News archive

News published May 2009

  • Highland student secures Geographical study trip of a lifetime

    Published 7 May 2009

    A Dornoch Academy student is heading off around the world to help her studies after winning £4000 of support from the Royal Geographical Society-IBG’s Learning and Leading Gap Year Programme.

  • Asset Management

    Published 7 May 2009

    The Highland Council welcomes the report published today (Thursday) by Audit Scotland on Asset Management in local government.

  • Safe Highlanders

    Published 7 May 2009

    Just under 2,000 Primary 7 pupils from schools within the Inverness area will be heading to the Cameron Barracks, Inverness, at different times over an eight-day period to take part in a community saf

  • Greater Fort William Pre School and Primary School Review

    Published 6 May 2009

    A major review of pre-school and primary school provision in Greater Fort William will take place over the summer. Local councillors, community council chairpersons, head teachers, parent council chai

  • Minister for Children Celebrates Highland Pathfinder Project

    Published 6 May 2009

    Adam Ingram, the Scottish Government’s Minister for Children and Early Years, visited Inverness today (Tuesday) to mark the implementation of the Government programme, Getting it right for every ch

  • Ainm is Àite

    Published 5 May 2009

    Read this in EnglishTha clann ann am Bun-sgoiltean Dhail Chuinnidh agus Bhaile Ùr an t-Slèibh air a bhith ag obair le ‘seanchaidhean’ ionadail sa choimhearsnachd gus ionnsachadh mu Ainmean-àite

  • Compost Awareness Week 2009

    Published 5 May 2009

    The Highland Council is urging householders across Highland to help reduce waste during Compost Awareness Week by taking up composting as a greener way of disposing of garden and kitchen waste.

  • Make your mark in “Register to Vote Week”.

    Published 5 May 2009

    People in the Highlands could be missing out on their right to vote in the  European Parliamentary elections without even knowing it, according to Douglas Gillespie, Electoral Registration Officer fo

  • Council clamps down on irresponsible dog owners

    Published 5 May 2009

    The Highland Council has issued a clear warning to irresponsible dog owners that it will not tolerate owners allowing their dogs to foul public areas without clearing up after them.

  • Ainm is Aite - Name and Place

    Published 5 May 2009

    Leugh sa Ghàidhlig