Agendas, reports and minutes
Highland Licensing Board
Date: Tuesday, 25 February 2025
Agenda: Read the Agenda
A meeting of the Highland Licensing Board will take place in the Council Chamber, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 at 9.30am.
You are invited to attend and a note of the business to be considered is attached.
Webcast notice: This meeting will be filmed and broadcast over the internet on the Highland Council website and will be archived and available for viewing for 12 months thereafter.
Members are reminded that during determination of a Licensing Board Item, in order to be entitled to participate in any vote, Members must be present throughout all of the proceedings.
Members are further reminded that mobile devices, including mobile phones, can be used for following the agenda/reports and delivering speeches but should not be used for any form of communication (text or tweet) during the meeting.
Yours faithfully
Claire McArthur
Clerk to the Licensing Board
1. Apologies for absence
2. Declarations of interest
Foillseachaidhean com-pàirt
Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting. Any Member making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest. Advice may be sought from Officers prior to the meeting taking place.
3. Election of Vice-Convener
Cur Iar-Neach-Gairm an Dreuchd
The Board may elect one of their members as vice-convener of the Board.
4. Confirmation of minutes
Dearbhadh a’ gheàrr-chunntais
There is submitted for confirmation as a correct record the minute of the meeting of the Highland Licensing Board held on 7 January 2025.
5. Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 Licences granted under delegated powers
Achd Ceadachd (Alba) 2005 Ceadachdan a bhuilicheadh fo ùghdarras air a thiomnadh
There is circulated Report No HLB/07/25 detailing Licences which have been granted under delegated powers by the Clerk to the Board during the period 17 December 2024 to 12 February 2025 and inviting the Board to note the Report.
6. Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 Occasional licences and extended hours granted under delegated powers
Achd Ceadachd (Alba) 2005 Ceadachdan Corra-uair agus uairean sìnte a bhuilicheadh fo ùghdarras air a thiomnadh
There is circulated Report No HLB/08/25 detailing Occasional Licences and Extended Hours Applications which have been granted under delegated powers by the Clerk to the Board during the period 17 December 2024 to 12 February 2025 and inviting the Board to note the Report.
7. Review proposals – non-payment of annual premises licence fees
Moladh ath-sgrùdaidh – neo-phàigheadh chìsean ceadachd togalaichbliadhnail
There is circulated Report No HLB/09/25 by the Clerk inviting the Board to make premises licence review proposals in respect of premises licences for which the annual fee has not been paid.
8. Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 Applications for new premises licences
Achd na Ceadachd (Alba) 2005 Larrtas airson cheadachdan thogalaichean ura
8.1 Ref: HC/INBS/707
Applicant: Dog Falls Brewing Co Ltd
Premises: Dog Falls Brewing Co Ltd., Unit 2, Lotland Place,
Inverness IV1 1PB
Type: Off sales
There is circulated Report No HLB/10/25 by the Clerk.
9. Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 Applications for provisional premises licences
Achd Ceadachd (Alba) 2005 Iarrtas airson ceadachdan thogalaichean le cumha
9.1 Ref: HC/RSL/2128
Applicant: Piero T M Sanguigni per Brunton Miller, Solicitors, 22 Herbert Street, Glasgow, G20 6NB
Premises: The Misty, Kilmuir Road, Dunvegan, Isle of Skye, IV55 8WA
Type: On and off sales
There is circulated Report No HLB/11/25 by the Clerk.
9.2 Ref: HC/INBS/708
Applicant: High Life Highland, Highland Archive Centre, Bught Park Road, Inverness, IV3 5SS
Premises: Bught Park Sports Pavilion, Bught Road, Inverness, IV3 5SP
Type: on and off sales
There is circulated Report No HLB/12/25 by the Clerk.
10. Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 Applications for variation (major) to premises licences
Achd Ceadachd (Alba) 2005 Iarrtasan airson Caochladh (Mòr) a thaobh ceadachdan thogalaichean
10.1 Ref: HC/RSL/1907
Applicant: Zakariya Holdings Limited
Premises: Sonas, 147 High Street, Fort William, PH33 6EA
Type: On sales
• Change sale of alcohol from on sales only to both on and off-sales.
• Update on-sales operating hours to 1100 hours to 0000 hours (previously 1000 hours to 2300 hours).
• Add off-sale hours – 1100 hours to 2200 hours.
• Add seasonal variation to allow premises to take advantage of the Licensing Board’s Festive Policy and other occasions as determined by the Board.
• Update operating plan to include – ‘Live Performances’ within core hours only to allow for local musicians to play to diners eg, harpist.
• Activities outwith core hours – update as follows: The premises may open for the supply of breakfasts prior to core opening hours during which time the other activities listed as outwith core hours shall be made available subject to customer request.
• The premises may on occasion offer take-away meals.
• Update children and young persons policy to reflect the current operation of the premises.
• Revise description of premises to reflect current operation and remove reference to the sale of alcohol being ancillary to persons consuming a meal on the premises.
There is circulated Report No HLB/13/25 by the Clerk.
