News archive

News published October 2018

  • Highland schools come out top at Shinty@the Bught

    Published 1 Oct 2018

    Iomain Cholmcille – the Gaelic Shinty Project – has worked in partnership with The Highland Council’s Gaelic Team to organise a six aside national Shinty event for P4 to P7 Gaelic Medium pupils from schools across Scotland.

  • Chance to comment on Review of Highland Polling Districts and Places

    Published 1 Oct 2018

    The Highland Council is carrying out the formal review of its Polling Districts and Places. This review is required in terms of the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 as all polling districts and polling places should be reviewed at least every four years.

  • Still time to apply for Aird and Loch Ness: Your Cash, Your Choice

    Published 1 Oct 2018

    In light of the growing interest in the Aird and Loch Ness: Your Cash, Your Choice Participatory Budgeting the deadline for applications has been extended to 5pm on Wednesday 3 October.