Agendas, reports and minutes

Dingwall and Seaforth Area Committee

Date: Monday, 20 May 2024

Agenda: Read the Agenda

A meeting of the Dingwall and Seaforth Area Committee will take place in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, High Street, Dingwall on Monday, 20 May 2024 at 10.30 am.

You are invited to attend the meeting and a note of the business to be considered is attached.

Recording Notice: This meeting will be recorded and uploaded to the Council’s YouTube channel.

Yours faithfully

Stewart Fraser
Head of Legal and Governance 

1. Apologies for Absence / Leisgeulan

2. Declarations of Interest / Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting. Any Member making a declaration of interest should provide some information on the nature of the interest and leave the meeting at the appropriate time.  Advice may be sought from officers prior to the meeting taking place.

3. Scottish Fire and Rescue Service / Seirbheis Smàlaidh is Teasairginn

There is circulated Report No DSA/07/24 by the Local Group Manager for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. 

The Committee is invited to comment on and scrutinise the Dingwall and Seaforth Performance Report.

4. The Peffery Way, (Dingwall to Strathpeffer) Path Agreement/Path Order Proposal / Slighe Pheofhair (Inbhir Pheofharain gu Srath Pheofhair), Aonta Ceuma/Moladh Òrdugh Ceuma

There is circulated Report No DSA/08/24 by the Assistant Chief Executive – Place. 

The Committee is invited to:-

i. note the two options available to the Council to enable the completion of the Peffery Way, which are:- 
a) seek a Path Order along the old railway track bed (Route B in Appendix 1 of the report); or 
b) pursue a Path Agreement with the landowner for the alternative route (Route A and C in Appendix 1 of the report); and

ii. agree that the Path Order would result in a more accessible route and deliver the best outcomes for local communities (in accordance with the advice of the Local Access Forum) and approve the option to seek a Path Order.

5. Dingwall and Seaforth Ward Discretionary budget applications approved since last meeting / Iarrtasan buidseat fo Ùghdarras Uàrd Inbhir Pheofharain agus Shìophort air an aontachadh bho choinneamh mu dheireadh

The Committee is asked to note that the following Dingwall and Seaforth Ward Discretionary Budget applications have been approved between 16 February and 31 March 2024. 
i. Dingwall Fire Brigade Community Group – Christmas meal - £500
ii. Dingwall Art Group – Exhibition display boards - £250
iii. Killearnan Community Council – Venue Hire - £150
iv. Community Food Initiatives North East - Fare Share in Highland - £500
v. Muir of Ord Men's Shed – Installation and equipping of cabins - £2,709.89

6. Housing Performance Report

There is circulated Report No DSA/09/24 by the Executive Chief Officer, Housing and Property.

The Committee is asked to note the information provided on housing performance in the period 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024.

7. Minutes / Geàrr-chunntas

There is circulated for noting Minutes of Meeting of the Dingwall and Seaforth Area Committee held on 19 February 2024 which were approved by the Council on 14 March 2024.