisg Sgrùdaidh Teachd-a-steach: fìor-shuidheachaidhean 2020/21 agus Cairteal 1 2021/22
There is circulated Report No CP/29/21 dated 15 August 2021 by the Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place.
The Committee is invited to note:-
(i) the final out-turn position of a Service underspend of £493k for 2020/21;
(ii) the adjustments made to the service budget arising from Council budget decisions on savings and new investment, including one-off investment for visitor management and place-based funds with some funds still to be allocated to the service for waste and visitor management;
(iii) the range of Covid funding streams available to the Service to draw down for specific Covid services;
(iv) the work now progressed and underway on removing service re-charges with the fleet and plant budget re-set for Q1 and that waste and street cleaning is being reviewed in Q2;
(v) the current Q1 position as shown on Appendices 3 and 4 of the report with a forecast pressure of £792k associated with several income targets not expected to be met across waste, bereavement and Registrar services and in relation to public conveniences, fleet workshops and reduced demand for export health certificates;
(vi) the forecast is cautious at Q1 and mitigation is in place to avoid an overspend at year end as set out in paragraph 5.12 of the report;
(vii) the progress made with the 18 savings agreed for the service amounting to £567k as shown on Appendix 5 of the report, with 16 savings achieved, some of the waste saving of £168k regarded as at risk in Q1 and a Registrar saving of £45k not achievable due to external price setting; and
(viii) further adjustment to the budget will be reported in Q2 monitoring and during this time work will begin to develop the Service’s new performance framework which will describe the results expected from the Council’s investment the Service and the savings to be made.
12. Update on the support for businesses exporting and importing food
Fios às ùr mu thaic airson gnothachasan às-mhalairt is ion-mhalairt a’ gabhail a-steach chosgaisean
There is circulated Report No CP/30/21 dated 30 July 2021 by the Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place.
The Committee is invited to:-
(i) note the demand is lower than expected from businesses in the region for Export Health Certificates (EHC) in the first half of 2021 as businesses adjust to new EU requirements and are impacted by Covid;
(ii) note the consequential loss of income to the Council means the income target for this service is unlikely to be met and a budget pressure of around £47k is currently expected for 2021/22;
(iii) note the challenges faced by the environmental health team at this time in providing the discretionary EHC service and with uncertainties on future demands;
(iv) agree to retain the current fees for EHCs through to 31/3/2022 to enable a longer period for review, capturing the lifting of Covid restrictions and further settling in of EU requirements on exporting business; and
(v) note the new legislative duty around physical checks of EU food imports at Border Control Posts, with work underway to plan for fish landings at Scrabster from 1st January 2022. This is a chargeable service to enable cost recovery and affects environmental health and trading standards teams.
13. Licensing of activities involving animals
Ceadachd ghnìomhan a’ buntainn ri beathaichean
There is circulated Report No CP/31/21 dated 30 July 2021 by the Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place.
The Committee is invited to:-
(i) note the new licensing system for pet selling, operating certain animal welfare establishments (including rehoming centres and animal sanctuaries), engaging in other animal rehoming activities and dog, cat and rabbit breeding which come into force 1st September 2021;
(ii) approve that the Council will use Council officers and either a vet or Scottish SPCA Inspector (if appropriate), for the initial inspection of dog breeders, cat breeders, and rabbit breeders;
(iii) approve that the Council will use Council officers for the initial inspection of applications for a person involved in animal rehoming activities or for pet sales or for animal welfare establishments. If considered necessary, the Council may also use a Vet or Scottish SPCA Inspector (if appropriate). This may include the Vet or Scottish SPCA Inspector carrying out an inspection;
(iv) approve that the fees for all licence applications for 2020/21 and 2021/22 follow the current fees for dog breeders and pet shops as set out below:
Licence type New licence application Renewal application (every 1-3 years)
Pet selling £165* £127
Animal rehoming activities £165* £127
Animal welfare establishments £165* £127
Dog breeding £165* £127
Cat breeding £165* £127
Rabbit breeding £165* £127
* As permitted by the regulations the costs of an inspection if required, by a vet or Scottish SPCA Inspector if appropriate, will be recharged to the applicant
(v) approve that, in keeping with Scottish Government guidance, where Animal Welfare Establishments can demonstrate they are a charity they are charged 50% of standard application and renewal fees; and
(vi) approve that cost recovery for enforcement action in relation to any licensable activity of an unlicensed operator is based on the appropriate productive hourly rate for the grade of officer taking the action with full cost recovery proposed unless it costs more to pursue the cost or where the operator has made their best efforts to comply with any enforcement action.
