News archive

News published October 2006

  • New Grand Piano Unveiled at Inverness Town House

    Published 5 Oct 2006

    A new grand piano at the Town House, Inverness, is to be launched at a lunchtime recital tomorrow (Friday) by renowned concert pianist Jill Morton, who advised on the selection of the piano.

  • Community Partnership Television

    Published 5 Oct 2006

    Inverness City Partnership (ICP) and other agency partners are introducing a new community information service for the Inverness area next month.  The community television project, to be launched on

  • Plot To Pot

    Published 4 Oct 2006

    The Growing Food In Schools networking event is for teachers, parents, pupils and helpers who are already involved in growing food in schools and those who would like to find out more about bringing h

  • Telford's Tales on the Caledonian Canal

    Published 4 Oct 2006

    To celebrate the achievement of a mammoth feat of engineering, The Highland Council’s Planning and Development Service Rangers and British Waterways Scotland are holding a living history family even

  • Tribute Paid to Home Safety Expert on Retiral

    Published 4 Oct 2006

    Long serving environmental health officer, Mike Smith, who has been prominent in promoting home safety initiatives at a Highland and Scottish level, is retiring on Friday (6 October) after 41 years se

  • Forts, Caves and Crannogs Waiting To Be Explored During Highland Archaeology Fortnight

    Published 4 Oct 2006

    Anyone looking for something exciting to do in the school holidays can join The Highland Council’s Easter Ross Ranger for three days of adventure as he leads expeditions to an Iron Age Fort, Caves w

  • Books on prescription at Highland Libraries

    Published 4 Oct 2006

    A new health scheme in the Highlands could in some circumstances see doctors and other health professionals referring their patients to their local library.

  • Buildings of Special Architectural Interest in Thurso

    Published 3 Oct 2006

    Councillors have agreed to take action to ensure the necessary repair and renovation of a listed building in Thurso town centre.

  • Drivers urged to go slow at Millburn Academy

    Published 3 Oct 2006

    Motorists travelling on Diriebught Road in Inverness are being warned that part time 20mph speed restrictions will be introduced at Millburn Academy, for children’s safety.

  • Plea to Householders to Assist with Electoral Registration

    Published 3 Oct 2006

    Householders in the Highlands and Western Isles are being urged to register everyone in their homes who qualifies in order to ensure that they can vote in the Scottish Parliament and local council ele