Agendas, reports and minutes

Finance, Housing and Resources Committee

Date: Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Agenda: Finance, Housing and Resources Committee Agenda - 28 August 2013


A meeting of the Finance, Housing and Resources Committee will take place in the Council Chamber, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness on Wednesday 28 August 2013 at 10.30 am.

You are invited to attend the meeting and a note of the business to be considered is attached.

Webcast Notice: This meeting will be filmed and broadcast over the Internet on the Highland Council website and will be archived and available for viewing for 12 months thereafter.

Yours faithfully

Michelle Morris
Assistant Chief Executive

1.  Apologies for Absence

2.  Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting.   Any Member making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest.   Advice may be sought from Officers prior to the meeting taking place.

3.   Good News Stories
Deagh Naidheachdan

Report on Achievement of Customer Services Excellence Award

There is circulated Report No. FHR-87-31 (599kb pdf) by the Assistant Chief Executive which details the continued achievement of the Customer Services organisation in retaining the externally assessed Customer Service Excellence Standard.  This is currently the only externally assessed Customer Service standard recognised and supported by the UK Cabinet Office.

Members are asked to note the outcomes from the assessment and the successful achievement and improvement against the criteria of the Customer Service Excellence standard.

4.  Recess Powers
Cumhachdan Fosaidh

Members are asked to note the following use of recess powers by the Assistant Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Finance, Housing and Resources Committee:-

Approval for staffing changes in respect of Housing and Property Services scheduling for Building Maintenance.  The request was for the creation of 4 posts of scheduler (HC03) to take forward the mobile working and scheduling in Building Maintenance.  Finance, Housing and Resources Committee approved the setting up of a scheduling team of team leader (approved late 2012) and 5 schedulers (approved early 2013).  The team leader is now in post. 

The Service currently operates with one scheduler on secondment and 3 agency temporary staff.  Relying on agency staff carries a risk of high turnover and the need to constantly be training new starts which has an impact on the activities of the team leader and service delivery.

5.  Central Services Revenue Budget
Sgrùdadh Buidseat Teachd-a-steach nan Seirbheisean Meadhain

a. Chief Executive’s Service and Members Revenue Budget: Final Outturn 2012/13 and Monitoring 2013/14

There is circulated Report No. FHR-88-13 (61kb pdf) by the Chief Executive which  comments on the final out-turn position for the Chief Executive’s Service revenue budget for 2012/13 and provides information on the revenue monitoring position for the Chief Executive’s Service for the period 1 April 2013 to 30 June 2013.

Members are invited to:-

i.  consider the final outturn for the Chief Executive’s Service revenue budget
    for 2012/13 and the revenue monitoring report for the period 1 April 2013
    to 30 June 2013; and
ii. approve for a transfer from balances of £0.016m to the elections budget, to
    cover the costs of the by election in Caithness Landward ward.

b.Finance Service Revenue Monitoring: Final Outturn 2012/13 and Monitoring 2013/14

There is circulated Report No. FHR-89-13 (56kb pdf) by the Director of Finance which presents on the final outturn for the Revenue Budget for the year to 31 March 2013 and the Revenue Monitoring position for the period to 30 June 2013.

The Committee is asked to:-

i.  note the Finance Budget outturn position for 2012/13; and
ii. agree the monitoring report to the end of June 2013.

c. Housing and Property Service Revenue Budgets: Final Outturn 2012/13 and Monitoring to 30 June 2013

There is circulated Report No. FHR-90-13 (210kb pdf) by the Depute Chief Executive / Director of Housing and Property which presents the final outturns for 2012/13 and current position to 30 June 2013 with regard to the Housing Revenue Account, non-Housing Revenue Account, Property Revenue Maintenance and the Building Maintenance Account.

The Committee is asked to note:-

i. The final outturns for 2012/13 on the Housing Revenue Account, Other
    Housing and Property Revenue Account, and Building Maintenance as at 31
    March 2013; and
ii. The monitoring statements to 30 June 2013 for these accounts.

6.  Corporate Revenue Monitoring
Sgrùdadh Teachd-a-steach Corporra

There is circulated Report No. FHR-91-13 (77kb pdf) by the Director of Finance which presents the revenue budget expenditure position for the period to 30 June 2013 and the projected year end position.