10.2 Ref: HC/INBS/121
Applicant: Gordon Holding, 2 Kinsteary West, Lethen Road, Auldearn, IV12 5HZ
Premises: Havelock House Hotel, Crescent Road, Nairn, IV12 4NB
Type: On and off sales
1. Amend core hours on sale consumption on Sundays to 01.00 hrs.
2. Amend core hours off sales consumption to commence at 11.00 hrs.
3. Amend terminal hour for outside drinking area to terminate two hours earlier at 22.00 hrs daily.
4. Update children and young persons policy.
5. Increase in capacity.
6. Bar/dining area extended to enable existing dining area to be relocated adjacent to bar. Existing dining area to be utilised as Resident Breakfast Room/Lounge.
7. Relocation of outdoor drinking area to rear of hotel.
There is circulated Report No HLB/14/25 by the Clerk.
10.3 Ref: HC/INBS/466
Applicant: British Legion Scotland, Canal Side, Fort Augustus, PH32 4AU
Premises: British Legion, Canal Side, Fort Augustus, PH32 4AU
Type: On and off sales
1. Live performance to 01.00 hours.
2. The playing of any pre-recorded music by way of jukebox or any other machine to 01.00 hours.
3. Include outdoor drinking area to 21.00 hours.
4. Include bar meals, theatre and films.
There is circulated Report No HLB/15/25 (pp 61 - 64) by the Clerk.
10.4 Ref: HC/INBS/293
Applicant: R Squared Investments Ltd, Flat B, Winchendon Road, Teddington, London, TW11 0SX
Premises: Grant Arms Hotel, 25-27 The Square, Grantown-on-Spey, PH26 3HF
Type: on and off sales
1. Add off sales 10.00-22.00 hrs to allow for sale of whisky following tasting.
2. Amend Sunday on sales to commence at 11.00 hrs.
3.Add outdoor drinking area.
4. Amend capacity.
5. Change of use of old 'staff quarters' to whisky/snug and private drinking area.
There is circulated Report No HLB/16/25 by the Clerk.
10.5 Ref: HC/CSR/0301
Applicant: Emma MacLean
Premises: Lochcarron Food Centre, Main Street, Lochcarron
1. amend the layout plan due to refit of shop resulting in relocation of the alcohol display area
2. increase the off sales capacity from 11.5m2 to 16.6m2
There is circulated Report No HLB/17/25 by the Clerk.
11. Application for personal licence
Iarrtas airson ceadachd phearsanta
11.1 Applicant: Gary John Stewart
There is circulated Report No HLB/18/25 by the Clerk.
12. Surrender of premises licence
Gèilleadh ceadachd togalaich
12.1 Premises: Souter’s Lass, Town Pier, Fort William, PH33 6DB
Licence Holder: The Crannog Concept Limited
12.2 Premises: Detached Garage/Store, Kinchellie Croft, Roy Bridge, PH31 4AW
Licence Holder: Sutherland Inn Hotel Limited
12.3 Premises: Dobbies Garden Centre, Inshes Retail Park, Inverness IV2 3TW
Licence Holder: Dobbies Garden Centre PLC
12.4 Premises: The Viewmount, East Terrace, Kingussie PH21 1JS
Licence Holder: Esther Johanna Botha
12.5 Premises: The Cross at Kingussie, Tweedmill Brae, Ardbroiloch Road, Kingussie PH21 1LB
Licence Holder: Harjachak Singh Jouhal
12.6 Premises: Carnegie Lodge Hotel, 6 Viewfield Road, Tain
Licence Holder: Derek J Wynne and Heather E Wynne
12.7 Premises: Benleva Hotel, Kilmore Road, Drumnadrochit IV63 6UH
Licence Holder: Benleva Hotel Ltd
The above Premises Licences have been surrendered in terms of Section 28(5)(f).
- Item 4. 2025.01.07 hlb-min Report, 125.78 KB
- Item 5. Licences granted under delegated powers Report, 182.92 KB
- Item 6. Occasional Licences and Extensions granted under delegated powers Report, 245.86 KB
- Item 7. Review Proposals - Non-payment of annual fees Report, 121.48 KB
- Item 8.1 Premises Licence for Dog Falls Brewing Co Ltd Inverness Report, 138.88 KB
- Item 9.1 Provisional Premises Licence for The Misty Report, 239.46 KB
- Item 9.2 Provisional Premises Licence for Bught Park Sports Pavilion, Inverness Report, 139.57 KB
- Item 10.1 Major Variation for Sonas, High Street, Fort William Report, 154.67 KB
- Item 10.2 Major Variation for Havelock House Hotel, Nairn Report, 145.86 KB
- Item 10.3 Major Variation for Fort Augustus British Legion Club Report, 125.45 KB
- Item 10.4 Major Variation for Grant Arms Hotel, Grantown on Spey Report, 142.94 KB
- Item 10.5 Major Variation for Lochcarron Food Centre Report, 121.77 KB
- Item 11.1 Personal Licence for Gary Stewart Report, 297.34 KB