News archive

News published March 2019

  • Joint operation leads to £4000 fine for HMO owner

    Published 4 Mar 2019

    Inverness businesswoman Claire Mohammed was fined £4000 for operating a house in multiple occupation at Cruickshank Court, Dingwall without a licence.

  • Additional Parking announced at Old Man of Storr site

    Published 4 Mar 2019

    At today’s (Monday 4 March 2019) Skye and Raasay Area Committee Highland Councillors expressed their delight that additional funding has been allocated and work is about to start to create an extra layby parking area for 20 cars on the A855 at the popular Old Man of Storr site.

  • Next steps to support reintroduction of air services to Skye

    Published 4 Mar 2019

    A report outlining recent work undertaken by a Working Group set up to support the reintroduction of air services to Skye was discussed by local Members of the Highland Council, Isle of Skye and Raasay Committee earlier today (Monday 4 March). 

  • Update on the re-development of Uig Ferry Terminal

    Published 4 Mar 2019

    The Skye Triangle ferry route operates between Uig, Lochmaddy and Tarbert.  A full review of the infrastructure at all three ports has identified essential works and proposed upgrades to ensure the terminals remain safe and operable and are future-proofed for developments of these services. Consideration of forecast increases in demand for ferry travel, and improved resilience, has influenced the proposed upgrades at all three ports.

  • Eastgate Inverness road closure

    Published 4 Mar 2019

    Motorists are being advised that Eastgate, Inverness, will be closed at its junction with Crown Road to its junction with Inglis Street on Monday 4 March until Friday 8 March 2019. 

  • Council to consult on Nairn Common Good land.

    Published 1 Mar 2019

    The Highland Council is launching an 8 week Common Good consultation.

  • 2019/2020 Council Tax

    Published 1 Mar 2019

    At the meeting of The Highland Council on 14 February 2019 it was agreed to increase Council Tax by 3% from 1 April 2019. Council Tax bills for 2019/2020 will be issued over the coming weeks.