News archive

News published November 2009

  • Free offer should ring alarm bells

    Published 2 Nov 2009

    Highland Council Trading Standards Service is warning householders to be on their guard if they receive a phone call informing them that they have won a free house alarm.   Unsuspecting consumers ar

  • Highland schools clash camans in first shinty tournament

    Published 2 Nov 2009

    Twelve primary schools from throughout the Highlands will gather at Inverness Leisure, Bught, Inverness this Saturday 31st October to take part in the First Shinty 6-a-side Championships.

  • Wind turbine for island school

    Published 2 Nov 2009

    Primary pupils on the Island of Raasay will be able to learn first hand all about energy produced from wind as they now have their very own 15 metre tall wind turbine erected directly outside the scho

  • Having a safe Guy Fawkes evening

    Published 2 Nov 2009

    Issued by Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service

  • Black Isle Messiah – more singers, instrumentalists and an audience wanted

    Published 2 Nov 2009

    The Black Isle Messiah is a weekend classical music event taking place in Fortrose on 12 and 13 December 2009.  Funded by The Highland Council’s Culture Programme, Black Isle Ward Discretionary Fun