Agendas, reports and minutes

City of Inverness Area Committee

Date: Monday, 3 June 2013

Minutes: City of Inverness Area Committee Minutes - 3 June 2013

  • Agenda

Minutes of Meeting of the City of Inverness Area Committee held in the Chamber, Town House, Inverness on Monday, 3 June 2013 at 10.30 am.


Mr I Brown, Mr A Graham, Mr R Balfour, Mrs C Caddick, Miss J Campbell, Mrs H Carmichael, Mr A Christie, Mrs M Davidson, Mr N Donald, Mr A Duffy, Mr J Ford, Mr K Gowans, Mr J Gray, Mr D Hendry, Mr D Kerr, Mr R Laird, Mrs B McAllister, Mr K MacLeod, Mr F Parr, Mr T Prag, Mr G Ross, Mrs G Sinclair, Ms J Slater, Mrs K Stephen, Mr H Wood

Officials in Attendance:

Mr W Gilfillan, Corporate Manager
Mr D Haas, Inverness City Manager/Clerk
Mr D Robertson, Head of Accounting
Mr C Clark, Head of Waste Management
Mr R Evans, Area Roads and Community Works Manager
Mr C Mackintosh, Area Education Manager (South)
Mrs T Urry, Housing and Property Manager (South)
Ms L MacKellaich, Road Safety Officer
Ms A MacNeil, Senior Public Relations Officer
Mr K MacInnes, Economic Advisor
Miss J MacLennan, Democratic Services Manager
Mrs T Bangor-Jones, Administrative Assistant, Chief Executive’s Office

Also in attendance:

Ms K Thomson, Team Manager – Inverness Campus, Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Chief Inspector G Murdoch, Police Scotland
Mr M Braeburn, Community Safety Manager, Inverness BID
Mr J Ferguson, Chair, Inverness Community Safety Partnership
Mr A Gregg, Street Pastors

An asterisk in the margin denotes a recommendation to the Council.  All decisions with no marking in the margin are delegated to Committee.

Mr I Brown in the Chair

Prior to the commencement of the formal business, the Leader, on behalf of the Committee, extended congratulations to Cradlehall Primary School pupils who had recently won the Scottish European Educational Trust Euro Quiz in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament.

Reference was also made to the Civic Function for the Samaritans which had been held in the Town House on 24 May and in particular to the Guest Speaker, Ms Jess Ryan, who had recently been named as the Young Scot of the Year for 2013. In this regard, the congratulations of the Committee were conveyed to Ms Ryan.


1. Apology for Absence

An apology for absence was intimated on behalf of Mr J Crawford.

2. Declarations of Interest
    Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

The Committee NOTED the following declarations of interest:-

Item 5 – Mr K Gowans, Mr T Prag and Mrs C Caddick (Non-Financial)
Item 6 – Mr K Gowans and Mr F Parr (Non-Financial)
Item 7 – Ms J Slater and Mr Donald (Non-Financial)
Item 10 – Mr H Wood (Non-Financial)
Item 15 – Booklet A – Mr G Ross, Mr A Duffy, Mr H Wood and Mr A Graham (Non-Financial)

3. Election of Depute Provost
    Taghadh Iar-Phròbhaist

Nominations were sought at the meeting for the post of Depute Provost.

In this regard, Mrs M Davidson, seconded by Mr D Kerr, nominated Miss J Campbell.

Mr A Graham, seconded by Mrs B McAllister, nominated Ms J Slater.

On a roll call vote being taken, Miss Campbell received 7 votes and Ms Slater received 18 votes and Ms J Slater was therefore elected as Depute Provost, the votes having been cast as follows:-

Votes for Miss J Campbell - R Balfour, J Campbell, H Carmichael, M Davidson, N Donald, D Kerr and G Ross.

Votes for Ms J Slater - I Brown, C Caddick, A Christie, A Duffy, J Ford, K Gowans, A Graham, J Gray, D Hendry, R Laird, B McAllister, K MacLeod, F Parr, T Prag, G Sinclair, J Slater, K Stephen and H Wood.

