Agendas, reports and minutes

Black Isle and Easter Ross Area Committee

Date: Monday, 13 May 2024

Agenda: Read the Agenda

A meeting of the Black Isle and Easter Ross Area Committee will take place remotely via Microsoft Teams, on 13 May 2024, at 10.30 am.

Recording Notice: This meeting will be recorded and uploaded to the Council’s YouTube channel.

You are invited to attend the meeting and a note of the business to be considered is attached.

Yours faithfully

Stewart Fraser
Head of Legal and Governance

1.    Appointment of a Second Vice Chair
Cur Cathraiche an Dreuchd – check Gaelic

Nominations will be sought for the appointment of a second Vice Chair of the Black Isle and Easter Ross Area Committee, noting that at the meeting on 22 January 2024, Ms L Johnston was had been appointed as Chair, and Ms M MacCallum as Vice Chair.

2.    Apologies for Absence

3.    Declarations of Interest/Transparency Statement
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt/Aithris Fhollaiseachd

Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting.  Any Member making a declaration of interest should provide some information on the nature of the interest and leave the meeting at the appropriate time.  Advice may be sought from officers prior to the meeting taking place.

4.    Fire – Area Performance Summary Report        
Smàladh – Geàrr Aithisg Coileanadh Sgìreil

There is circulated Report No BIER/09/24 by the Local Senior Officer for Highland.

The Committee is asked to comment on and scrutinise the Area Performance Report.

5.    Invergordon Common Good Fund – consultation on the proposal to sell the bust of Sir John Gordon    
Maoin Math Coitcheann Inbhir Ghòrdain – co-chomhairleachadh mun mholadh gus ìomhaigh-bràghad Sir Iain Ghòrdain a reic

There is circulated Report No BIER/10/24 by the Executive Chief Officer (Communities and Place), and the Acting Executive Chief Officer (Performance and Governance).

The Committee is asked to:

i.    note the outcome of the consultation process undertaken as contained in the analysis at Appendix 1;
ii.    approve the responses to the representations received within the consultation period for publication on the Council’s website as contained in the document at Appendix 2;
iii.    consider and balance the representations received together with the responsibilities for the Invergordon Common Good fund; and
iv.    following consideration of the representations received and best interests of the Invergordon Common Good Fund:
     a)    agree to recommend to full Council that the proposal to dispose of the bust of Sir John Gordon by sale should go ahead (see paragraph 5.3);
     b)    agree that the disposal should proceed by way of private sale (see paragraph 5.4):
     c)    agree that a museum quality replica be commissioned (see paragraph 6.1); and
     d)    note that, if approval is recommended, it will be necessary to seek Sheriff Court consent because the bust is considered to be inalienable.

6.    Housing Performance Report     
Aithisg Coileanaidh Taigheadais

There is circulated Report No BIER/11/24 by Executive Chief Officer, Housing and Property.

The Committee is asked to note the information provided on housing performance in the period 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024.

7.    Associated School Group – Invergordon and Alness                      
Buidheann Sgoiltean Co-cheangailte – Inbhir Ghòrdain agus Alanais

7a. Alness Academy Associated School Group Attainment Overview
Foir-shealladh Buileachaidh Buidheann Sgoiltean Co-cheangailte Acadamaidh Alanais  

There is circulated Report No BIER/12/24 by the Executive Chief Officer, Education & Learning

The Committee is asked to scrutinise and note the content of the report.

7b. Invergordon Academy Associated School Group Attainment Overview
Foir-shealladh Buileachaidh Buidheann Sgoiltean Co-cheangailte Acadamaidh Inbhir Ghòrdain       

There is circulated Report No BIER/13/24 by the Executive Chief Officer, Education & Learning.

The Committee is asked to scrutinise and note the content of the report.

8.    Ward Discretionary Awards    
Duaisean fo Ùghdarras Uàird

There is circulated for noting details of the Discretionary Budget applications that have been approved.

9.    Ward Minutes    

There is circulated for noting Minutes of Meeting of the Black Isle and Easter Ross Area Committee held on 22 January 2024, which were approved by the Council on 14 March 2024.