Agendas, reports and minutes

Highland Council

Date: Thursday, 27 October 2022

Agenda: Read the Supplementary Agenda 2

(vi) Mr R Gale 
To the Chair of the Corporate Resources Committee
“Following the Council’s decision on the 22nd of September to prevent Members from having access to printed copies of the papers, can you give details on when a full Display Screen Equipment assessment will be carried out on the desks, chairs, workspace, and lighting in the chamber to ensure that Members’ health does not suffer as a result of prolonged DSE use?”
DSE guidance indicates it is the responsibility of the user to complete display screen equipment assessments for each location where they work.  The HSE’s guidance differentiates between different types of task and the steps that users should take depending on what their device is being used for.  In terms of the use of devices in the Chamber to access Council papers, the HSE provides guidance on what users should do when reading from a screen for prolonged periods of time which includes adjusting colour, brightness, contrast and font size – as required by each individual user.
The Health and Safety Executive’s guidance on DSE is available at this link: 
The Head of People Services, in consultation with the Head of ICT & Digital Transformation, can look at further training as part of the Elected Member training.   
Yours faithfully
Stewart Fraser
Head of Corporate Governance