Agendas, reports and minutes

Education Committee

Date: Thursday, 29 September 2022

Agenda: Read the Agenda

A meeting of the Education Committee will take place in the Council Chamber, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness on Thursday 15 September 2022 (postponed to 29 September 2022) at 10.35 am.

Webcast Notice: This meeting will be filmed and broadcast over the Internet on the Highland Council website and will be archived and available for viewing for 12 months thereafter.

You are invited to attend the meeting and a note of the business to be considered is attached.

Yours faithfully

Stewart Fraser
Head of Corporate Governance


1.    Apologies for Absence

2.    Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting.  Any Member making a declaration of interest should provide some information on the nature of the interest and leave the meeting at the appropriate time.  Advice may be sought from officers prior to the meeting taking place.

3.    Recess Powers
Cumhachdan Fosaidh 

The Committee is asked to note that the recess powers granted by the Council at its meeting on 30 June 2022 have not been exercised in relation to the business of the Committee.

4.    Good News/Outstanding Achievements
Naidheachdan Matha/Coileanaidhean Air Leth

5.    Highland Attainment Update
Cunntas às Ùr mu Bhuileachadh is Choileanadh Chomhairle na Gàidhealtachd

There is circulated Report No EDU/9/22 dated 18 August 2022 by the Executive Chief Officer, Education and Learning.

The Committee is invited to:-

i.    note the contents of the initial attainment report;
ii.    note the key successes, areas of progress and action being taken by schools and the Education Service to improve pupil attainment during the current school session 2021-22 and planned for session 2022-23;
iii.    approve the actions and key areas of focus as part of the development of a Raising Attainment Strategy focused on improving outcomes for all;
iv.    agree that a further attainment paper with more detailed analysis of SQA attainment data following publication of national attainment information be brought to the November Committee; and
v.    agree that analysis of the Broad General attainment be brought to the February Committee following release of the national data in December 2022.

6.    Presentation – Collaborative Leads – Supporting our Schools to Improve Outcomes
Taisbeanadh – Stiùirichean Co-obrachaidh – A’ Toirt Taic dha na Sgoiltean Againn gus Builean a Leasachadh

A presentation will be provided on plans to support schools to raise attainment and achievement.

7.    Education and Learning Draft Directorate Service Plan 2022/23
Dreachd Phlana Seirbheis an Fhoghlaim agus an Ionnsachaidh 

There is circulated Report No EDU/10/22 dated 17 August 2022 by the Executive Chief Officer, Education and Learning.

The Committee is invited to:-

i.    comment on the draft Directorate Service Plan for 2022/23;
ii.    agree any amendments required prior to the final plan being presented to the Committee in November; and
iii.    note that the draft plan will be subject to review following the approval of a new Council Programme and Corporate Plan and completion of development work outlined in section 5 of the report.

8.    Developing a Whole Systems Approach to Supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing for our Children and Young People
A’ Leasachadh Dòigh-obrach Shiostaman Iomlan airson Taic a thoirt do Shlàinte Inntinn is Sunnd airson ar Cloinne agus ar Daoine Òga

There is circulated Report No EDU/11/22 dated 17 August 2022 by the Executive Chief Officer, Education and Learning.

The Committee is invited to:-

i.    note the range and scope of the work undertaken by the Highland Council Psychological Services in supporting a whole systems approach to mental health and wellbeing for children and young people;
ii.    note the development of a framework for self-evaluation in relation to wellbeing that can support schools in their work on creating a positive ethos;
iii.    be aware of and agree to promote the use of the website created for parents/carers, pupils and practitioners in Highland to support mental health and wellbeing:
iv.    note the progress made on embedding a school counselling service across Highland and consider and comment on the data gathered to date in relation to this service;
v.    note the training available in relation to Promoting Positive Relationships, Mental Health Awareness and Becoming Trauma Informed and signpost this as appropriate to schools and services within your communities;
vi.    note the direct work undertaken by psychological services in supporting children and young people and the feedback received from service users (including children and young people);
vii.    comment and advise on the next steps suggested to support this area of development in schools and early learning and childcare settings and the provision of specialist support for children and young people; and
viii.    become aware and familiar with the Improvement Service document “Elected Member Briefing Note – Trauma is Everybody’s Business”.

9.    Presentation – How has our Wellbeing Curriculum contributed to our Improvement in Outcomes at Fortrose Academy
Taisbeanadh – Ciamar a tha an Curraicealam Sunnd againn air cur ri Leasachadh nam Builean againn aig Acadamaidh na Cananaich

Members of Fortrose Academy community will be in attendance to outline their wellbeing journey to support the raising of attainment and achievement.

10.    Consultation on the proposed merger of UHI North Highland, UHI Outer Hebrides and UHI West Highland
Co-chomhairle mun mholadh UHI na Gàidhealtachd a Tuath, UHI Innse Gall agus UHI na Gàidhealtachd an Iar a thoirt còmhla

There will be a presentation by UHI college merger representatives on the plans to merge three colleges with 19 rural and island campuses and learning centres across the Highlands, Skye and Western Islands, supporting 9000 students and 600 staff.