The Committee is invited to:-

i.  Approve the Revenue Expenditure Monitoring Statement for the financial
    year 2013/14 which shows a predicted net overspend of £0.543m, and note
    the management response to the predicted overspend; and
ii.  Note the request to transfer £0.016m from balances to Chief Executive’s
    budget for the costs of the Caithness Landward by-election.

7.  Chief Executive’s Service: Capital Budget Final Outturn 2012/13  and   Monitoring 2013/14 
Seirbheis an Àrd-oifigeir: Sgrùdadh Buidseat Calpa 2013/14

There is circulated Report No. FHR-92-13 (76kb pdf) by the Chief Executive which sets out the final out turn position for the Chief Executive’s Service Capital budget for the period 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013 and the position for the Chief Executive’s Service 2013-14 capital budget for the period to 30 June 2013.

Members are asked to consider the final out-turn position for the Chief Executive’s Service Capital budget for the period 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013 and the  capital monitoring report for the period 1 April 2013 to 30 June  2013.

8. Housing and Property Service Capital Budgets: Final Outturn   2012/13 and Monitoring to 30 June 2013
Buidseat Calpa Seirbheis an Taigheadais is na Seilbhe

There is circulated Report No. FHR-93-13 (200kb pdf) by the Depute Chief Executive/Director of Housing and Property which presents the final outturn position for 2012-13 and gives an update on the position regarding expenditure to 30 June 2013 for the HRA Capital, Non HRA Housing Capital and Property Capital Programmes. The report recommends the HRA Capital Programme budget for 2013/14.

The Committee is asked to:-

i.  note the final outturn position for 2012-13 for the HRA Capital, Non HRA
    Housing Capital and Property Capital Programmes;
ii.  note the position regarding expenditure to 30 June 2013 for the HRA
    Capital, Non HRA Housing Capital and Property Capital Programmes;
iii. approve an HRA Capital Programme budget of £41m for 2013/14, comprising
    £17.558m for the mainstream programme and £23.442m for Council house
    building; and
iv. note that the annual Standard Delivery Plan for the Scottish Housing Quality
    Standard, containing more detailed information on detailed project costs, will
    be presented to Committee on 9 October 2013.

9.  Corporate Capital Monitoring Report
Aithisg Sgrùdaidh a’ Chalpa Chorporra

There is circulated Report No. FHR-94-13 (44kb pdf) by the Director of Finance which provides an overview of expenditure on the General Fund and HRA capital programmes for the period 1 April 2013 to 30 June 2013 and the projected year end position for 2013/14.

The Committee is asked to approve the financial position of the General Fund and HRA capital programmes as at 30 June 2013.

10.  Treasury Management: Summary of Transactions
Rianachd Ionmhais: Geàrr-chunntas de Ghnothaichean

There is circulated Report No. FHR-95-13 (65kb pdf) by the Director of Finance which provides details on the Treasury Management transactions for May, June and July 2013.

The Committee is invited to consider the terms of the report.

11.  Welfare Reform Progress Update
Aithisg Adhartais Ath-leasachaidh Shochairean

There is circulated Report No. FHR-96-13 (91kb pdf) by the Director of Finance which provides an update on the fast moving situation that is Welfare Reform.

Members are invited to:-

i.  consider the updated information contained in the report and acknowledge
    the more realistic approach being taken to some of the practical aspects
    of Welfare Reform following representations by and on behalf of Scottish
ii.  note the relevant statistics shown in the Appendix attached to the report;
iii. make further representations to the UK Minister for Welfare Reform:

    “that consideration be given - either to exempting from the Spare Room
    Subsidy provisions rural authorities without appropriate housing stock
    available to accommodate  tenants who wish to move to a smaller house; or
    to confirming during this calendar year the amounts of Discretionary Housing
    Payment funding allocations to Councils for future years.”

Having funding information now, will enable local authorities, landlords and others, including the advice sector, to undertake more effective planning and to better support those local residents affected by the Spare Room Subsidy and the wider Welfare Reforms.

12.  Advice and Information Services: End of Year Monitoring
Aithisg Bhliadhnail nan Seirbheisean Comhairle is Fiosrachaidh 2012/13

There is circulated Joint Report No. FHR-97-13 (77kb pdf) by the Assistant Chief Executive and Director of Finance which provides details of the end of year monitoring in respect of Advice and Information Services in Highland for 2012/13.  The report also provides an update on the new contractual arrangements with CABx, feedback from the Annual Performance Survey and a briefing on a new Consumer Partnership between CABx and the Council’s Trading Standards team. 

