News archive

News published May 2010

  • Campaign promotes seagull control in the Highlands

    Published 11 May 2010

    A campaign to raise awareness of the problem of seagulls nesting in urban areas in the Highlands has been launched today (Tuesday 11 May) by The Highland Council.

  • Dingwall High Street traffic plea

    Published 11 May 2010

    With the Dingwall Streetscape upgrade scheme now completed, drivers are being asked to ensure that they are aware of the ‘do’s and don’ts’ of the Dingwall Traffic Order. 

  • Trial run for young people’s suggestion

    Published 11 May 2010

    Young People staying on in Tain after school for clubs and activities will be able to get home earlier thanks to a new bus service being piloted by Stagecoach in response to a suggestion from the Tain

  • Smoke-free home and smoke-free car campaign

    Published 11 May 2010

    A campaign was launched today (Tuesday 11th May) that aims to improve the health of the Highland population by discouraging people from smoking in their home and car.

  • Council budget blog launched

    Published 10 May 2010

    A budget blog opened today (Monday) on The Highland Council’s web site:, giving the public the chance to have their say on options for achieving major savings over the next three

  • Highland Schools Race Series

    Published 10 May 2010

    The sun shone on Nevis Range Fort William (Saturday 8 May 2010) for the 3rd round of the Highland School bike race series. The event shared the same weekend as The British National Series Downhill rac

  • Presentation of the first Eilean a’ Cheò Civic Awards

    Published 10 May 2010

    Individuals and groups from the Isle of Skye will receive recognition of the important contribution they make to their communities during the presentation of the first Eilean a’ Cheò Civic Awards o

  • Consumers warned to be on their guard for doorstep callers in the Highlands.

    Published 10 May 2010

    Highland Council Trading Standard Service is calling on consumers, to be on their guard against rogue itinerant traders calling door to door.

  • Council’s Rangers call on locals to help wildlife.

    Published 10 May 2010

    People are invited out with Highland Council Countryside Rangers to Abriachan Forest above Loch Ness on Saturday 15 May between 2-4pm, to learn what it makes a garden good for wildlife.

  • Inter-schools rugby competition scores highly with Lochaber pupils

    Published 10 May 2010

    Over 250 pupils from 20 Primary and 3 Secondary Schools in Lochaber came together for the annual inter-schools rugby competition held today (5 May 2010).