4. Appointment to Inverness Women’s Aid
    Cur an dreuchd gu Cobhair Bhoireannach Inbhir Nis

The Committee AGREED to appoint Miss J Campbell as the replacement for Mrs B McAllister on Inverness Women’s Aid.

5. Inverness Campus Update 
    Cunntas as Ùr mu Làrach Inbhir Nis

Declarations of Interest –

Mr K Gowans declared a non-financial interest in this item as an employee of Inverness College but, having applied the test outlined in Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, concluded that his interest did not preclude his involvement in the discussion.

Mr T Prag and Mrs C Caddick declared non-financial interests in this item as members of the UHI Board but, having applied the test outlined in Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, concluded that their interests did not preclude their involvement in the discussion.

There had been circulated Report No. CIA-024-13 (27kb pdf)  dated 15 May 2013 by the Director of Planning and Development which provided an update on the development of the Inverness Campus project and specifically detailed information in relation to the current situation and future proposals.

In this regard, a presentation was undertaken at the meeting by Ms Karen Thomson, Team Manager - Inverness Campus, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, during which an update on progress to date was provided.  It was confirmed that joint working between a number of partners was key to the on-going success of the development which had been awarded an ‘Enterprise Area’ designation by the Scottish Government.

Following a summary of current and anticipated future occupiers of the site, and the priorities within the proposed development strategy for the following 3 to 4 year period, it was advised that it was anticipated that the facilities within the Campus would be of benefit to the whole community.  This was particularly welcomed as the community element of the project was of major importance for the future.

In this respect, and as part of the phased approach to the development, Phase 1 was now complete and an invitation was extended to all Members to visit the site in order to view the facilities which were already in place.

During discussion, Members raised the following issues:-

  • this project represented an international exemplar in terms of cross-agency working and was hugely important for the future of the Highlands, not least in terms of its connection with other projects in the area, which represented a whole city approach to development;
  • all Councillors should take up the invitation to visit the site in order to view the development and the opportunities which were being created;
  • the potential for the creation of a Science Academy on the site was particularly welcomed;
  • there were major benefits for the community in terms of the number of different facilities which were being developed on the site;
  • the ‘Golden Bridge’ was particularly impressive and provided an excellent representation of what was being achieved for the area;
  • it was vitally important that the Campus and the City complemented each other in terms of current and future developments;
  • further information was required in terms of the proposals within the development for future bus links, cycle and pedestrian access;
  • there was a need for more vibrancy within the City Centre and it was hoped that further integration with the Inverness Campus UHI proposals could achieve this on an on-going basis;
  • it was important that different types of student accommodation were offered and that this was located within both the Campus and the City wherever possible;
  • the speed of development on the site was impressive and this highlighted the ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity which was being given to the area;
  • it would be helpful if information could be provided on what would now happen to the existing College Building on Longman Road, particularly in terms of the kind of development which could be accommodated at that location;
  • any viable opportunities for the provision of rail stops as part of the new development should be pursued;
  • there was a need to link these developments clearly to the work of the City Development Officer Working Group, and that this was captured in the next scheduled report from this group to the committee in August; and
  • the strong links with research and development companies as part of the new development were particularly welcomed as they represented very exciting future prospects and opportunities for the area.         

In response, it was confirmed that discussions were on-going with a number of organisations and groups in terms of future transport links and the development of student accommodation in order to realise the anticipated benefits for the Campus, the City Centre and surrounding area. In this regard, the Committee would be provided with further information and updated on key developments in due course.

Thereafter, the Committee:-

i. ENDORSED the work which the Council was pursuing in partnership with
   Highlands & Islands Enterprise to attract inward investment to the campus;
ii. NOTED the progress with the development of the project.

6. Glen Urquhart High Associated School Group Overview 
    Sealladh Coitcheann air Buidheann Sgoiltean Buntainneach Ghlinn

Declarations of Interest –

Mr K Gowans and Mr F Parr declared non-financial interests in this item as Directors of High Life Highland but, having applied the test outlined in Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, concluded that their interests did not preclude their involvement in the discussion.

There had been circulated Report No. CIA-025-13 (108kb pdf)  dated 2 April 2013 by the Director of Education, Culture and Sport which provided an update of key information in relation to the schools within the Glen Urquhart High Associated School Group (ASG).

