Agendas, reports and minutes

North Planning Applications Committee

Date: Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Agenda: Read the Agenda

A meeting of the North Planning Applications Committee will take place in the Council Chamber, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness on Tuesday 29 October 2024 at 10.00 am. 

You are invited to attend and a note of the business to be considered is attached. 

Webcast Notice: This meeting will be filmed and broadcast over the Internet on the Highland Council website and will be archived and available for viewing for 12 months thereafter. 

Members are reminded that during determination of any item before this Committee they must be present throughout the whole of that item in order to be entitled to participate. 

Members are further reminded that mobile devices, including mobile phones, can be used for following the agenda/reports and delivering speeches but should not be used for any form of communication (text or tweet) during the meeting. 

Yours faithfully 

Rhoda Banfro, Acting Principal Solicitor – Planning 
(for Head of Legal and Governance)

1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting.  Any Member making a declaration of interest should provide some information on the nature of the interest and leave the meeting at the appropriate time.  Advice may be sought from officers prior to the meeting taking place.

3. Confirmation of Minutes    
Dearbhadh a’ Gheàrr-chunntais

There are submitted for confirmation as a correct record the Minutes of Meeting of the North Planning Applications Committee held on 17 September 2024.

4. Major Development Update    
Iarrtasan Mòra

There is circulated Report No PLN/072/24 (Plans pp * - *) by the Area Planning Manager - North which, provides a summary of all cases within the “Major” development category currently with the Planning and Development Service for determination. The report also details progress on proposals submitted under S36 or S37 of the Electricity Act 1989 on which the Council is consulted.

The Committee is invited to note the current position of these applications.

5.Major Developments – Pre-application consultations    
Leasachaidhean Mòra – Co-chomhairle Ro-iarrtais

Description: Construction and operation of a Battery Energy Storage System along with associated infrastructure and ancillary works, earthworks, access, drainage, landscaping, cable to Fyrish substation, and biodiversity enhancements (24/03765/PAN) (PLN/073/24)
Ward: 06 – Cromarty Firth    
Applicant: Field Fyrish Limited
Site Address: Land 140M NW Of 2 Clashnabuiac, Alness

Description: Proposed new quarry 34.6 hectares to extract high grade Caithness flagstone. (24/03693/PAN) (PLN/074/24)
Ward: 03 - Wick And East Caithness    
Applicant: A&D Sutherland Ltd
Site Address: Land 985M NW Of Lydias House, Toftingall Farm, Watten

Description: Laying of underground cabling to link Bettyhill Wind Farm Phase 2 and Dounreay substation (24/03761/PAN) (PLN/075/24)
Ward: 1 – North, West and Central Sutherland    
Applicant: Bettyhill 2 Wind Ltd
Site Address: Land 2375M SE Of Cairnview, Bettyhill

Description: The construction and operation of a battery energy storage system (BESS) with a maximum installed capacity of 49.9 Megawatts consisting of up to 40 storage containers, control buildings, transformers, landscaping, lighting, CCTV, formation of access, and associated works. (24/03835/PAN) (PLN/076/24)
Ward: 02 – Thurso and North West Caithness    
Applicant: Ecocel Energy
Site Address: Land 250M SE of Geise Farm, Halkirk, Thurso.

Description: Proposed redevelopment of the Talisker distillery site to expand the existing output of the distillery with the construction of a new distillery, incorporating sustainable technologies, with associated support facilities at the site, together with all associated infrastructure, including new access, drainage, outfall, road improvement and landscaping works, including the demolition of existing production facilities post commission of the new facility (24/04246/PAN) (PLN/077/24)
Ward: 10 - Eilean A' Cheò    
Applicant: Diageo Plc 
Site Address: Talisker Distillery, Carbost, Isle Of Skye

6.Continued Items     
Cuspairean a' Leantainn 

Toftingall Wind Limited (23/04690/FUL) (PLN/078/24)
Location: Land 725M East Of Mybster Sub Station Spittal (Ward 03). 
Nature of Development: Erection and operation of a battery energy storage system 
with a maximum output of 49.9MW including switchgear and control buildings, landscaping, fencing and ancillary infrastructure.
Recommendation: GRANT

7.Planning Applications to be Determined    
Iarrtasan Dealbhaidh rin Dearbhadh

There are circulated Reports Nos PLN/079/24 to PLN/085/24 by the Area Planning Manager - North which are as follows:-

Applicant: Energiekontor UK Ltd. (24/02094/S36) (PLN/079/24)
Location: Land 1150M SW Of Tigh An Alt, Acheilidh, Rogart
(Ward 04)
Nature of Development: Acheilidh Wind Farm - Erection and operation of a wind farm for a period of 35 years, comprising of 12 wind turbines with a maximum blade tip height of between 200m and 230m, battery energy storage system(BESS), access tracks, borrow pits, substation, control building, and ancillary infrastructure
Recommendation: Raise an Objection

Applicant: Lochluichart Battery Storage Limited (23/05905/FUL) (PLN/080/24)
Location: Land 705M NW Of Grudie Cottage, Grudie, Lochluichart, Garve (Ward:05)
Nature of Development: Battery energy storage facility comprising a compound of battery and electrical equipment, access track, landscaping and ancillary works
Recommendation: GRANT
VM02 UK Ltd (24/02112/FUL) (PLN/081/24)
Location: Land 460M NE of Fannich Lodge, Lochluichart, Garve (Ward 05).
Nature of Development: Installation of 20m high lattice tower, ancillary equipment, compound, access track and associated development.
Recommendation: GRANT 

Applicant: VM02 UK Ltd (24/02266/FUL) (PLN/082/24)
Location: Land 220M NE of Heights Cottage, Incheril, Kinlochewe (Ward 05).
Nature of Development: Installation of 20m high lattice tower and ancillary development.
Recommendation: GRANT
Applicant: Mr Rupert Haig-Thomas (23/04397/FUL) (PLN/083/24)
Location: Land 220M NW Of Carbisdale Castle, Ardgay (Ward 01).
Nature of Development: Land 220M NW Of Carbisdale Castle, Ardgay
Recommendation: REFUSE
Applicant: Miss Sarah Renwick (24/00894/MSC) (PLN/084/24)
Location: Land Adjacent to 3 Corntown Dairy, Conon Bridge (Ward 09).
Nature of Development: Application for matters specified in conditions 1-5 of 
22/00132/PIP (Erection of house).
Recommendation: GRANT
Applicant: Sutherland Spaceport Ltd (24/01091/FUL) (PLN/085/24)
Location: Land 2600M SW Of Dunbuie, Talmine (Ward 01).
Nature of Development: Construction and operation of a vertical launch spaceport with launch operations control centre, launch site integration facility, launch pad complex, antenna park, access road, fencing, services and associated infrastructure at land 2600m South West of Dunbuie Talmine and summit of Ben Tongue (adjacent to existing telecommunications mast)
Recommendation: GRANT