Agendas, reports and minutes

Isle of Skye and Raasay Committee

Date: Monday, 30 August 2021

Agenda: Read the Agenda

A meeting of the Isle of Skye and Raasay Committee (Comataidh an Eilein Sgitheanaich agus Ratharsair) will be held REMOTELY on Monday, 30 August, 2021 at 10.30 am. 
You are invited to attend the meeting and a note of the business to be considered is attached.
Yours faithfully
Stewart Fraser
Head of Corporate Governance
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declarations of Interest
    Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt
Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting.  Any Member making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest.  Advice may be sought from officers prior to the meeting taking place.
3. Minutes
There are circulated for information, Minutes of Meeting of the Isle of Skye and Raasay Committee (Comataidh an Eilein Sgitheanaich agus Ratharsair) held on 31 May, 2021, which were approved at the Highland Council meeting held on 24 June, 2021. 
4. Police Scotland Local Committee Performance Report
    Aithisg Choileanaidh Comataidh Ionadail Poileas Alba
There is circulated Report No SR/10/21 by the Area Inspector for Police.
The Committee are invited to note progress made against the objectives set within the Highland Local Policing Plan 2020-2023 Year 1, attached as Annex A to this report, for the period covering 01 April 2020 - 31 March 2021.
5. Newton Rooms
    Seòmraichean a’ Bhaile Ùir
There will be a verbal update from the Quality Improvement Manager on the progress to date of the Pop up Newton Rooms. Highlands and Islands Enterprise have appointed international specialist firm FIRST Scandinavia, the company that developed and owns the Newton Concept, to create one of Scotland’s first Newton Rooms at Caol Youth Centre in Fort William. Newton rooms offer practical education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) for schools. 
The plan across Highland is to develop a network of Pop-Up Newton Rooms to promote STEM subjects across primary and secondary schools.
6. Area Roads Capital Monitoring 2021/2022 Progress Report
    Aithisg Adhartais Obair-ghleidhidh Rathaidean
There is circulated Report No. SR/11/21 by the Executive Chief Officer Infrastructure, Environment & Economy.
Members are asked to: -
i.  note the progress of the 2021/22 Area Roads Maintenance Capital Programme for the Skye & Lochalsh Area;
ii. approve the amendments and additions to the 2021/22 Surface Dressing and Surfacing Programmes; and
iii.note the progress of the Strategic Schemes allocated to Skye & Raasay Area.
7. Skye and Raasay Future
    Àm ri Teachd an Eilein Sgitheanaich is Ratharsair
There is circulated Report No. SR/12/21 by the Executive Chief Officer Infrastructure, Environment & Economy.
Members are asked to:
i.  consider the draft “Skye & Raasay Future” (SARF) at Appendix 1 and agree to its adoption by the Skye & Raasay Committee;  
ii. note the comments made during the engagement events and online consultations as set out in the Architecture & Design Scotland report enclosed at Appendix 2;
iii. note that subject to its adoption by Committee the SARF will be prepared in an online ‘Storymap’ format a demo of which will be provided at Committee;
iv. agree the next steps for securing adoption of SARF by partner groups and organisations, and the ongoing collaborative approach to governance, as set out in Section 6;
v.  note that the adoption process is proposed to include consideration of SARF by the Council’s Economy and Infrastructure Committee; and
vi. note that the implementation of SARF will rely on collective responsibility across all public sector partners and communities across Skye & Raasay.  Internally, this 
will set the framework for Council services and budgets to be aligned with the outcomes and priorities where appropriate.
8. Community Asset Transfer Request: Raasay Ferry Terminal
    CAT Port-Aiseig Ratharsair 
There is circulated Report No. SR/13/21 by the Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place. 
Members are asked to vary the Community Asset Transfer request for approval as follows - a 99-year lease of Raasay Ferry Terminal to Raasay Development Trust, for £1 p/a if asked and on the terms as detailed in the recommendation to the report.
9. Portree Link Road
    Rathad Ceangail Phort Rìgh
There is circulated Report No. SR/14/21 by the Executive Chief Officer Infrastructure, Environment & Economy.
Members are asked to:-
i.   note the funding position in respect of Portree Link Road;
ii.  agree to the submission of a planning application for the scheme; and
iii. note the proposed delivery programme.
10. Visitor Management Plan
     Plana Stiùiridh Luchd-tadhail
There is circulated Report No. SR/15/21 by the Executive Chief Officer Infrastructure, Environment & Economy.
Members are asked to note the information provided by each Service on progress to date on delivering the Visitor Management Plan actions as detailed in Appendix 1.
11. Highland Coastal Communities Fund – Assessment of Application (Glendale Community Hall)
     Maoin Coimhearsnachd Cladaich Ghleann Dail 
There is circulated Report No. SR/16/21 the Executive Chief Officer Infrastructure, Environment & Economy.
Members are asked to consider all applications presented for funding and agree whether to approve, defer or reject the application.  An approval of funding should detail the amount approved and outline any conditions of funding that Members wish to attach to the approval over and above the required technical conditions.  A deferral would allow an applicant to resubmit the current application at a future date with updated information.  A rejection would mean that the application will not proceed and any future application to the fund should be brought forward initially as a new expression of interest.  
12. Parking Income
     Teachd-a-steach bho Pharcadh
There will follow Report No. SR/17/21.
13. Place Based Investment Funds – Proposed Funding Allocations 
      Maointean Tasgaidh Stèidhichte air Àite – Riarachaidhean Maoineachaidh gam Moladh
There is circulated Report No. SR/18/21 by the Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place.
Members are asked to:- 
1.Consider and agree the proposed allocation of Place Based Investment Funds as follows:
• Investment in additional Seasonal Staff Hours for Amenity Services - £14,000
2.Note that the projects related to the following themes are under development and will be brought for consideration to a future meeting of this committee:
• Commercial Business Opportunities, Skye & Raasay Future, Roads, Social Isolation and Loneliness.