News archive

News published November 2009

  • Inverness pupils plant path for all

    Published 4 Nov 2009

    To celebrate the construction of an accessible path to Muirtown Primary School – Primary 1 pupils along with local Highland Councillors Alex Graham, Alasdair Christie and Pauline Munro will be plan

  • Positive report by inspectors for Bridgend Primary School

    Published 4 Nov 2009

    In an HMIe inspection of Bridgend Primary and Nursery, the following key strengths were identified:• the head teacher and depute’s leadership of improvement; • improvements in attainment in re

  • Aviemore to host the 2010 Adventure Travel World Summit

    Published 4 Nov 2009

    Aviemore is set to host the world’s largest gathering of adventure tourism specialists at the seventh Adventure Travel World Summit.  The global annual conference of The Adventure Travel Trade Asso

  • Roadworks on A855 Portree to Staffin Road

    Published 3 Nov 2009

    Motorists are being advised that The Highland Council is carrying out Phase 2 of the works between Portree and Loch Fada on the A855 Staffin road to improve the carriageway to twin track width.

  • Positive report by inspectors for Farr High School

    Published 3 Nov 2009

    In an HMIe inspection of Farr High School the following key strengths were identified in a report published this week (2nd November 2009):• the range and quality of young people’s achievements; a

  • Economic downturn action plan begins to pay dividends

    Published 3 Nov 2009

    Highland councillors have commended their money advice and benefit maximisation teams for helping the public cope better with the effects of the recession.  In a report providing a commentary on the

  • Big turn out for opening event of Inverness winter festival

    Published 3 Nov 2009

    The 2009 Inverness Winter Festival opened in spectacular fashion with an estimated 12,000 visitors to Blackbeard’s Haunted Ness Islands Show on Friday 30 and Saturday 31 October.

  • Consultation on membership of the Cairngorms National Park Authority

    Published 3 Nov 2009

    The public is being asked for its views on a proposal to reduce the number of members of the Cairngorms  National Park Authority from 25 to 19  by October 2010.

  • LEADER funding begins to impact on rural Inverness

    Published 3 Nov 2009

    Rural Inverness has recently seen its first funding awards made under the Highland LEADER Programme.  Beauly Shinty Club have been awarded £10,590 to upgrade their pitch and facilities and Strathdea

  • Having your say on the future of Highland

    Published 3 Nov 2009

    The consultation on the Main Issues Report for the Highland wide Local Development Plan is coming to an end on the 9th of November 2009.