News archive

News published March 2008

  • Council conference invites parents to participate

    Published 17 Mar 2008

    Parents in the Highlands are being encouraged by The Highland Council to engage in a partnership in their children’s education.

  • Putting Planning For The Future in the Picture

    Published 17 Mar 2008

    Young people from across the Highlands are being invited to photograph their communities as part of a new planning initiative. Images of what they like and don’t like about the places they live in,

  • Leasachadh Ceàird - Gàidhealtachd Alba is Alba Nuadh

    Published 17 Mar 2008

    Bidh neach-ceàird às a’ Ghàidhealtachd a’ pacaigeadh agus a’ togail oirre a Cheap Bhreatainn a dhèanamh obair  neach-ceàird  air taobh thall a’ chuain airson greis agus bidh cuideigin

  • Education Provision in Brae Lochaber

    Published 14 Mar 2008

    The Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee, Councillor Bill Fernie, and Councillors John Finnie and Allan Henderson along with the Director of Education, Culture S

  • Young Choir Sings For Gaelic Committee

    Published 13 Mar 2008

    Eleven young pupils from six different Lochaber primary schools entertained Highland Councillors at the start of yesterdays Gaelic Committee held in Inverness. 

  • Council Commitment on Delayed Hospital Discharge

    Published 13 Mar 2008

    The Highland Council has reaffirmed its commitment to work jointly with the NHS to reduce the number of people whose discharge from hospital is delayed and to reduce the length of delay. It has commit

  • Council to consult on new care homes sites

    Published 13 Mar 2008

    The Highland Council is to consult staff, trade unions, carers and families on the progress being made in identifying sites for five new care homes for older people.

  • Tribute to the work of Gaelic Early Education and Child Care Officer

    Published 13 Mar 2008

    During a meeting of The Highland Council’s Gaelic Committee, acting Chairman, Councillor Jimmy MacDonald paid tribute to Lochaber based Gaelic Early Education and Child Care Officer, Catriona MacInt

  • Training Of Gaelic Tutors

    Published 13 Mar 2008

    Read this in Gaelic

  • £6m of New Leader Funds for the Highlands

    Published 13 Mar 2008

    The Highland LEADER 2007-13 programme is set to benefit from £6m of EU/Scottish Government funding aimed at supporting community and economic development in rural areas.