During a summary of the report, detailed information was provided in relation to attainment and achievement, as well as wider achievement and notable successes, for the schools within the ASG.

Detailed statistics on attendance, absence and the exclusion profile for 2011/12 were also provided, along with information in regard to staffing, funding and buildings in each case.

During discussion, Members raised the following issues:-

  • this was an extremely positive report on an excellent school and was warmly welcomed;
  • the increase in the levels of adult learning were particularly pleasing;
  • the previous work undertaken on the Associated School Group overview by Mr Clifford Cooke was acknowledged and thanks conveyed to him on behalf of the Committee;
  • this school was a credit to the community and it was hoped that it could be included in future community planning work, including the promotion of quality jobs in the area;
  • it would be helpful if further information could be provided on whether all schools were subject to improvement through self-evaluation and improvement of services;
  • in terms of funding, clarification was requested in relation to the carry forward figure for 2011/12 as this appeared to be very high;
  • the difficulties in appointing staff to rural schools;
  • in terms of the statistics for Destinations 16+, the school had recorded a figure of 97.5% and this was commended; and
  • in terms of the development of strategies by the new Senior Leadership and Pupil Support Teams to improve the personal support provided to young people, it was suggested that consideration should be given to perhaps including input from former pupils where appropriate.     

Thereafter, the Committee NOTED the content of the report as circulated.

7. Inverness Community Safety Partnership – Improving Public Space
    Com-pàirteachas Sàbhailteachd Coimhearsnachd Inbhir Nis – A’
    Leasachadh Àrainnean Poblach

Declaration of Interest –

Ms J Slater declared a non-financial interest in this item as a member of the Inverness Community Safety Partnership but, having applied the test outlined in Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, concluded that her interest did not preclude her involvement in the discussion.

Mr Donald declared a non-financial interest in this item as a taxi operator but, having applied the test outlined in Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, concluded that his interest did not preclude his involvement in the discussion.

There had been circulated Joint Report No. Item 7 CIA-026-13 (521kb pdf)  dated 22 May 2013 by the Inverness City Manager and Area Commander (Highland Division – Police Scotland) which provided an update on the activities of the Inverness Community Safety Partnership (ICSP) and information in relation to priority issues for 2013.

During a summary of the report, specific and detailed information was provided on Operation Respect – Daytime (New Initiative), Policy Support, Operation Respect – Night Time, other ICSP Community Safety Work/Initiatives with an emphasis on reduction and prevention and links to CCTV investment, operational costs and monitoring data.

During discussion, Members raised the following issues:-

  • the inclusion of detailed information on the area to the west of the river was welcomed;
  • the positive feedback on the Taxi Marshalls was pleasing;
  • the figures on the Night Rider Bus Service were disappointing and more consideration required to be given to the operation of the service, including improvement of the routes which had been chosen where necessary;
  • it was important to ensure that the CCTV system within the City was working to maximum capability and not hindered in any way;
  • the perception was that the City was a safe place in which to live and work and this was reassuring;
  • it would be helpful if Member input could be increased wherever possible;
  • there was a need for regular reports to be submitted to the Central Ward Business Meetings in future in order to aid discussion and to keep Members fully advised on the issues which had been raised in the report;
  • in view of a recent incident, there was a need for a report to be submitted to a future meeting on the security measures in place within the Town House;
  • there was a need for further information on the streamlining of support and enforcement mechanisms to reduce the number of people who were homeless and/or who had chaotic lifestyles and the priorities which had been identified from the Community Consultation Event which had been held in the Eastgate Centre in August 2012;
  • in terms of the development of the Fire Safety Training Programme for Community Nurses to identify fire hazards in the homes of vulnerable persons, there was a need to also include gas hazards as this also represented a real problem in some households;
  • in relation to the Results Analysis from Operation Respect in the City Centre, it was disappointing to note that incidents in 2012 had increased by 13% in comparison with 2011 and 18.7% in comparison with the previous four years;
  • excellent joint working arrangements had been in place during the previous week for the visit to the City of the 1st Battalion Scots Guards following their return from Afghanistan and this had been very appreciated by all concerned;
  • consideration should be given to including owners of licensed premises and temporary accommodation providers in future discussions;
  • it would be helpful if more detailed information could be provided, including funding levels, on the Safe Zones service provided by NHS Highland in conjunction with the British Red Cross;
  • consideration should be given to including businesses on the west side of the River in the BID Team in future;
  • the continued input and high levels of success from the British Red Cross team was acknowledged and warmly welcomed and it was suggested that a comparison should be undertaken of the savings achieved by NHS Highland through the prevention of admissions to Raigmore Hospital as a result of the number of incidents dealt with and resolved by this Team;
  • a survey of public perception on what was being provided would be helpful;
  • in terms of the highest number of incidents attended which were of shop theft, it was suggested that there should be increased liaison with shop owners and staff in this regard in future;
  • work needed to be on-going in relation to the issues which had been identified in the report in order to continue and preserve the safety of the City;
  • a number of highly complex issues had been highlighted and it was important that these issues were handled sensitively; and
  • in regard to Street Pastors and the extremely important service which they provided, it was suggested that consideration should be given to also liaising with other outside organisations in terms of future volunteering for this role, including Trade Unions, Youth Organisations, Churches and Sports Clubs.                

