News archive

News published September 2015

  • Exhibition on new Council offices for Fort William

    Published 7 Sep 2015

    Revised proposals for new Highland Council offices will be on display in a public exhibition on Wednesday 16 September in the West End Hotel, Fort William from 1pm – 8pm

  • Council Leader responds to refugee crisis

    Published 7 Sep 2015

    Welcoming the UK Governments response to accept more Syrian refugees and the setting up of a special Task Force by the First Minister, Leader of The Highland Council, Councillor Margaret Davidson said: “I am sure many people across Highland are very moved by the desperate situation of the refugees, and like me, strongly feel we should be doing something to ease their plight and play our part in this humanitarian crisis.

  • Entry day for the 2016 Be Your Best Rock Challenge® and J Rock™ tour fast approaches!

    Pennyland Primary School Published 7 Sep 2015

    From 6am on Tuesday 22nd September Senior Schools, Academies and Sixth Form Colleges (6:30am for Junior and Primary Schools) registration will open to take part in one of the region’s most dazzling, high energy performing arts competitions as the Rock Challenge® and J Rock™ tour returns for 2016!

  • Dusk guided walk and chance to explore a classic Highland Glen

    Published 7 Sep 2015

    September in the Highlands can be the most incredible time of year with vibrant colours and a shift in the seasons causing wildlife to be on the move.

  • Your community needs you - Community Council Elections 2015

    Published 7 Sep 2015

    Nominations are invited from people seeking election to all Community Councils across Highland this autumn. This is your chance to help represent the views of your community to the Highland Council and other public agencies.

  • Female Provost to lead 400-year ceremony for first time

    Kirking Scenes Published 7 Sep 2015

    The oldest event in the history of Inverness – the Kirking of the Council - will for the first time be attended by a female Provost, Councillor Helen Carmichael.

  • Highlands water cycle campaign is making a difference

    Published 4 Sep 2015

    Scottish Water says it has seen a reduction in the number of calls from customers reporting blockages caused by people putting the wrong things down their sinks and toilets.

  • Thinking of teaching? Still time to apply for DLITE training.

    Aberdeen University Published 4 Sep 2015

    People living in the Highlands who are thinking of a career change to Primary teaching are being urged by The Highland Council to consider a distance learning course (DLITE) with the University of Aberdeen

  • Highland welcomes ‘stay of execution’ for Police call centre

    Published 4 Sep 2015

    Highland Council Leader, Councillor Margaret Davidson has welcomed Justice Secretary Michael Matheson’s announcement at Scottish Parliament this week of measures to strengthen policing in Scotland including a ‘stay of execution’ for Police Scotland’s Inverness call centre.

  • Council makes good progress on performance targets for 2014-15

    Published 4 Sep 2015

    An annual report of Corporate Performance is prepared each autumn, covering performance for the previous financial year.