Agendas, reports and minutes

Communities and Place Committee

Date: Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Agenda: Read the Agenda

A meeting of the Communities and Place Committee will take place in the Council Chamber, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness on Wednesday 17 August 2022 at 10.30 am.

Webcast Notice: This meeting will be filmed and broadcast over the Internet on the Highland Council website and will be archived and available for viewing for 12 months thereafter.

You are invited to attend the meeting and a note of the business to be considered is attached.

Yours faithfully

Stewart Fraser
Head of Corporate Governance


1.    Apologies for Absence

2.    Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting.  Any Member making a declaration of interest should provide some information on the nature of the interest and leave the meeting at the appropriate time.  Advice may be sought from officers prior to the meeting taking place.

3.    Recess Powers
Cumhachdan Fosaidh 

The Committee is asked to note that the recess powers granted by the Council at its meeting on 30 June 2022 have not been exercised in relation to the business of the Committee.

4.    Police Performance Report
Aithisg Coileanaidh Poileis

Under the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012, the Local Authority has responsibility for monitoring and scrutinising performance of Police Scotland against the Local Policing Plan for the area.  The Local Plan was approved by the Committee in August 2020.

There is circulated Report No CP/07/22 dated 9 August 2022 by Chief Superintendent Conrad Trickett, Police Scotland.

The Committee is invited to note progress made against the objectives set within the Highland Local Policing Plan 2020-2023 Year 2, attached as Annex A to the report, for the period covering 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022.

5.    Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Highland Performance Report
Aithisg Coileanaidh Seirbheis Smàlaidh is Teasairginn na h-Alba

Under the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012, the Local Authority has responsibility for monitoring and scrutinising performance of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service against the Local Fire and Rescue Plan for the area.  The Local Plan was approved by the Committee in November 2020.

There is circulated Report No CP/08/22 dated 1 August 2022 by the Local Senior Officer for Highland, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

The Committee is invited to comment on and scrutinise the Highland Performance Report.

6.    Communities and Place Draft Directorate Service Plan 2022/23
Dreachd Phlana Seirbheis Buidheann-stiùiridh Choimhearsnachdan agus Àite 2022/23

There is circulated Report No CP/09/22 dated 1 August 2022 by the Executive Chief Officer, Communities and Place.

The Committee is invited to:-

i.    comment on the draft Directorate Service Plan for 2022/23; and
ii.    note that the draft plan will be subject to review following the approval of a new Council Programme and Corporate Plan and completion of development work outlined in section 5 of the report.

7.    Revenue Budget Monitoring Report: 2021/22 Outturn and 2022/23 Quarter 1
Aithisg Sgrùdaidh Buidseat Teachd-a-steach: Fìor Shuidheachadh 2021/22 agus Cairteal 1 2022/23

There is circulated Report No CP/10/22 dated 5 August 2022 by the Executive Chief Officer, Communities and Place.

The Committee is invited to note:-

i.    the final outturn for the 2021/22 Revenue budget for the Communities and Place Service of £691k underspend;
ii.    the forecasted outturn for the 2022/23 Revenue budget for the Communities and Place Service as at Quarter 1 is £1.225m overspend; and
iii.    the principal reasons for the 2022/23 forecasted overspend are higher costs pertaining to fuel and parts including vehicle components, spares and tyres.

8.    Capital Budget Monitoring Report: 2021/22 Outturn and 2022/23 Quarter 1    
Aithisg Sgrùdaidh Buidseat Calpa: Fìor Shuidheachadh 2021/22 agus Cairteal 1 2022/23

There is circulated Report No CP/11/22 dated 8 August 2022 by the Executive Chief Officer, Communities and Place.

The Committee is invited to note:-

i.    the capital outturn position for the Communities and Place Service for 2021/22;
ii.    the forecasted capital outturn for the Communities and Place Service for 2022/23 as at Quarter 1; and
iii.    the current forecasts for the major projects in the Communities and Place Service.

9.    Playpark Funding Update
Fios às Ùr mu Mhaoineachadh Pàirce-cluiche

There is circulated Report No CP/12/22 dated 3 August 2022 by the Executive Chief Officer, Communities and Place.