Thereafter, the Committee APPROVED the ICSP priorities for 2013 and the establishment of a new Operation Respect – Daytime.

The Committee also ENDORSED the evaluation report on Operation Respect – Winter 2012/13 and the work of the Inverness Anti-Social Behaviour Partnership as detailed in the report.

It was further AGREED that further information should be provided for Members through the Central Ward Business Meetings in terms of priorities and proposed actions for the area west of the River.

8. Tenancy Management and Partnership Working Report  
    Rianachd Gabhaltais agus Aithisg Obrachadh Chom-pàirteach

There had been circulated Report No. CIA-027-13 (499kb pdf) dated 20 May 2013 by the Depute Chief Executive/Director of Housing and Property which described the activity and partnership working in relation to Tenancy Management and provided details of the activity across all tenures for Inverness City and the surrounding area from April 2012 to March 2013.

During a summary of the report, it was confirmed that the Housing & Property Manager had overall responsibility for the landlord function. A designated Principal Housing Officer, reporting to the Assistant Housing Manager, led the Tenancy Management Team which comprised three Housing Management Officers, three Community Wardens and an Anti-Social Behaviour Investigation Officer.

In this regard, Appendix 1 to the report highlighted the range and number of activities which the Team had dealt with in 2012/13.

In terms of partnership working, it was confirmed that the Team worked closely with other Services within the Council, including Environmental Health Officers, the Dog Warden, Legal and Social Work Services. Liaison was also undertaken with Police Scotland at Chief Inspector level and with local Beat Officers.

In addition, the Anti-Social Behaviour Group, which met every six weeks, comprised representatives from Housing & Property, Legal Services, TEC Services, Social Work Services and Police Scotland and had pooled its expertise in order to identify ways of resolving priority cases of anti-social behaviour.

During discussion, Members raised the following issues:-

  • there was a need for reassurance that the Anti-Social Behaviour Partnership Group was working effectively and was resourced appropriately;
  • it was important to recognise that the vast majority of tenants respected rights and obligations and only a small  minority caused problems;
  • in relation to the sensitive lettings policy, it was suggested that a review might be beneficial to guarantee that it was operating as effectively as possible;
  • in terms of persistent offenders, more use should be made of multi-agency assessments;
  • the use of alcohol and drug treatment orders might be beneficial in relation to some anti-social tenants;
  • a report on how current legislation could be used to break cycles of anti-social behaviour was needed;
  • consideration should be given to making more use of Unacceptable  Behaviour Notices;
  • reference was made to Mrs Ann Edwards, Principal Housing Officer, who had recently retired and tribute was paid to her diligent work in the Housing and Property Service;
  • in terms of the Tenancy Management Team, it was requested that the names of Team members and their roles, together with any posts which were currently vacant,  should be provided for Members of the Committee;
  • it was acknowledged that the lack of available properties had had an impact on the Housing and Property Service; and
  • it was important to recognise that anti-social behaviour covered a wide spectrum of behaviours.

