Agendas, reports and minutes

Highland Community Planning Partnership Board

Date: Wednesday, 5 June 2024

Agenda: Read the Agenda

A meeting of the Community Planning Partnership Board will take place in #hellodigital, An Lòchran, Inverness Campus, Inverness, and via Microsoft Teams, on Wednesday 5 June 2024 at 10.00 am.

You are invited to attend the meeting and the business to be considered is noted below.


1.    Apologies for Absence

2.    Minutes of Meetings

The following Minutes are circulated for noting or approval as appropriate:

i.    Community Planning Partnership Board – 1 March 2024 (for approval);
ii.    Community Justice Partnership – 7 December 2023 (for noting); and
iii.    Highland Alcohol and Drugs Partnership Strategy Group – 20 February 2024 (for noting).

3.    Action Tracker

The Board is asked to review progress of its agreed actions.

4.    Resetting the Highland Outcome Improvement Plan (HOIP)

There is circulated Report No CPPB/8/24 by CPP Senior Officers.

The Board is asked to:

i.    agree the revised Highland Outcome Improvement Plan for 2024-2027, set out at Appendix 1 of the report;
ii.    note the work undertaken since March to develop the HOIP Delivery Plan;
iii.    consider the feedback from the engagement undertaken since March to develop the HOIP Delivery Plan;
iv.    agree the proposed actions for the HOIP Delivery Plan, set out at Appendix 2 of the report; and
v.    note that work will be undertaken to develop milestones and measures of success to underpin the actions and this will be supported by a performance dashboard for the partnership that will aim to measure the long term impact of the HOIP.  This will come to the Board for consideration in September.

5.    Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Strategic Service Review Programme (Have Your Say)

The Local Senior Officer, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, will speak to this item.

6.    Planet Youth Case Study

There will be a presentation by Eve MacLeod, former Planet Youth Lead.

7.    NHS Highland Director of Public Health Annual Report 2023: Medication and Public Health - Do the Right Thing

There is circulated Report No CPPB/9/24 by the Director of Public Health, NHS Highland, who will give a presentation in amplification of the report.

The Board is asked to discuss and note the 2023 Director of Public Health Annual Report.

8.    Community Learning and Development Year 2 Report – October 2022 to September 2023

There is circulated Report No CPPB/10/24 by the Assistant Chief Executive – People, The Highland Council.

The Board is asked to note:

i.    the progress and achievements;
ii.    the priorities and focus for Year 3 of the CLD plan 2021/24; and
iii.    that the annual inspection visit from His Majesty Inspectors of Education for CLD will take place from 3 to 5 June.

9.    Active Highland Strategy and Action Plan

There is circulated Report No CPPB/11/24 by the Head of Health Improvement, NHS Highland.

The Board is asked to:-

i.    note the progress to develop a refreshed Active Highland Strategy and action plan; and
ii.    endorse the proposed outcomes for the refreshed Active Highland Strategy.

10.    Highland Alcohol and Drugs Partnership (HADP) Annual Reporting Template 2023/24

There is circulated Report No CPPB/12/24 by the HADP Coordinator.

The Board is asked to scrutinise and agree the HADP Annual Reporting Survey submission for 2023/24.

11.    Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund

There is circulated Report No CPPB/13/24 by the Chief Officer, Highland Third Sector Interface.

The Board is asked to:-

i.    consider the proposal and provide comments, guidance and feedback; and
ii.    agree the approach in principle.

12.    Communications Strategy

There is circulated Report No CPPB/14/24 by the Partnership Development Manager.

The Board is asked to consider and comment on the draft Communications Strategy at Appendix 1 of the report, noting a final version will come forward to the September Board meeting.

13.    Partnership Development Team Update

There is circulated Report No CPPB/15/24 by CPP Senior Officers and the Partnership Development Manager.

The Board is asked to consider the updated Milestones report to May 2024 included in Appendix 1 of the report.

14.    Review of Strategic Risk Register

The Strategic Risk Register is circulated for consideration and review.

15.    Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled to take place on Friday 20 September 2024 at 11.00 am.

16.    Confidential Item:
Social Value Charter for Renewables Investment

There is circulated, to Board Members and attendees only, Report No CPPB/16/24 by the Assistant Chief Executive – Place, The Highland Council.

The Board is asked to consider the recommendation in the report.