News archive

News published March 2010

  • HMIe Report on Millburn Academy, Inverness

    Published 16 Mar 2010

    In an HMIe report on Millburn Academy, Inverness the inspectors noted the following particular strengths of the school:• Confident, articulate and caring young people, and their positive relationsh

  • Inverness West Ward Forum addresses winter maintenance

    Published 15 Mar 2010

    Winter maintenance is the topic for discussion at The Highland Council’s Inverness West Ward Forum being held at the Council Chamber, Council Headquarters, Inverness on Thursday (18th March), starti

  • Education Ward Forum rescheduled

    Published 15 Mar 2010

    The Highland Council’s Cromarty Firth Ward Forum postponed in February due to bad weather conditions is now due to take place on Thursday 25th March in Invergordon Town Hall. The Forum will start at

  • New plan to help Highland Wildlife

    Published 15 Mar 2010

    A new plan to help wildlife was launched on Saturday (13 March) at the Highland Biodiversity Forum in Inverness.  The Highland Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) was drawn up by The Highland Council on b

  • Youth Orchestra to perform in Alness

    Published 15 Mar 2010

    Romeo and Juliet by Tchaikovsky and the theme from Angela’s Ashes are just two of the pieces the Highland Regional Youth Orchestra will be performing during a concert in Alness on Saturday 20 March.

  • Money to help with ideas continues

    Published 15 Mar 2010

    A scheme aimed at helping community groups access support for their ideas and projects reaches its 6 month mark next week (Wednesday 24 March).

  • Council signs major ICT contract with Fujitsu

    Published 15 Mar 2010

    The Highland Council has now signed a major new contract with Fujitsu for Information Communication and Technology Services over the next five years. The £66 million contract will take effect from1 A

  • Highland Leader’s fossil fuel levy surplus proposal

    Published 15 Mar 2010

    The Leader of The Highland Council has urged the UK Government to direct a surplus of £150 million in the fossil fuel levy fund attributable to Scotland towards connecting renewable power from the Hi

  • Cairngorms National Park consultation

    Published 15 Mar 2010

    The public is being given a second period of consultation to respond to  proposals by the Scottish Government to reduce the size of the board of the Cairngorms National Park Authority from 25 to 19 f

  • Information event targets school leavers with additional support needs

    Published 15 Mar 2010

    An information event is being organised for young people with additional support needs who are thinking about what they will do when they leave school.