The Committee is asked to note that in 2012/13:-

i. Through the Council’s contracts with the CAB network 44,961 customer
    contacts were made.  The complexity of advice sought is increasing and
     pressures experienced particularly in the area of welfare benefits;
ii. Contact with the Council’s in-house money advice service has remained
    stable between 2011/12 and 2012/13.  The in-house income maximisation
    team has experienced a further increase in the level of contacts which is
    mainly attributable to the substantial number of clients seeking advice about
    the anticipated and actual impact of Welfare Reform;
iii. The total financial gain to all customers from these services amounted to
    £10.5m; and
iv. the development of the Highland Consumer Partnership between the CAB 
    network and the Council’s Trading Standards team.

13.  Audit Scotland Report: Housing in Scotland
Sgrùdadh Alba: Taigheadas ann an Alba

There is circulated Report No. FHR-98-13 (74kb pdf) by the Depute Chief Executive/Director of Housing and Property which provides a summary of an Audit Scotland report titled “Housing in Scotland” which was published on 11 July 2013. The Audit Scotland report provides an overview of how the housing system in Scotland operates and assesses how the Scottish Government and Councils are responding to meet Scotland’s housing needs. There are a number of recommendations aimed separately at Scottish Government and Councils. This report provides a commentary and self-assessment on the Highland Council’s position in relation to Audit Scotland’s recommendations.

The Committee is asked to:-

i.  consider the report and recommendations from the Audit Scotland Report;
ii. agree the self-assessment contained in Appendix 1 to the report; and
iii. agree to refer the report and self-assessment for consideration by the Audit
    and Scrutiny Committee on 25 September 2013.

14.  Highland Housing Register Allocations Policy: Annual Report
Ath-sgrùdadh Bliadhnail air Poileasaidh Riarachadh Thaighean

There is circulated Report No. FHR-99-13 (209kb pdf) by the Depute Chief Executive/Director of Housing and Property which provides annual monitoring information on the operation of the Highland Housing Register (HHR) allocations policy for 2012/2013.  It highlights key issues in relation to the supply and demand for social rented housing in Highland. The report also identifies areas for policy review and sets out the national policy context for social housing allocations.

The Committee is asked to note the annual monitoring report on Highland Housing Register as contained in Appendix 1 to the report and to agree:-

i. the following eligibility criteria for “downsizing payments”:

1.  Pensioners who have been tenants for more than 10 years and who need
     to move to meet their future housing needs or in other exceptional cases;
2.  Where there is a genuine and urgent need for the property being vacated;
     for example: 

  • Where there is an applicant on the Housing Register with high Accessible Housing points whose housing need would be met by moving to the larger/adapted property, or
  • Where there is an applicant for the larger property on the Housing Register with extreme overcrowding points and need to reside

3.  In other exceptional cases, with the approval of the Housing and Property

ii.  that further work takes place with Highland Housing Register partners and
    other stakeholders on policy options and implications arising from a housing
    options approach and that a further report is presented to Committee in
    2014; and
iii. that a further report be presented on any policy changes to be considered
    following confirmation of new legal powers and duties arising from proposed
    changes to legislation in 2014.

15.  Housing Development Initiatives
Leasachadh agus Iomairtean Taigheadais is Seilbhe

There is circulated Report No. FHR-100-13 (57kb pdf) by the Depute Chief Executive/Director of Housing and Property which seeks approval for property transactions from the General Account to HRA which will contribute to the overall housing programme and to sell specific low cost home ownership properties as part of the agreed programme. This report also seeks approval for use of the Council’s Landbank to provide loan funding for a specific project.

The Committee is asked to agree that:-

i.  the land and property at Glenborrodale, Fort William and Broadford as
    detailed within section three of the report be transferred to the Housing
    Account, at a value which will enable affordable housing to be developed
    within the agreed Bench Mark values;
ii. subject to the appropriate consent of Scottish Ministers, to sell LIFT
    properties identified within Appendix A of the report; on the basis that sales
    will be at market value to nominees of Albyn Enterprises who have been
    assessed as being eligible under the Scottish Government LIFT scheme;
iii. a short term loan of up to £0.350m be offered to the Highlands Small
    Communities Housing Trust to assist in developing projects in Arisaig, Daviot,
    Dornoch and Lochcarron; utilising the Landbank Fund, and on terms to be
    agreed by the Depute Chief Executive/Director of Housing and Property.

