News archive

News published March 2017

  • Management of Highland schools update

    Published 1 Mar 2017

    Members of The Highland Council’s Education, Children and Adult Services Committee have approved a management proposal for the Farr (Sutherland) associated school group.

  • Closure of Black Isle Education Centre

    Published 1 Mar 2017

    A recommendation to discontinue education provision at The Black Isle Education Centre will be presented to the meeting of The Highland Council on 9 March 2017 for Members’ consideration.

  • Relocation of Dunvegan Primary School

    Published 1 Mar 2017

    A proposal to relocate Dunvegan Primary School to a new building received approval today (1 March 2017) from The Highland Council’s Education, Children and Adult Services Committee.

  • Campaign launch to get 16 and 17 year olds ReadyToVote in council elections

    Published 1 Mar 2017

    More than 200 high schools across Scotland will run electoral registration and voting workshops for pupils today (1 March) to mark the launch of the Electoral Commission’s ReadyToVote campaign.

  • Redesign Board makes recommendations on the redesign of the Council

    Published 1 Mar 2017

    The Redesign Board proposes a significant shift to localism. More council business would be decided locally, with closer connections between the Local Committees and the communities they serve