News archive

News published April 2006

  • Highland Cultural Pledge

    Published 18 Apr 2006

     Every school pupil in Highland will be given the chance to participate in a cultural activity during 2007 as part of a cultural pledge being made by The Highland Council in celebrating Highland 2007

  • Big Hearted Highland Pupils

    Published 18 Apr 2006

    Pupils at primary and secondary schools in the Highlands are gearing up to raise thousands of pounds to help communities and young people across the world who are trying to re-build their lives follow

  • Cluster Primary School Model Arrangement

    Published 18 Apr 2006

    The Highland Council has agreed to adopt a cluster model for managing smaller primary schools, with one non-teaching head teacher managing two or three schools in a locality.

  • Council Puts Brakes On Drivers

    Published 18 Apr 2006

    Motorists in Lochaber are being warned that part time 20mph speed restrictions are being introduced at another school in the area, for children’s safety.

  • Committee To Discuss Highland Renewable Energy Strategy

    Published 18 Apr 2006

    At a special meeting of the Planning, Development, Europe and Tourism Committee on Wednesday (19 April) Councillors will debate the Highland Renewable Energy Strategy and Planning Guidelines which, wh

  • Encouraging Barn Owls To Caithness

    Published 18 Apr 2006

    As part of the Local Biodiversity Action plan for Caithness, a dozen barn owl boxes have been built around the county to increase the number of available sites for the bird to nest in. Once regarded a

  • Distance Learning In Gaelic For Council "Students"

    Published 18 Apr 2006

    Tha cùrsa aig astar a tha ga lìbhrigeadh leis a’ Cholaiste Ghàidhlig, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, san Eilean Sgitheanach a’ brosnachadh luchd-obrach bho Chomhairle na Gàidhealtachd gu bhith ag ionnsac

  • Heavenly Talk Inspired By the Stars

    Published 18 Apr 2006

    The Highland Council’s Countryside Rangers, are looking to the sky for inspiration for an evening talk on Friday (14 April) in Glen Urquhart on the myths and legends surrounding the stars and conste

  • New Recycling Centre In Fort William

    Published 18 Apr 2006

    Lochaber residents will soon be able to conveniently recycle more of their household waste with the opening of The Highland Council’s Recycling Centre in the Ben Nevis Industrial Estate in Fort Will

  • Highland Councillors Object To Application For Overhead Power Line

    Published 18 Apr 2006

    At a special meeting of The Highland Council’s Planning, Development, Europe and Tourism Committee held today (Wednesday 12 April) in Inverness, Councillors objected to an application from Scottish