16.  The Kirkmichael (Black Isle) Heritage Centre Project
Pròiseact Ionad Dualchais Chille Mhìcheil (An t-Eilean Dubh)

There is circulated Report No. FHR-101-13 (45kb pdf) by the Corporate Manager which requests approval for a contribution of up to £70,000 from the Capital Discretionary Fund towards a funding package to enable the Kirkmichael (Black Isle) Heritage Centre Project to go forward.

Members are asked to approve a total, capped, contribution of £70,000 from the Capital Discretionary Budget, conditional on the Kirkmichael Trust securing the remainder of the funds, and that there will be no contribution towards running costs.

17.  Internal Audit Report: Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit   Payments

There is circulated Report No. FHR-102-13 (85kb pdf) by the Director of Finance  which outlines the findings of an Audit carried out as part of the Annual Plan for 2012/13, which resulted in one recommendation at medium priority grade being made.

The Committee is invited to consider the audit findings and to note that the one recommendation was implemented in advance of the relevant Audit and Scrutiny Committee meeting.

18. Managing Early Departures
Aithisg Sgrùdadh Alba: A’ Cumail Rian air Fàgail Tràth

There is circulated Report No. FHR-103-13 (422kb pdf) by the Assistant Chief Executive advises of the recent Audit Scotland report (Managing Early Departures From The Scottish Public Sector) and how the Highland Council complies with the principles of best practice.

Members are asked to note the Audit Scotland report and note that the Council complies with the suggested principles of best practice.

19. Review of The Highland Council’s Health and Safety Management  System
Ath-sgrùdadh air Siostam Rianachd Slàinte is Sàbhailteachd Chomhairle na  Gàidhealtachd

There is circulated Report No. FHR-104-13 (325kb pdf) by the Assistant Chief Executive which informs that there was a commitment in the 2011/2012 Health and Safety Annual Report to review the policies and procedures in the Council’s health and safety management system and identify any gaps and also ensure that the advice was up to date.  The report summarises policies and guidance that have been developed as a result of this exercise.

The Committee is asked to approve the Health and Safety Management policy and guidance documents.

20. Information Management Strategy
Ro-innleachd Rianachd Fiosrachaidh

There is circulated Report No. FHR-105-13 (373kb pdf) by the Assistant Chief Executive which provides information on the revised Information Management strategy for 2013- 2017 and provides an update on progress made on the implementation of the  2009-2012 Information Management strategy

Members are asked to:-

i.  note the update on the strategic initiatives; and
ii. approve the Information Management Strategy 2013-2017.

21.  Information Security Policy
Poileasaidh Tèarainteachd Fiosrachaidh

There is circulated Report No. FHR-106-13 (166kb pdf) by the Assistant Chief Executive which informs of the new Information Security Policy and seeks approval of this Policy.

Members are asked to approve the Information Security Policy.

22.  Corporate Improvement Programme Update
Fios as Ùr mu Phrògram Leasachaidh Chorporra

There is circulated Report No. FHR-107-13 (291kb pdf) by the Assistant Chief Executive which advises that Corporate Improvement Programme (CIP) projects have started and are progressing well with a target to achieve a further £5.98m in efficiency savings having been set for the period 2013/14 & 2014/15.  Some slippage is reported for two projects, and the report highlights the mitigating actions being taken to ensure these projects and related savings are delivered on target.

Members are asked to note the good progress with the delivery of the Corporate Improvement Programme and the mitigating actions being taken to ensure the Programme and savings are delivered on target. 

23.  Quarterly Performance Reports
Aithisgean Dèanadais Ràitheil

a. Chief Executive’s Service

There is circulated Report No. FHR-108-13 (271kb pdf) by the Chief Executive which provides details of a review of the Council’s Statutory Performance Indicators (SPI).  Information is provided on which SPIs can be reported on either annually or quarterly basis by the Chief Executive’s Services.  For those that can be reported on a quarterly basis a performance report for Quarter 1 of 2013/14 is provided.

The Committee is asked to note the Statutory Performance Indicators.

b. Housing and Property Service

There is circulated Report No. FHR-109-13 (232kb pdf) by the Depute Chief Executive/Director of Housing and Property which provides information on how the Housing and Property Service performed in relation to Statutory Performance Indicators during the first quarter of 2013/14.