In response, it was accepted that there were huge challenges from individuals with problematic behaviour patterns and there was a need to find solutions from within the resources available. In this regard, and during the period from April 2012 to March 2013, 21 cases of serious or persistent anti-social behaviour (from a total of 27 cases) had been successfully resolved.

It was also confirmed that most tenancies offered were secure tenancies but a small number of applicants were offered short hold tenancies and these did relate to cases where support was a requirement.

Thereafter, the Committee ENDORSED the work carried out by the Tenancy Management Team in conjunction with partners and the recorded activity of the team in 2012/13 as provided in Appendix 1 to the report.

It was AGREED that Members should be provided with further information in regard to the Team, including the names of Team members and any posts which were currently vacant.

It was further AGREED that a report should be brought back to a future meeting with suggestions as to how current legislation could be used to break cycles of anti-social behaviour.

9. Housing Performance Report – 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013 
    Aithisg Dèanadais a thaobh Taigheadais – 1 Giblean 2012 gu 31
    Màrt 2013

There had been circulated Report No. CIA-028-13 (489kb pdf) dated 20 May 2013 by the Depute Chief Executive/Director of Housing and Property which provided information as to how the Housing and Property Service had performed in relation to Housing Performance Indicators during the four quarters of 2012/2013.

During a summary of the report, a profile of housing performance at Ward and Area level was provided and compared with the figures at the end of same quarter in the previous year and against the Highland-wide position. In addition, Ward data had been provided for Members’ information and it was highlighted that these services were managed by process rather than by Ward, with the exception being the Homeless Prevention/Homelessness section where no Ward figures were gathered. In this regard, Appendix 1 to the report provided details of the number of Council properties in each of the Wards of the Inverness City and Area.

Specific and detailed information was also provided on the re-letting of empty homes (voids), repairs and rent arrears.

During discussion, Members raised the following issues:-

  • it would be helpful to have information contained in future reports which highlighted rent arrears arising from Welfare Reform;
  • the removal of the non-access repairs incidents, which had been contained in the previous three reports, was welcomed;
  • there was a need to ensure that there was a process in place whereby other housing providers were able to contact the Homeless Prevention Team prior to tenants being made homeless;
  • the positive performance in relation to homeless prevention and the re-letting of empty properties was welcomed and the Homelessness Prevention Team were commended for their work in this regard;
  • there was concern that rural Inverness appeared to be disadvantaged in regard to housing repairs;
  • in relation to the reasons for refusal of offer of tenancy, there was a need for further clarification on the use of “other” as a reason for refusal; and
  • homeless presentation figures within Inverness did not appear to be replicated on a Highland-wide basis.

In response, it was confirmed that consideration would be given to provision of the additional information which had been requested. Also, a report on the new framework for the reporting of key performance indicators would be submitted to the next Finance, Housing and Resources Committee meeting.

Consideration would also be given to providing information on arrears due to the impact of Welfare Reform although tenant confidentiality was an important factor in this regard.

Thereafter, the Committee NOTED the information provided on performance for the four quarters of 2012/13 from 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013 as detailed.

10. Cycling, Walking and Safer Streets Programme  
      Prògram Rothaireachd, Coiseachd agus Sràidean nas Sàbhailte

Declaration of Interest –

Mr H Wood declared a non-financial interest in this item as Chairman of the Highland Cycle Campaign but, having applied the test outlined in Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, concluded that his interest did not preclude his involvement in the discussion.

There had been circulated Report No. CIA-029-13 (40kb pdf)  dated 22 May 2013 by the Director of Transport, Environmental and Community Services which invited Members to approve projects delivered through the Scottish Government funding for Cycling, Walking and Safer Streets for the Inverness Area as follows:-

School          Purpose           SRTS                Additional            Cycling

                                            Estimated        Information         Element


Bun-sgoil          Lights              £25,000            Subject to               Yes

Ghàidhlig          controlled                                community

Inbhir Nis/        crossing                                   approval




Glenurquhart     Cycle               £15,000                                         Yes

Primary             storage

Kinmylies           Lining,             £7,870                                           No

Primary             drop off



Foyers               Cycle               £4170                                           Yes

Primary             storage

During a summary of the report, it was explained that the funding applications had been worked up by the Road Safety Team based on each individual School Travel Plan and the costs had been estimated. If the proposals were approved, the schemes would be put out to tender and implemented on a priority basis to allocate the funding available. If funding in 2013/14 was insufficient, any schemes not delivered would be carried forward to the next financial year.

