News archive

News published August 2009

  • Public to be Consulted over Future Growth of Highlands

    Published 7 Aug 2009

    Members of The Highland Council’s Planning Environment and Development Committee have the opportunity to discuss progress of the Highland Wide Local Development Plan at their meeting on Wednesday (1

  • Olympians receive standing ovation from Highland Council

    Published 7 Aug 2009

    A group of athletes who took part in the 2009 Special Olympics at Leicester received a standing ovation from members of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee today as they at

  • Highlands and Islands Strategic Co-ordinating Group

    Published 6 Aug 2009

    Members of the Highlands and Islands Strategic Co-ordinating Group ( HISCG) have welcomed the publication of the Audit Scotland report titled ‘Improving civil contingencies planning’.

  • Social Work Budget Recovery Plan

    Published 6 Aug 2009

    A robust recovery plan is being drawn up to tackle an overspend in The Highland Council’s Social Work budget, projected to be £3.437 million by the end of this financial year in March 2010.This ass

  • Council Welcomes Dingwall Streetscape Funding

    Published 6 Aug 2009

    The Highland Council has been successful with a funding bid to the Scottish Government for a facelift of Dingwall High Street. A grant of £462,000 will contribute towards a £947,000 package for tow

  • Highland Youth work receives Council support for future direction

    Published 6 Aug 2009

    The future direction of Youth Work in the Highlands was endorsed today by members of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee, who also commented on the positive impact youth wo

  • Scottish Qualification Results 2009 - Highland

    Published 5 Aug 2009

    Initial indications are that Highland pupils have once again done well in their Scottish Qualification Authority exams. Overall results at the end of the pupils’ fourth year represent an improving p

  • Rangers spot Northern Green dragon at Little Assynt

    Published 5 Aug 2009

    Seasonal Highland Council Countryside Ranger in Assynt, Tina Lloyd-Jenkins recently led a guided walk to Little Assynt in search of the elusive “Great Northern Green Dragon”. Forty adults and chil

  • 32 Whyte and Mackay redundancies hit East Ross economy

    Published 5 Aug 2009

    The Highland Council is to seek an early meeting with distilling company Whyte and Mackay, who have announced it is entering a 30-day consultation on its intention to cut its Invergordon workforce fro

  • Multi Agency Partners Look Ahead to a Safe Belladrum 2009

    Published 4 Aug 2009

    Partner agencies are looking forward to what they hope will be another safe year at Belladrum music festival.