Agendas, reports and minutes

Adult and Children's Services Committee

Date: Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Agenda: Adult and Children's Services Committee Agenda - 13 November 2013


A meeting of the Adult and Children’s Services Committee will take place in the Council Chamber, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness on Wednesday 13 November 2013 at 10.05 am.

Webcast Notice: This meeting will be filmed and broadcast over the Internet on the Highland Council website and will be archived and available for viewing for 12 months thereafter.

You are invited to attend the meeting and a note of the business to be considered is attached.

Yours faithfully

Michelle Morris
Assistant Chief Executive


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest
    Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting. Any Member making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest. Advice may be sought from Officers prior to the meeting taking place.

3. Presentation: Early Years Collaborative
    Taisbeanadh: Co-obrachadh nan Tràth-bhliadhnaichean

There will be presentation on the work now being progressed, nationally and in Highland, to achieve the stretch aims for very young children as part of the Early Years Collaborative.

4. Membership of Sub-Committees
    Ballrachd Fho-chomataidhean

The Committee is invited to agree the following:-

  • Adult Services Development and Scrutiny Sub-Committee – Mr G Ross to replace Mr T MacLennan
  • Criminal Justice Sub-Committee – Ms M Smith to replace Mrs L MacDonald

In addition, there is an Independent Group vacancy on the Criminal Justice Sub-Committee, a nomination for which will be provided at the Committee.

5. Revenue Budget 2013/14 – Monitoring
    Buidseat Teachd-a-steach 2013/14 – Sgrùdadh

i. Education, Culture and Sport
   Foghlam, Cultar agus Spòrs

There is circulated Report No ACS-95-13 (84kb pdf) dated 4 November 2013 by the Director of Education, Culture and Sport which sets out the Revenue Budget monitoring position for the six months to 30 September 2013 and the year-end outlook position.

The Committee is invited to note:-

i. the current year-end position and the management actions identified so far
   to partially offset the known budget pressures and the commitment to
   continue with the identification of further savings;
ii. the concerns regarding the underlying budget pressures attributable to
   Additional Support Needs, School Transport and School Catering and the
   need to address those as part of the 2014/15 Revenue Budget setting
   exercise; and
iii. the progress being made with achievement of budget savings in the current
   financial year.

ii. Health and Social Care
    Slàinte agus Cùram Sòisealta

There is circulated Report No ACS-96-13 (101kb pdf) dated 1 November 2013 by the Director of Health and Social Care which sets out the revenue monitoring statement for the six months to 30 September 2013.

The Committee is invited to note the budget monitoring position.

6. Capital Expenditure 2013/14 – Monitoring
    Caiteachas Calpa 2013/14 -  Sgrùdadh

There is circulated joint Report No ACS-97-13 (226kb pdf) dated 4 November 2013 by the Directors of Education, Culture and Sport and Health and Social Care which updates Members on progress to date with the Education, Culture and Sport (ECS) and Health and Social Care (HSC) Capital Programmes and provides monitoring reports on expenditure as at 30 September 2013 along with an update on work being undertaken on fire safety and other health and safety Capital works within the HSC Programme and the major projects underway within the ECS Programme.

The report identifies some issues that will affect the management of expenditure on several major ECS projects within the approved five-year Capital Programme and seeks approval to bring forward the fourth and final phase of the redevelopment of Lochaber High School. It also seeks approval for new projects and amendments to the budgets for several current projects and informs on progress on the various phases of the Sustainable School Estate Review (SSER). Finally, it advises on ongoing measures to address communication and performance issues in relation to the management of the ECS estate and capital programme and seeks approval for some specific matters.

The Committee is invited to:-

i.  note the status of the 2013/14 HSC capital programme at the end of
    September 2013 as detailed in Section 2 and Appendix 1 of the report;
ii.  note the status of the 2013/14 ECS capital programme at the end of
    September 2013 as detailed in Section 3 and Appendix 2 of the report;
iii.  note the status of the ECS major capital projects as detailed in Appendix 3
    of the report;
iv. note the issues affecting the expenditure profiles for several major ECS
    projects over the five-year period as detailed in Section 4 of the report and
    approve the recommendation that the Lochaber High School Phase 4
    project be brought forward to run concurrently with Phase 3 subject to an
    appropriate cost being negotiated with the Phase 3 contractor and
    ensuring that the anticipated benefits will be achieved;
v.  agree the new projects and amendments to existing budget allocations as
    detailed in Section 5 and Appendix 5 of the report;
vi. note the status of the Sustainable School Estate Review as detailed in
    Section 6 of the report;
vii. agree that the decision to allow the North of the River Primary School in
    Wick to progress to Stage 2 be delegated to the Directors of Education
    Culture and Sport and Finance and the Interim Director of Housing and
    Property Services on the basis that the Affordability Caps (adjusted for
    indexation) approved in the New Project Request document (approved by
    this Committee in January 2013) are not exceeded;
viii. agree that the replacement Inverness Royal Academy project should
     progress to Stage 2 on the basis that the Council’s project team has
     confirmed that the maximum predicted price figure (adjusted for
     indexation) contained within the Stage 1 submission is within the
     corresponding figure approved in the New Project Request document
     (approved by this Committee in January 2013);
ix. agree that formal discussions take place with the owners of land adjacent
    to Craighill Primary School regarding its availability in order that all necessary
    factors can be taken into account to establish a preferred site for the
    proposed 3 to 18 campus in Tain;
x.  note the progress on measures to improve communication with Ward
    Members as detailed in Appendix 6 of the report;
xi. agree that the lessons learnt regarding the Ben Wyvis Primary School
    project as detailed in Appendix 7 of the report be adopted for all major ECS
    and HSC projects with immediate effect; and
xii. agree to recommend to the Finance, Housing and Resources Committee
    that the former school house at Kinlochewe be declared surplus to
    requirements and disposed of on the open market.

