Tourism is the business of everyone

A seminar organised by The Highland Council was held today to address the future of tourism in the Highlands.

"Tourism is Everyone’s Business" was the title of the 4th annual tourism seminar held by the Planning and Development Service at the Council’s headquarters in Inverness.

Highland Council Convener Alison Magee welcomed over 100 delegates and key speakers and Councillor Duncan Allan, Depute Chairman of the Council’s Planning, Development, Europe and Tourism Committee with responsibility for Tourism chaired the question and answer sessions.

Speakers at the seminar included: Fergus Ewing MSP; Alex Johnson, Highlands and Islands Airports Ltd.; Neil Greig, Head of Policy (Scotland) The AA Motoring Trust; and Ed Taylor, Prince’s Foundation Representative at Poundbury.

Highland Council Convener Alison Magee said: "Tourism is the major industry and employer in the Highlands. I welcome the speakers’ contributions on transportation and future developments our region. We must continue to plan for the future and build on our key assets to ensure that Highland remains a strong competitor in international tourism."

Councillor Allan said: "We must build for the future so that our towns and villages look attractive for locals and visitors."

Included in the delegates attending the conference were representatives from a number of major Highland construction and building companies.

For further information please contact: Gordon Ireland, Tourism Development Officer, The Highland Council, Planning and Development Service, Inverness Castle, Castle Hill, Inverness IV2 3EG tel: (01463) 710729

18 Apr 2006