Agendas, reports and minutes

Lochaber Committee

Date: Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Agenda: Read the Supplementary Agenda

In relation to the agenda circulated for the above meeting of the Lochaber Committee, the following supplementary report and additional item are circulated.
Agenda Item 8
Parking Income andTariffs
Cìsean Parcaidh Loch Abar
There is circulated Report No. LA/13/24 by the Assistant Chief Executive – Place.
Members are asked to:-
i.   note the income reporting in section 4;
ii.  agree the further increase in Tariffs in section 5; 
iii. note the proposed tariffs for Glencoe Village Visitor Car Park in paragraph 5.2; 
iv.  agree the regulation of the car park sites in section 6.
Agenda Item 11
Appointment to the proposed West Highland Way Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) Board of Trustees
The West Highland was Scotland’s first long distance route established under the Countryside (Scotland) Act 1967. It remains the most well-known route and walked by around 50,000 people end-to-end every year. The Council has been a member of West Highland Way Management Group since the 1980’s, this is currently led by Loch Lomond & Trossachs National Park Authority. There is increasing need to source external funds  for the improvement, maintenance and administration of the route. The establishment of a SCIO is being proposed, this would have representation from each local authority involved in the management of the Way.
The Committee is invited to appoint one Member, from the Lochaber Area as an Interim Trustee of the West Highland Way SCIO for the first year of establishment and the first term once established.
Yours sincerely
Stewart Fraser
Head of Legal and Governance