The Committee is invited to note:-

i.    the full details of the Scottish Government grant as set out in the report to the Communities and Place Committee in November 2021;
ii.    the allocation and distribution of funding for 2022/23; 
iii.    £232k of the Scottish Government grant was carried forward from 2021/22 to spend in 2022/23;
iv.    the Scottish Government has stated that the remaining £50 million of funding requires to be allocated to local authorities by the end of this parliamentary term in May 2026;
v.    funding is for capital works relating to refurbishing playparks, and not intended for ongoing maintenance costs;
vi.    the additional funding from Area Committees for 2021/22;
vii.    progress made in improving playparks during 2021/22;
viii.    playparks are within the scope of the amenities review being considered by the Redesign Board and that as the play parks strategy develops progress reports will be considered by the Board before being finalised; and
ix.    a time-limited post with full costs recovered from the award was approved by the Communities and Place Committee on 10 November 2021.  The allocation of £15k for 2021/22 was not spent and has been rolled forward to 2022/23.  Estimated costs for 2022/23 are £22.5k reflecting that the recruitment process is not yet complete.

10.    Update on Service Enhancements from Visitor Management Plan Funding
Fios às Ùr mu Leasachaidhean Seirbheis bho Mhaoineachadh Plana Stiùiridh Luchd-tadhail

There is circulated Report No CP/13/22 dated 8 August 2022 by the Executive Chief Officer, Communities and Place.

The Committee is invited to note:-

i.    the Visitor Management Plan is not recurring funding;
ii.    the investment in public conveniences and waste services will be fully committed this year;
iii.    the enhanced public convenience service with 75 Council operated facilitates, infrastructure improvements for 40 facilities, 15 new comfort scheme providers now taking the total to 52, and support for a community group running portaloos; and
iv.    any new funding streams will be pursued.

11.    Waste Management Service Update
Fios às Ùr mun t-Seirbheis Rianachd Sgudail

There is circulated Report No CP/14/22 dated 3 August 2022 by the Executive Chief Officer, Communities and Place.

The Committee is invited to note:-

i.    the significant work being undertaken to deliver Waste Management Services, both current and looking to the future;
ii.    the Aviemore waste transfer station construction is completed;
iii.    the construction programme for Inverness waste transfer station is well underway;
iv.    Heads of Terms are awaited for the preferred site upon which to develop the Fort William waste transfer station and the new lease for the existing Household Waste Recycling Centre in Fort William; 
v.    the progress to expand garden waste collection services with support from the Recycling Improvement Fund (RIF); 
vi.    the use of digital technology (Route Optimisation) supporting the implementation of changes in service delivery; 
vii.    a strategic options appraisal examining future waste and recycling collection possibilities is being undertaken with the aim to determine how Highland Council might align with Scotland’s Household Recycling Charter;
viii.    progress with site investigation studies in support of the Longman Green Energy Hub ambition;
ix.    the award of disposal services for residual waste, as a medium-term solution, becoming effective from 2023 reduces the Council’s reliance on landfill from 2023 and will be fully compliant with the ban on biodegradable waste entering landfill which will come into effect as from the 31 December 2025;
x.    key recommendations from the independent review instructed by the Scottish Government into the role incineration plays in Scotland’s waste hierarchy; and
xi.    key work being undertaken by Waste Management.

12.    Annual Community Asset Transfer Report 2021/22
Aithisg Bhliadhnail Gluasad So-mhaoin Coimhearsnachd 2021/22

There is circulated Report No CP/15/22 dated 3 August 2022 by the Executive Chief Officer, Communities and Place.

The Committee is invited to:-

i.    note the annual community asset transfer report and the update on transfers that have taken place over the previous 12 months;
ii.    consider the proposed response to the questions on learning from the Community Empowerment Act outlined in section 5 and agree any additional points to be included; and
iii.    consider and agree the annual report on Community Asset Transfer as detailed in the report and at Appendix 1 of the report, for submission to the Scottish Government.

13.    Community Participation and Involvement Update
Fios às Ùr mu Chom-pàirteachadh is Chom-pàirteachas Coimhearsnachd

There is circulated Report No CP/16/22 dated 3 August 2022 by the Executive Chief Officer, Communities and Place.

The Committee is invited to:-

i.    consider and note the update on the work ongoing to increase participation and involvement of communities in Council activity across Highland; and
ii.    agree the Annual Participation Request report for the Scottish Government set out at Appendix 1 of the report.

14.    Enforcement Policy for Environmental Health and Waste Services
Poileasaidh Cur an Gnìomh airson Seirbheisean Slàinte Àrainneachd agus Sgudail

There is circulated Report No CP/17/22 dated 3 August 2022 by the Executive Chief Officer, Communities and Place.

The Committee is invited to approve the updated Enforcement Policy for Environmental Health and Waste Services.

15.    Appointment of Members to the Waste Strategy Working Group
Cur an Dreuchd Bhall chun na Buidhne-obrach Ro-innleachd Sgudail

The remit of the Waste Strategy Working Group is to oversee the key actions in relation to the Council’s Waste Strategy.

The Committee is invited to appoint 8 Members to the Waste Strategy Working Group.  Nominations, in accordance with the agreed formula, will be tabled at the meeting.