Closure of Black Isle Education Centre

A recommendation to discontinue education provision at The Black Isle Education Centre will be presented to the meeting of The Highland Council on 9 March 2017 for Members’ consideration.

Members of the Council’s Education, Children’s and Adult Services Committee have today (1 March 2017) agreed to recommend to the Council that the Authority discontinues education provision at the centre.  

The specialised support offered by the centre should continue as part of the overall range of supports provided in Highland to pupils with social, emotional and behavioural needs, and will be offered from a new location at the former Killen Primary School, a few miles from the location of the current centre.

Members of the committee considered the outcome of the statutory consultation and representations received. The final report and associated papers are on the Council’s website at: 

Following decision by the full Highland Council, if ratified, the Council will then advise Scottish Government Ministers of the decision reached and follow procedures as required by legislation.

1 Mar 2017