11.    Revenue Budget Monitoring – Final Outturn for 2021-22 and Quarter 1 Forecast for 2022-23
Sgrùdadh Buidseat Teachd-a-steach – Fìor Shuidheachadh Deireannach airson 2021-22 agus Ro-aithris Cairteil 1 airson 2022-23 

There is circulated Report No EDU/12/22 dated 17 August 2022 by the Executive Chief Officer, Education and Learning.

The Committee is invited to note:-

i.    the final out-turn for the 2021/22 financial year, as set out in Appendix 1 of the report;
ii.    the forecast revenue position for Quarter 1 of the 2022/23 financial year, as set out in Appendix 2 of the report;
iii.    there are significant risks and uncertainties relating to current financial year forecasts, relating to pay award, inflation and other pressures; and
iv.    the progress update provided in relation to budget savings delivery as set out in Appendix 3 of the report.

12.    Review of the statutory consultation exercise on the relocation of St Clement’s School, Dingwall
Ath-sgrùdadh air Obair Cho-chomhairleachaidh Reachdail airson Sgoil Naoimh Chliamhainn

There is circulated Report No EDU/13/22 dated 1 August 2022 by the Executive Chief Officer, Education and Learning.

The Committee is invited to:-

i.    consider the proposal set out within the consultation report (Appendix 1 of the report) and associated appendices;
ii.    consider the representations made at the public meeting (Appendix 2 of the report); and the report from Education Scotland (Appendix 4 of the report); and
iii.    agree to recommend to the Council that St Clement’s School be re-located to the site off Dochcarty Brae to allow the construction of a new school building.

13.    Review of the statutory consultation exercise on the establishment of a Gaelic Medium catchment area for Glenurquhart Primary School
Ath-sgrùdadh air Obair Cho-chomhairleachaidh Reachdail airson Sgìre-sgoile Foghlam tron Ghàidhlig a stèidheachadh airson Bun-Sgoil Ghlinn Urchadain

There is circulated Report No EDU/14/22 dated 17 August 2022 by the Executive Chief Officer, Education and Learning.

The Committee is invited to:-

i.    consider the proposal set out within the consultation report (Appendix 1 of the report) and associated appendices; 
ii.    consider the representations received (Appendices 3i-3iii of the report) and the report from Education Scotland (Appendices 4 and 5 of the report); and
iii.    agree to recommend to the Council that a Gaelic Medium catchment area be created for Glenurquhart Primary School on the basis set out at paragraph 1.2 of the report.

14.    Review of the statutory consultation exercise on the closure of Roy Bridge Primary School
Ath-sgrùdadh air Obair Cho-chomhairleachaidh Reachdail mu dhùnadh foirmeil Bun-Sgoil Dhrochaid Ruaidh

There is circulated Report No EDU/15/22 dated 15 August 2022 by the Executive Chief Officer – Education and Learning.

The Committee is invited to agree to recommend to the Council that it discontinue education at Roy Bridge Primary School, transferring its catchment to that of Spean Bridge Primary School.  

15.    Appointments to Other Bodies
Cur an Dreuchd gu Buidhnean Eile

i.    Food and Health in Schools Group
Biadh agus Slàinte ann am Buidhnean Sgoiltean

The Food and Health in Schools Group replaced the former School Meals Stakeholder Group which was in place between 2011 and 2015.  The Group now covers a broader remit about overall child health and healthy eating and makes recommendations on food, nutrition and health policies for pupils and staff in Highland schools.  

The Committee is invited to appoint 2 Members to the Food and Health in Schools Group.

ii.    Highland Disability Sport
Spòrs Chiorramach na Gàidhealtachd

Highland Disability Sport co–ordinates all activities in sport and leisure in the Highlands for individuals with physical, learning or sensory disabilities. They arrange sporting activities Highland-wide and encourage people to participate and compete, regardless of their ability or age, in various sports such as athletics, badminton, boccia, bowling, football, golf, swimming and ten pin bowling.

The Committee is invited to appoint 3 Members to Highland Disability Sport.

iii.    Highland Football Academy Trust
Urras Acadamaidh Ball-coise na Gàidhealtachd

The Highland Football Academy Trust has three principal partners, namely the Highland Council, Inverness Caledonian Thistle FC and Ross County FC.  It provides leisure and sports recreation facilities to a wide range of groups and operates a Football Academy at Victoria Park, Dingwall, the Bught/Charleston areas of Inverness and such other alternative locations as the Trustees may determine.

The Committee is invited to appoint 2 Members to the Highland Football Academy Trust.

iv.    SEEMiS Board of Management
Bòrd Stiùiridh SEEMiS

SEEMiS Group is an Education Management Information System provider.  It is a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) comprising all 32 Scottish local authorities.  The Board of Management directs SEEMiS on behalf of the members of the LLP. 

The Committee is invited to appoint 1 Member to the SEEMiS Board of Management.

16.    Minutes of Local Negotiating Committee for Teachers
Geàrr-chunntas na Comataidh Barganachaidh Ionadail airson Thidsearan

The draft Minutes of the Local Negotiating Committee for Teachers held on 28 June 2022 are circulated for noting.