News archive

News published March 2012

  • Stromeferry update

    Published 2 Mar 2012

    Ferry update: The car ferry, the Glenachulish, is currently being examined by an MCA surveyor to assess the damage caused yesterday afternoon when the engine cut out as it approached the Lochcarron s

  • Scottish Emergency Tug Vehicle Group meets with Secretary of State for Scotland

    Published 2 Mar 2012

    The Scottish ETV Working Group met with the Secretary of State for Scotland on Thursday 1 March to discuss options for the continuation of emergency towing capabilities around the Northern and Western

  • 07:26 Elgin-Inverness returns

    Published 2 Mar 2012

    ScotRail’s 07:26 Elgin-Inverness train will return on Monday 5 March.

  • Classroom support in Highland primary schools

    Published 2 Mar 2012

    The Highland Council has confirmed the recommendations of a Cross-Party Working Group, which are aimed at providing better support in the classroom for pupils and teaching staff.

  • Council confirms preferred option for Inverness West Link Road

    Published 1 Mar 2012

    The Highland Council has confirmed the preferred route for the Inverness West Link Road, which will provide a new transport link from the Southern Distributor Road at Dores Road to the A82 trunk road

  • Council welcomes flood grant aid for River Ness scheme

    Published 1 Mar 2012

    Highland Councillors have welcomed the award of £16.7 million’s worth of Scottish Government funding towards the £20.9 million cost of flood alleviation works in the centre of Inverness, which has