News archive

News published July 2013

  • Roll out of Highland Food Hygiene Information Scheme

    Published 2 Jul 2013

    More consumers in Highland will now have a way to find out how well local food caterers and retailers are performing thanks to the complete roll-out of the Food Hygiene Information Scheme across the a

  • Dragons and mini beasts on the menu for family events

    Published 1 Jul 2013

    The Highland Council Countryside Rangers are running two family friendly events next week which will feature a guided walk to track down dragons and a mass mini beast hunt to get a close look at the m

  • The Highland Council establishes three new area committees

    Published 1 Jul 2013

    The Highland Council is to create three new Area Committees to complement the two already operating successfully in Inverness and Caithness & Sutherland.

  • New senior teaching appointments

    Published 1 Jul 2013

    The Highland Council has made a number of appointments of senior teachers in the Inverness and Badenoch and Strathspey areas.

  • Floral tributes welcome visitors to Inverness

    Published 1 Jul 2013

    Visitors to Inverness this summer, including those attending the Aberdeen Asset Management Scottish Open at Castle Stuart (11th-14 July) and the Inverness Highland Games (Northern Meeting Park 20 July

  • Two communities successful in bid for Council’s Challenge Fund

    Published 1 Jul 2013

    Two Highland groups have responded to The Highland Council’s ‘Community Challenge’ and will be providing enhanced services for their communities at no greater cost than the present Council-run p