News archive

News published March 2007

  • Superstore rejected on Ness-side, Inverness

    Published 13 Mar 2007

    Members of The Highland Council’s City of Inverness Planning Applications Committee today (13 March) unanimously refused an application for a district shopping centre, including a Tesco superstore,

  • Highland Council welcomes cash boost for Gaelic Education

    Published 13 Mar 2007

    The Highland Council welcomes the announcement from the Scottish Executive that Gaelic Medium education in the Highlands is to receive an additional £45,000 in the current financial year 2006/07 and

  • Young Quality Scot Awards 2007

    Published 13 Mar 2007

    Talented and public spirited youngsters from around the country attended the Quality Scotland’s annual Young Quality Scot Awards which The Highland Council hosted at the Craigmonie Centre in Drumnad

  • Kirkhill Pupils Clean Up

    Published 13 Mar 2007

    The Kirkhill Eco School committee sprung into action at the weekend to hunt down litter as part of the National Spring Clean 2007 event. 

  • Dumpers To Get On The Spot Fines

    Published 13 Mar 2007

    The Highland Council are to issue £50 Fixed Penalty Notices to people in the Inverness Area who break the law by illegally dumping their rubbish. This new approach has come about as a result of an up

  • HMIe report on Canisbay Primary School, Caithness

    Published 13 Mar 2007

    A recently published HMIe report on Canisbay Primary School, Caithness has praised pupils’ attainment in English language and mathematic.

  • Rangers put a spring in their step

    Published 12 Mar 2007

    Highland Council’s Countryside Rangers are inviting locals to join them on a woodland walk at Kiltarlity to celebrate the coming of Spring.

  • Massive mountain bike event

    Published 12 Mar 2007

    300 pupils from Black Isle primary schools (Avoch, Culbokie, Newhall, Cullicudden, Tore and Ferintosh) will have the chance this week to try pedal power when they take part in a unique local event int

  • Capturing stories in Ross and Cromarty

    Published 12 Mar 2007

    A series of workshops will run throughout Highland 2007 – the year Scotland celebrates Highland culture - to give local communities in Ross and Cromarty the skills to capture the stories from their

  • Finding the Findhorn

    Published 12 Mar 2007

    Highland Council’s Countryside Rangers are inviting people to join them on a guided walk to “Find the Findhorn” on Saturday 24th March, 2007.