14. Recycling Improvement Fund (RIF) Update
Fios às Ùr mu Mhaoin Leasachaidh Ath-chuairteachaidh
There is circulated Report No CP/32/21 dated 31 July 2021 by the Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place.
The Committee is invited to note:-
(i) the fund is a five-year programme of £70m and it will operate on a rolling basis for new expressions of interest (EOI) and stage 2 applications from local authorities;
(ii) seven EOIs were submitted to address levelling up, alignment with recycling improvements already planned and in support of new national recycling requirements expected, totalling over £7.6m;
(iii) positive feedback from Zero Waste Scotland (ZWS) with all EOIs meeting the criteria for the next stage;
(iv) that one stage 2 application was submitted within the two-week deadline for the first round of submissions for extending the garden waste service to accommodate housing growth in East Inverness and Nairn;
(v) work will continue to develop stage 2 applications for the remaining projects and these along with any new EOIs will involve further Member briefing and reports; and
(vi) a Member workshop on route optimisation is planned prior to the next Committee meeting in November 2021. This is part of the waste transformation project.
15. Communities & Place Capital Monitoring – Outturn for 2020/21 and Quarter 1 2021/22
Aithisg Sgrùdaidh Calpa: fìor-shuidheachadh 2020/21 agus Cairteal 1 2021/22
There is circulated Report No CP/33/21 dated 16 August 2021 by the Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place.
The Committee is invited to:-
(i) note the capital outturn position for the 2020/21 financial year; and
(ii) consider the financial position as at 30 June 2021 and note the estimated year end forecast.
16. Scottish Government Short Term Lets: consultation response on draft Licensing Order and Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA)
Aontaidhean-màil Geàrr-ùine Riaghaltas na h-Alba: Freagairt cho-chomhairleachaidh mu dhreachd Òrdugh Ceadachd agus Measadh Buaidh Gnothachais is Riaghlachais
There is circulated Report No CP/34/21 dated 30 July 2021 by the Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place.
The Committee is invited to:-
(i) note the issues covered by the latest consultation including the introduction of overprovision as a possible licensing consideration, and the introduction of required policies related to the new legislation; and
(ii) agree to homologate the consultation response as set put at Appendix 2 of the report which was submitted to meet the Scottish Government deadline of 13 August 2021.
- Download the Minutes Minutes, 194.8 KB
- 6. Annual Community Asset Transfer Report 2020/21 Report, 313.35 KB
- 7. Police Scotland Performance Report Report, 4.61 MB
- 8. Visitor Management Plan update on service implementation Report, 220.42 KB
- 9. Annual Complaints Performance Report 2020/21 Report, 456.04 KB
- 10. Waste projects update Report, 209.74 KB
- 11. Revenue Monitoring Report 2020 21 outturns and 2021 22 Quarter 1 Report, 319.41 KB
- 12. Update on the support for businesses exporting and importing food Report, 236.72 KB
- 13. Licensing of activities involving animals Report, 261.11 KB
- 14. Recycling Improvement Fund (RIF) Update Report, 156.78 KB
- 15. Communities & Place Capital Monitoring - Outturn for 2020/21 and Quarter 1 for 2021/22 Report, 180.76 KB
- 16. Scottish Government Short Term Lets consultation response on draft Licensing Order and Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) Report, 238.86 KB