7. Integrated Family Teams in Children’s Services
    Sgiobaidhean Amalaichte ann an Seirbheisean Chloinne

There is circulated Report No ACS-98-13 (141kb pdf) dated 4 November 2013 by the Director of Health and Social Care which sets out the detail of the proposals for enhanced early years services as part of the Council’s commitment to preventative spend and the implementation of Integrated Family Teams.  It is intended that there be a short final period of consultation, enabling recommendations to be presented to the next meeting of the Committee.

The Committee is invited to consider and comment on the proposals, further to a final period of consultation, enabling recommendations to be brought to the next meeting of the Committee.

8. Performance Report – Children’s Services
    Aithisg Dèanadais – Seirbheisean Chloinne

There is circulated Report No ACS-99-13 (109kb pdf) dated 5 November 2013 by the Director of Health and Social Care which provides an update on the performance framework for Children’s Services.

The Committee is invited to consider and comment on the performance information.

9. Education Standards and Quality Report
    Aithisg Inbhean agus Càileachd Foghlaim

There is circulated Report No ACS-100-13 (524kb pdf) dated 3 November 2013 by the Director of Education, Culture and Sport which provides a summary overview of Standards and Quality in Highland primary and secondary schools.

The Committee is invited to note the contents of the Education and Quality Summary Report 2012-2013.

10. Family Nurse Partnership Programme Update
      Com-pàirteachas Bhanaltraman Teaghlaich

There is circulated Report No ACS-101-13 (12kb pdf) dated 5 November 2013 by the Director of Health and Social Care which provides an update on progress with the Family Nurse Partnership pilot programme which has been running in the Mid and South areas of Highland.

The Committee is invited to note the current progress of the Family Nurse Partnership in Highland.

11. Implementation of 600 hours Early Learning and Childcare –
      Progress Update
      Buileachadh Ionnsachadh Thràth-bhliadhnaichean agus Cùram-
      chloinne 600 uair

There is circulated joint Report No ACS-102-13 (16kb pdf) dated 5 November 2013 by the Directors of Education, Culture and Sport and Health and Social Care which forms part of the regular reporting process to Members and seeks support to progress to the next stage of planning in order to meet the requirement to deliver 600 hours of funded early learning and childcare across Highland from August 2014.

The Committee is invited to:-

i. note the progress being made with regard to the implementation of 600
   hours of early learning and childcare by August 2014; and
ii. agree to endorse implementation on the basis of Option 2 as set out in the

12. Alternatives to Out of Authority Placements – Scoping Report
      Roghainnean Eile airson Suidheachaidhean Taobh A-muigh an
      Ùghdarrais – Fios às Ùr

There is circulated joint Report No ACS-103-13 (88kb pdf) dated 25 October 2013 by the Directors of Education, Culture and Sport and Health and Social Care which highlights key issues associated with out of authority placements and details the exploratory activity that has taken place to date to define the scope of the programme to find alternatives to out of authority placements for Highland children.  Consultations have taken place with key staff and visits to provisions both in education and health and social care settings have been undertaken to determine short, middle and long term potential projects.

The Committee is invited to:-

i. note the scoping work undertaken to date to identify alternatives to out of
   authority placements for the young people of Highland; and
ii. agree to endorse the development of the unit at Inverness Royal Academy,
   subject to further consideration of the revenue and capital implication, and
   continued work on the other proposals in the report.

13. District Partnerships – Update
      Com-pàirteachasan Sgìreil – Fios às Ùr

There is circulated Report No ACS-104-13 (195kb pdf) dated 5 November 2013 by the Director of Health and Social Care which summarises the key issues that have been raised at District Partnerships in the reporting period April to September 2013 and the key findings of the seminar on 27 September 2013.  Members are asked to note progress with District Partnerships in this reporting period and to agree that a further report comes back to Committee once partners have discussed and proposed further changes in light of the seminar and the wider community planning review taking place in Highland.

The Committee is invited to:-

i. note progress with all nine District Partnerships in the reporting period April
   to September 2013; and
ii. agree that a further report come back to Committee once partners have
   discussed and proposed any changes in light of the District Partnership
   seminar and any implications as a result of the wider community planning
   review taking place in Highland.

14. Chief Social Work Officer – Annual Report
      Prìomh Oifigear Obair-Shòisealta – Aithisg Bhliadhnail

There is circulated Report No ACS-105-13 (94kb pdf) dated 1 November 2013 by the Director of Health and Social Care which introduces the annual report by the Chief Social Work Officer for 2012/13.

The Committee is invited to consider and comment on the issues raised in the attached annual report.

15. Minutes

The Minutes of the Child Protection Committee of 17 September 2013 (19kb pdf) are circulated for noting.

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