During discussion, Members welcomed the excellent work undertaken by the Road Safety Team and raised the following issues:-

  • there was a need to discourage the use of cars to take children to school as this often caused difficulty for these who chose to cycle;
  • the work being undertaken at Kinmylies Primary in relation to lining and drop off area improvements was particularly welcome;
  • it was important to recognise that the Programme was funded by the Scottish Government and the budget for 2013/14 was £237,000;
  • ‘Inverness Carbon Free by 2025’ was a particularly important initiative for the area; and
  • it was time to promote a more high profile campaign to encourage parents and pupils to walk to and from school.

In response, information was provided on the ‘Go For It’ initiative - a year round school-based incentive project which encouraged children and their parents to travel actively to school, even just part way, wherever possible. This linked with the Safer Routes to School and School Travel Plan objectives of enabling and encouraging active travel to school.

Thereafter, the Committee APPROVED the Safer Routes to School Projects as detailed in the above table.

It was further AGREED that further information should be provided to Mr D Kerr on the Inverness High School ASG and parents’ parking.

11. Maintenance Programme for Road and Bridge Works 
      Prògram Gleidhidh airson Obraichean Rathaid agus Drochaid

There had been circulated Report No. CIA-030-13 (117kb pdf) dated 22 May 2013 by the Director of Transport, Environmental and Community Services which invited Members to approve the Maintenance Programme for Surface Dressing, Resurfacing, and Bridge Maintenance for the City of Inverness and Area for 2013/2014.

During a summary of the report, it was confirmed that budget allocations to the Areas had been set by the Transport, Environmental and Community Services Committee on 16 May 2013 and in this regard specific and detailed information in relation to the allocations for the City of Inverness and Area for surface dressing, resurfacing and bridge maintenance had been highlighted within the report.

During discussion, Members raised the following issues:-

  • there was concern that only 2.5km out of 1,000km would be carried out in the current financial year;
  • it was important that all areas got the appropriate level of funding;
  • there should not be an ‘ad hoc’ approach to roads maintenance but rather it should be logical and strategic; and
  • in regard to how monies were allocated for network maintenance and repair, a review of the process might help to ensure that Inverness and rural Inverness received an increased share of the monies available.

In response it was confirmed that the additional £2m for preventative spend would be split equally between keeping water off the road and improving drainage maintenance and road surface treatments to improve the condition of road surfaces.

Thereafter, the Committee APPROVED the Maintenance Programme for Surface Dressing, Resurfacing, and Bridge Maintenance for the City of Inverness and Area for 2013/14.

12. Food Waste Collections  
      Togail Sgudal Bìdh

There had been circulated Report No. CIA-031-13 (88kb pdf) dated 21 May 2013 by the Director of Transport, Environmental and Community Services which detailed the introduction of the arrangements for Statutory Food Waste Collections in Inverness.

During a summary of the report, it was confirmed that collections of food waste for domestic properties would begin on Monday, 23 September 2013 and would be rolled out to approximately 28,000 households in Inverness. Food waste would be collected in 7.5 tonne collection vehicles and five new vehicles had been purchased for this purpose. Wherever possible, the collection day would be the same day as normal blue/green bin collections.

In terms of the Communication Plan, an information leaflet would be provided to all participating households during August and an information pack would be produced and circulated to Members for information during July.

During discussion, Members raised the following issues:-

  • with regard to flatted properties, the preferred model would be shared collection bins;
  • there were worries over possible odour and vermin issues, especially during the warm summer months;
  • queried whether there would be a net reduction in carbon emissions;
  • there was concern that waste was being transported out of the Highland area and in terms of costs it would be preferable for waste to be dealt with at a local level; and
  • it was not ideal that waste collection would be confined to urban Inverness and no collection offered to rural areas.

