News archive

News published May 2006

  • New head teachers for Small Isles' schools

    Published 9 May 2006

    Mrs Eilidh Soe Paing has been appointed Head Teacher of the two-pupil Canna Primary School.  Mrs Soe Paing, who currently teaches in Fort William RC Primary, takes up her appointment on Monday, 23 Oc

  • Permit parking schemes aim to combat commuter parkers

    Published 9 May 2006

    From 1 October, resident parking schemes will relieve residents in Perceval Road as well as those living at Bellfield Park, Elm Park and Cavell Gardens of the nuisance of uncontrolled commuter parking

  • Major European conference for Aviemore

    Published 9 May 2006

    The conference is presenting the findings of a large research project looking at the performance of timber cladding. Issues such as coatings and maintenance, detailing, fire, whole life costing and sp

  • Tro Mheadhan na Gaidhlig air Ghaidhealtachd

    Published 9 May 2006

    Dh’fhosgail a’ chiad chlas tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig ann an Sgoil a’ Mheadhain, Inbhir Nis, o chionn fichead bliadhna le deichnear sgoilearan.  A-nis, tha fichead sgoil air Ghàidhealtachd le c

  • Conference marks two decades of Gaelic Medium learning in the Highlands

    Published 9 May 2006

    Twenty years ago the first Gaelic medium class opened in the Central School, Inverness, with ten pupils. Now there are twenty schools in the Highlands with Gaelic medium classes, with over a thousand

  • First Minister's visit to Inverness school of ambition

    Published 9 May 2006

    Funding of £100,000 per year over three years will allow the 487-pupil school to extend its growing links with the local community and improve provision of training in information technology and staf

  • Didsiteach Gaidhlig Air Chois

    Published 9 May 2006

    Chaidh an litir gu Tessa Jowell air 5 Sultain. Chaidh leth-bhreac dhi a chuairteachadh gu buill dhen Chomataidh Thaghte agus tha an Cathraiche ag iarraidh coinneachadh ris a’ Mhinistear airson fuasg

  • Council writes to Culture Secretary about Gaelic Digital channel

    Published 9 May 2006

    Members of the Gaelic Select Committee were circulated with a copy of the letter which was sent on the 5 September to Tessa Jowell in which the Chairman requested a meeting with the Minister to resolv

  • Highland 2007 Reception

    Published 9 May 2006

    Over 200 guests enjoyed a presentation by Alison Magee, Chair of Highland 2007, detailing the diversity of the Highland 2007 programme.

  • Old New Scotland - A visual exploration of the cultural landscape of Nova Scotia

    Published 9 May 2006

    The exhibition is a Trans-Atlantic traveling exhibition of oil paintings water colours, drawings and etchings by Nova Scotia artist Anna Syperek. ‘Old New Scotland’ explores the landscape and sett