Agendas, reports and minutes

Planning Review Body

Date: Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Agenda: Planning Review Body Agenda - 26 November 2013


A site meeting of the Planning Review Body will take place on Tuesday 26 November 2013 commencing at the Ulbster Arms, Bridge St, Halkirk, Caithness KW12 6XY, at 11.00 a.m.

Members are asked to note that the purpose of the meeting is to undertake a site inspection in respect of the Notice of Review to be considered and determined at Item 4.2 on the agenda for the Planning Review Body being held on Thursday 28 November 2013.  Members are asked to bring Booklets B1 and B2 as circulated with the papers for 28 November 2013, to the site inspection.  (Booklets B1 and B2 were previously circulated to the October meeting as Booklets C1 and C2.)

Members are reminded that in the determination of a Notice of Review, to be entitled to participate, they must be present throughout all of the proceedings, including the site inspection.

Members are also asked to note that the arrangements for the site inspection are as follows, and that, while times may vary, the site inspection will commence no earlier than the time listed:

8.30 a.m. Members depart Council Headquarters, Inverness (by coach)

11.00 a.m. Site inspection Halkirk:  Meet at Ulbster Arms

You are invited to attend the meeting and a note of the business to be considered is attached. 

Yours faithfully,

Michelle Morris
Assistant Chief Executive


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to the agenda for this meeting.  Any Member making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest.  Advice may be sought from Officers prior to the meeting taking place.

3. Notice of Review Subject to Site Inspection

There is circulated within the papers for the Planning Review Body meeting being held on Thursday 28 November 2013, for information, Notice of Review as follows:-

Item 4.2 (Booklets B1 and B2 – previously circulated to the October meeting as Booklets C1 and C2)
Ward: Landward Caithness (4)
Applicant: Wind Harvest Limited, 13/00027/RBREF (RB-45-13)
Location: Land 320m NE of Torranshandall, Harpsdale, Halkirk
Nature of Development:  Erection of 850kw Wind Turbine & Associated Infrastructure
Reason for Notice of Review:  Refusal of Application by Appointed Officer.

Members are reminded that they will need to bring Booklets B1 and B2 (these were circulated to the October meeting as Booklets C1 and C2) with them to the site inspection and to the Planning Review Body meeting on 28 November, where consideration and determination of this application will take place.