In response, it was confirmed that anecdotal evidence had shown that there was often reluctance by householders to share bin facilities. The object of the new service was to reduce food waste and highlight the excess purchase of food and it was considered that the use of bio-degradable bags would ensure that there would be no odour/vermin issues.

Also, there was a facility in Easter Ross which could undertake the composting process and other facilities out-with Highland were also available.

Thereafter, the Committee APPROVED the arrangements for introducing statutory food waste collections in Inverness as detailed.

13. Investing in Inverness and Area – Capital Projects 
      Tasgadh ann an Inbhir Nis agus a Sgìre – Pròiseactan Calpa

There had been circulated Report No. CIA-032-13 (58kb pdf)  dated 16 May 2013 by the Director of Finance which highlighted the annual budget, expenditure to end of April 2013 and projected year end position for 2012/13 for City of Inverness and area projects included in the Council’s Capital Programme.

During a summary of the report, it was explained that the budget figures did not represent the final 2013/14 position due to the 2012/13 accounts not having been finalised. Therefore, any carry forward amounts had not yet been identified or included.

It was also noted that the projects included in the Appendix were specific projects for the City of Inverness and area.

During discussion, Members welcomed the report which highlighted a number of positive strategic investments being made for the future of Inverness.

In response to a question, the Corporate Manager confirmed that the Scheme of Delegation allowed Members to scrutinise and monitor the local delivery of services within approved resources and strategies.

Thereafter, the Committee NOTED the Capital Programme for Inverness and Area as detailed.

14. Inverness Common Good Fund Financial Monitoring Report to 30
      April 2013
      Aithisg Sgrùdadh Ionmhais Maoin Maith Choitchinn Inbhir Nis gu
      30 Giblean 2013

There had been circulated Report No. CIA-033-13 (35kb pdf)  dated 24 May 2013 by the Inverness City Manager which presented the expenditure monitoring position for the Common Good Fund as at 30 April 2013 and the projected year-end position.

During a summary of the report, it was explained that the format of the budget monitoring report had been changed to reflect the concerns Members had expressed at the previous meeting and now followed as closely as possible the format used for the Council’s strategic Committees.

Concerns had also been expressed that some budget lines did not reflect the expenditure pressures experienced in previous years and a review would therefore be undertaken once the out-turns for 2012/13 had been presented to the next meeting.

During discussion, Members highlighted that the monitoring report presented to the previous meeting had one or two inaccuracies and concern was expressed that a corrected version had not yet been issued.

In relation to concerns raised with regard to spending patterns and strategic investment, confirmation was given that the City Development Officer Working Group would consider this at their next meeting.  The City Leader also confirmed that a briefing for Members would be set up on.

In response to a comment raised regarding the budget for contribution to grants from reserves, it was confirmed that the grants budget would be significantly overspent if all commitments were to be made and therefore £356,000 had been transferred from reserves to increase the budget for Common Good Fund grants.

Thereafter, the Committee:-

i. NOTED the financial monitoring report;
ii. APPROVED the revised format; and
iii. AGREED that the 2012/13 End of Year Statement should be submitted to
    the next Committee.

15. Inverness Common Good Fund Grant Funding and Capital
      Maoineachadh Tabhartais agus Sgrùdadh Calpa Maoin Maith
      Choitchinn Inbhir Nis

Declarations of Interest -

Mr G Ross, Mr A Duffy, Mr H Wood and Mr A Graham declared non-financial interests in this item due to their involvement in discussions with Charleston Academy regarding the Roux Development Kitchen but, having applied the test outlined in Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, concluded that their interests did not preclude their involvement in the discussion.

There had been circulated Minutes of Meeting of the Grants Sub-Committee held on 13 May 2013 (109kb pdf)  - which were APPROVED - subject to the correction of a typographical error at Item 2 (Declarations of Interest) to read ‘Mr G Ross’ (instead of ‘Mr T Ross’) and also to include Mrs G Sinclair in the list of those present at the meeting.

There had also been circulated Report No. CIA-034-13 (82kb pdf)  dated 22 May 2013 by the Inverness City Manager which set out the current applications for grant funding to be determined, together with a summary of funds available and the current status of capital projects.

