‘Emojional’ addition to Council website

How to access Highland Council website with an Emoji.

People looking for shortcuts to their most used pages on Highland Council’s website via their Smart phones can now use Emoji to take them there faster.

Used in electronic messages and web pages, Emoji are used much like Emoticons and exist in various symbols including facial expressions, common objects, places and types of weather, and animals.

Darren MacLeod, Digital Services Manager said:

“Although Emoji are usually associated with fun, there is a serious message, with the use of Emoji becoming more popular. For example where our web users have literacy challenges or perhaps English is not their first language Emoji have become a universal symbol for conveying a feeling or an idea and can help navigating to relevant website pages. Also, in a mobile environment or small screen, it helps to be able to add an Emoji rather than type a long address.”

Just type www.highland.gov.uk into your address bar, then add a forward slash followed by an Emoji, like this:


The Council’s Digital Services Team is adding new Emoji all the time. If there's any you'd like added, let them know by tweeting @HighlandCouncil.

To read more about Emoji on the council’s website visit www.highland.gov.uk/emoji.


27 Feb 2017