News archive

News published May 2009

  • Inverness Road Works

    Published 12 May 2009

    Work is scheduled to commence on surface water and sewer connections on Tower Road, Inverness on Thursday 14th May, with the work programmed to take 2 weeks to complete.

  • Caithness Heat and Power: Update

    Published 12 May 2009

    The Highland Council, through Caithness Heat and Power Ltd, is to seek a partner from the private sector to provide a new sustainable biomass district heating system in Wick for existing CHaP customer

  • Works to start on Brora environmental improvements

    Published 12 May 2009

    Works are due to begin on a £138,000 environmental improvement project beginning with the up-grade of Fountain Square, Brora at the end of this month.

  • Encouraging Participation in Euro Elections

    Published 12 May 2009

    New residents in the Highlands from European Union countries are being encouraged to register to vote in the forthcoming European Parliamentary elections to choose the six MEPs, who will represent Sco

  • Inverness Highland Games Programme Unveiled

    Published 12 May 2009

    The Highland Council has announced details of this year’s Inverness Highland Games following confirmation that Tulloch Homes are to sponsor the Masters World Championships, which will be staged in B

  • Partners Join Forces to Reduce Hate Incidents in the Highlands

    Published 12 May 2009

    Multi agency partners have launched the ‘Hate Free Highland’ website which aims to generate awareness of prejudice and discrimination and encourage more people to report these hate incidents via t

  • Call For New Foster Carers To Come Forward

    Published 11 May 2009

  • National Spring Clean success strengthened by Council Enforcement

    Published 11 May 2009

    57,639 enthusiastic and passionate volunteers blitzed litter across Scotland in April as part of Keep Scotland Beautiful’s National Spring Clean 2009 – and 2,768 of those volunteers carried out cl

  • Pioneering Acharacle School Opens

    Published 7 May 2009

       The staff and pupils of Acharacle Primary School, Lochaber, today (Thursday) moved into their state of the art timber school, which promises to be the most energy efficient in Scotland.

  • European Award for Council's Action on Energy

    Published 7 May 2009

    The Highland Council has won a top European Award in recognition of the work it has done to raise awareness amongst staff of energy and water consumption in its buildings and for championing the need