In this connection, there had been circulated separately a copy of supporting documentation as Booklet A (2024kb pdf).

During a summary of the report, it was confirmed that, in regard to the restoration of Inverness Steeple, the contract had been completed on 22 March 2012 and the defects liability period would end on 21 March 2014.

The contract for the replacement of gas boilers at the Town House had been awarded and a pre-start meeting had been held on 30 May 2013.

In regard to the conservation of external fabric at the Town House, the Design Team had been appointed and had met on 27 May 2013 to discuss and agree a programme which would be presented to the next meeting.

During discussion, Members raised the following issues:-

  • thanks were expressed to the Grants Sub-Committee for their work in approving and refusing applications as appropriate;
  • in relation to the application for funding approved from the Cavell War Memorial Gardens, further funding could be sought from the Scottish Government Centenary Memorials Restoration Fund; and
  • with regard to the Aultnaskiach Dell project, funding had been granted for the early stages of this long term project and further assistance was being provided from TEC Services.

Thereafter, the Committee:-

i. REFUSED the application for funding from Outlook Adventure Scotland CIC
   for £92,975;
ii. AGREED the application for funding from Charleston Academy for £40,000
   subject to a commitment that the facility is available to all Inverness Schools;
iii. NOTED the current status of capital projects.

16. Burial Grounds Commutation Fund
      Maoin Co-iomlaid nan Cladhan

There had been circulated Joint Report No. CIA-035-13 (55kb pdf) dated 24 May 2013 by the Director of Transport, Environmental and Community Services and the Director of Finance which sought approval for the proposed Burial Ground Commutation Fund Work Programme for the period 2013 to 2016.

During a summary of the report, it was confirmed that, once approved, progress on the programme would be reported on an annual basis and interim updates would be provided to Ward Members where requested.

Also, drainage issues at St. Mary’s, Beauly were currently being addressed separately through a bid to the Council’s Capital Programme in relation to Burial Ground Extensions and Improvements.

During discussion, Members raised the following issues:-

  • the state of the crematory at Torvean was deteriorating and a replacement would be required in the near future;
  • there was concern regarding the state of rural burial grounds and the additional improvement works required, including grass edging, maintenance of pathways and water drainage issues;
  • clarification was sought on the general maintenance programme for burial grounds, in particular the Chapel Yard, Friars Yard, and Old High Church Yard, Inverness and there was need for this information to be reported at Ward level;  and
  • it was important that the work of contractors was properly monitored to ensure that maintenance was carried out to an acceptable standard.

Thereafter, the Committee APPROVED the proposed Commutation Fund Work Programme 2013-16 as detailed.

17. Minutes

There had been circulated Minutes of Meetings as follows:-

i. City of Inverness Area Committee held on 15 April 2013 - NOTED;
ii. Inverness City Arts Working Group held on 2 May 2013 (39kb pdf) -
iii. Inverness Common Good Fund Civic Hospitality Working Group held on
25 April 2013 (20kb pdf) and 17 May 2013 (17kb pdf)APPROVED – and
AGREED that a breakdown of spend for 12/13 and 13/14 on repeated
   applications would be presented to the next meeting; and
iv. Inverness Partnership held on 17 May 2013 (21kb pdf)APPROVED.

18. Exclusion of the Public
      Às-dùnadh a’ Phobaill

The Committee RESOLVED, in terms of Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, that the public should be excluded from the meeting for the following item on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 6 and 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act.

19. Common Good Fund – Sites and Premises Updates 
      Maoin Maith Choitchinn – Cunntas as Ùr mu Làraich is

There had been circulated to Members only Report No. CIA/036/13 dated 15 May 2013 by the Head of Property Partnerships which summarised the property transactions recently approved by the Head of Property Partnerships, under the Highland Council’s Scheme of Delegation, after consultation with Local Members as appropriate and in accordance with policy, together with a statement on the current position in respect of Inverness Common Good fund rents and tenant arrears, if any.

The Committee NOTED Inverness Common Good transactions approved by the Head of Property Partnerships, under delegated powers, during the period 15 November 2012 to 10 May 2013 and the position regarding the tenant rent roll as at 10 May 2013.

The meeting ended at 3.40 pm

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