Update on Inverness East Development Brief
A vision for the creation of new neighbourhoods to the east of Inverness took a step forward today (23 February 2017) as Members of The Highland Council’s City of Inverness Area Committee approved elements of a new draft Inverness East Development Brief.
The Committee heard feedback from public workshops and an online survey held in late 2016, where residents, community groups and public sector agencies gave their views about how this area of the city could be developed. That feedback has led to guiding principles being drawn up for future development in the area that were approved by Members today, including:
- a central location for community, commercial and leisure facilities;
- a central district park that connects with the wider green network;
- the delivery of sports facilities in the east of the city;
- a high level of pedestrian, cycle and road connectivity in the area;
- a strategy for design, travel and layout that prioritises walking, cycling and public transport usage and promotes diverse neighbourhoods; and
- a framework to deliver a viable high-quality city expansion.
Members also agreed a list of financial contributions that the Council will seek from developers to help deliver new infrastructure including:
- road network improvements including the East Link Road;
- community facilities including education provision, sports facilities, parks, and serviced allotments;
- a protected cycle lane across the area and infrastructure for bus routes including shelters and real-time travel infrastructure; and
- public art.
Members have supported the proposal of an additional lane on the southbound A9 as an early priority within the East Link project; and also agreed that the Council should progress the design and contract for the construction of an additional westbound lane across the B9006 Culloden A9 over-bridge as an early priority.
The decision by the Committee today allows for the draft Inverness East Development Brief to be prepared in full and brought back to Committee and then published for consultation later this year.