The Committee is invited to note the information provided on housing performance in quarter 1 covering the period 1 April 2013 to 30 June 2013.

c. Finance Service

There is circulated Report No. FHR-110-13 (351kb pdf) by the Director of Finance which provides a review of Statutory and Key Performance Indicators.  Information is provided on which SPIs can be reported annually or on a quarterly basis by the Finance Service.  For those that can be reported on a quarterly basis a performance report for Quarter 1 of 2013/14 is provided.

The Committee is asked to consider and approve the new corporate approach to Statutory and Key Performance Indicators, and the initial reporting for the Finance Service in respect of Quarter 1 from 1 April to 30 June 2013.

24.  Amendments to Organisational Structures/Establishments
Atharrachaidhean do Structaran Eagarachail/Ionadan 

There is circulated Report No. FHR-111-13 (127kb pdf) by the Assistant Chief Executive which recommends amendments to organisational structures/establishments as a consequence of proposals from Service Directors.

The Committee is asked to approve the amendments to the staffing establishment and other staffing changes as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report.

25.  Minutes of Meetings
Geàrr-chunntasan Choinneamhan

The following Minutes of Meetings are circulated for confirmation:-

i. Appeal Committee held on 11 June 2013 (133kb pdf);;
ii. Fairtrade Steering Group held on 18 June 2013 (185kb pdf);;
iii. Early Retirement Sub-Committee held on 29 May (83kb pdf); and
26 June (83kb pdf), 2013;
iv. Joint Consultation Group held on 28 June 2013 (208kb pdf);;
v. Central Safety Committee held on 28 June 2013 (161kb pdf); and
vi.  Head of Service Recruitment Panel (75kb pdf) on 15 August 2013.

There is also circulated for information a copy of the note from the meeting of the Welfare Reform Working Group which was held on 18 June 2013 (171kb pdf).

26.  Exclusion of The Public
Às-dùnadh a’ Phobaill

The Committee is asked to resolve that, under Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, the public be excluded from the meeting during discussion of the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 6 & 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act.

27.  ICT Executive Board (Members): Minutes of Meeting
Buidheann-obrach TFC Bhall: Geàrr-chunntas Coinneimh

There is circulated to Members only for approval, Minutes of Meeting of the ICT Executive Board (Members) held on 3 July 2013 and 16 August 2013.

28.  Unified Communications
Pròiseact Chonaltraidhean Aonaichte

There is circulated to Members only Report No. FHR/112/13 by the Assistant Chief Executive which provides an update on the progress with the Unified Communications Project which outlines the strategic recommendation in relation to a new Unified Communications solution for the Council.

Members are asked to approve the recommendations detailed in the report.

29. ResourceLink: Suspension of Contract Standing Orders
Ceangal Goireis – Toirt Seachad Cunnradh

There is circulated Report No. FHR/113/13 by the Director of Finance which seeks approval to seeks approval to homologate the decision taken by Officers, in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of Finance, Housing and Resources Committee, to suspend Contract Standing Orders.

Members are asked to homologate the decision taken by Officers in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of Finance, Housing and Resources Committee, to suspend Contract Standing Orders and award a contract for specialist ResourceLink advice without seeking a competitive quote.

30.  Debts Recommended to be Written-off
Fiachan air am Moladh airson an Sgrìobhadh Dheth

There is circulated to Members only Report No. FHR/114/13 by the Director of Finance which, in accordance with good accounting practice, recommends the write-off of uncollectable debts.

In the event that there is no additional information from Members, the Committee is asked to agree that that total value of debts as detailed in the report be written-off.

31.  Land and Property
Talamh agus Taigheadas

There is circulated to Members only Report No. FHR/115/13 by the Depute Chief Executive/Director of Housing and Property which seeks approval to purchase two areas of land for potential housing projects using the Highland Council’s Landbank facility.

The Committee is asked to approve the recommendations detailed in the report.

32.  Property Transactions Monitoring Report
Aithisg Sgrùdaidh Ghnothachasan Seilbhe

There is circulated to Members only Report No. FHR/116/13 by the Depute Chief Executive/Director of Housing and Property which provides details of the General Fund and Property Account transactions approved by the Head of Property Partnerships under delegated authority.  The report also advises on sales targeted for completion within the financial year 2012/13 and summarises progress.

The Committee is asked to note progress on property transactions and sales with anticipated settlement within financial year 2012/13; and General Fund transactions approved by the Head of Property Partnerships.

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